Friday, April 29, 2016

Wall Street Protest Experiment


chickelit said...

But unequal rewards for equal tasks is fundamentally different than unequal rewards for unequal tasks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Unequal task?

Everything is beautiful... in its own way.

chickelit said...

@Lem: I'm not saying these two monkeys have unequal tasks. Savvy?

chickelit said...

Let's think of an experiment which would test "From each according to his ability; To each according to his need." That would entail two monkey's doing unequal tasks and getting unequal rewards. Would the monkey doing the lesser task insist on working more up to its ability?

ndspinelli said...

Next, they form a union and demand a contract.

ricpic said...

The lefty response would be that this experiment proves the only path to happiness is equality. Everyone gets cucumber everyones happy. Eliminate grapes and you insure happiness forever. The surest path to happiness is Mr. Ability giving his grapes to Mr. Need until there are no grapes left. "Let them eat cucumber!" If Marie Antoinette had said that instead of the stupid cake/grape thing she'd have escaped the guillotine.

Leland said...

What chick wrote at 11:03. The experiment is very good scientifically. It does show that two equally capable monkeys, doing equivalent tasks, one would be unhappy if given unequal reward. Of course, we have to trust that they monkey was really upset about the reward and not just thinking the grass is greener on the other side. It could well be that one monkey has envy and the other does not, and that both would otherwise (as stated) prefer the cucumber. A good experiment, but it has flaws.

Regardless of experiment, the Wall Street protests was more about unequal pay for unequal labor. I think Wall Street bankers are overpaid too, but when I worked fast food as an entry level job, I was paid a lot less and thought I was well compensated for the tasks required of me. If a McD employee came into my office and wanted to get the pay for the work I do; if forced by government to do so, then neither one of us would end up doing my work. Them because they are incapable, and me because I'd go back to flipping burgers.

Rabel said...

Left Capuchin throws like a monkey.

Rabel said...

I disavow any linkage to the President Obama first pitch video.

Chip Ahoy said...

This seemed interesting at first, in a Jeeze this sounds much like a liberal obsession kind of experiment.

It's going to need more dogwhistles.

So I decided to bear with it. And I lasted until the human in blue with face protection and mouth mask and gloves is feeding a monkey behind bars. The oddest thing, the strangest sensation of seeing the situation through the monkey's eyes and thinking as a money, this being a captive monkey subjected to these experiments involving shit food is pure bullshit. I am unhappy monkey. *click*

You know how the researcher's very presence affects the outcome of the research? It occurs at the atomic level. What happens depends on being observed. This experiment reeks of it, that human in lab coat that looks like an alien on a spaceship running an experiment in jail, no less, sort of like HEY I'M RUNNING AN EXPERIMENT WITH YOU, LITTLE MONKEY, STUDYING YOUR ASS ALL OVER THE PLACE. TIGHTEN UP! kind of affected the whole thing a little bit and ruined it for me. Where's the humanity? Nowhere. But then fail to make it entirely mechanical.

Couldn't do it. Couldn't watch the whole thing through because I sense liberal obsession attempted to be demonstrated and failing again through horribly false equivalenceand yet this experiment will lodge in liberal monkey brains as valuable information.

They need to give the monkeys choices of careers. Then observe which monkeys choose dangerous high risk and physically trying, psychologically demanding, and emotionally wrenching higher paying jobs and which monkeys choose more laid back surfer hut, nurse attendant, monkey librarian lower paying jobs, making special notation of their sexes.

Then rate them individually on the jobs they do. Match job for job.

Milo Yiannyaninyingyanopoulos goes through this quickly, too quickly for his college audience to grasp and have settle because it doesn't affect anything they ask thereafter, he told them the statistics are calculated as all men together earn ____ and all women together earn _______ and that total amount is unequal. Digging into the numbers reveals the jobs men and women choose for themselves are unequal. And performance within jobs is unequal regarding reproduction. That is, more women than men decide for themselves to take time off from work to devote to their families. It is a rational choice and that choice affects their career arc. More than it does for men. Now, this here is what you call a biological difference between men and women. Step back. And notice that women actually have and exercise more choice in the matter than men. By numbers altogether. Women have more choice than men and it shows in collective earnings. Rejoice in this choice.

When comparisons are made job to job then the claim of disproportionate pay falls apart.

The social problem liberals are attempting to address is the very real burden that falls to unwed mothers. Again, all personal choices.

Is that what this experiment is trying to show? Do you think that is the conceit here that even contrives such an experiment?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I think this is more a comedy set up than science experiment, but it still made me laugh.

Amartel said...

Left Monkey does an excellent impression of an Occupier. They could put a little police car in his cage for him to poop on.

Methadras said...

It's not that he got unequal pay, he just wanted a fucking grape since cucumbers taste like shit to him.