Friday, April 29, 2016

WKRLEM. This is why Donald Trump will win

He is the only who will give someone like Jamiel a platform.

The rest of them are afraid.


chickelit said...

Any one of the other candidates could have given him a platform, but they're afraid to. They're afraid to even consider it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I saw a video of a guy with a Trump red hat, going through the throng of protesters, almost got taken down. He was saved by good samaritans in the crowd.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

These people are convincing me we need the wall.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump should have plenty of supporters like this at the convention (seriously).

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. Trump will campaign with Mike Tyson on one side of him and Jamiel Shaw Sr. on the other side.

Think he might get a few black votes?

Trooper York said...

Trump knows how the do this.

When Obama comes out against him he will be standing next to Mr. Shaw and will say" don't you know you let his sons murderer into this country. And refused to deport him."

How are the optics on that one pilgrim?

edutcher said...

While Cruz was worrying about studying with law students from the minor Ivies, Trump was learning about people like that. Sorry, Cruz supporters, but that's why we have the situation we've got today.

This is why he's going to win. Name another politician, except maybe Reagan, who would hand over the stage like that?

This guy is no clown. He knows exactly what he's doing and reaching out to people like that has given him the following he's got.

Trooper York said...

Ted Cruz doesn't know that someone like Jamiel Shaw Sr existed. I mean he might know it intellectuallly but he would never hand over the mike to him and let him tell his story.

Trump has the common touch. He knows how to do this.

His enmities....our enemies...Americas enemies don't get it.

Did you see the kid with the sign that said "Make America Mexican Again"

Guildofcannonballs said...

Also because Bill Clinton is the friend of the Devil.

"Friend Of The Devil"

I lit out from Reno, I was trailed by twenty hounds
Didn't get to sleep last night 'till the morning came around.

Set out runnin' but I take my time
A friend of the devil is a friend of mine
If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight.

Ran into the devil, babe, he loaned me twenty bills
I spent the night in Utah in a cave up in the hills.

Set out runnin' but I take my time, a friend of the devil is a friend of mine,
If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight.

I ran down to the levee but the devil caught me there
He took my twenty dollar bill and vanished in the air.

Set out runnin' but I take my time
A friend of the devil is a friend of mine
If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight.

Got two reasons why I cry away each lonely night,
The first one's named Sweet Anne Marie, and she's my hearts delight.
The second one is prison, babe, the sheriff's on my trail,
And if he catches up with me, I'll spend my life in jail.

Got a wife in Chino, babe, and one in Cherokee
The first one says she's got my child, but it don't look like me.

Set out runnin' but I take my time,
A friend of the devil is a friend of mine,
If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight.

Guildofcannonballs said...

One of the few things I feel sadness about is Dennis Miller.

He was perhaps the funniest football commentary I've ever heard.

Maybe it wasn't his joke: I don't know this type of intricate detail and greatly greatly pity those that might, but when the "I wonder if The Dan charged her for two duckets" line upon the camera focusing on a pre-season pregnant Washington Redskins fan in the stands, I understood how my eye is vastly superior to all but a certain Father Martin Fox.

And of course all that entails in terms of not one man but everything other than that.

Guildofcannonballs said...

As it happens unspeakable sadness descended upon a man who was friends with a musician and artist I have linked, as though that means shit even thiough his art says it don't, not Detroit wise/style/emulsified.

Please pray for the family and friend's in this terrible time of tragedy.

Having foregone Catholicism I despise myself for knowing NOTHING else isn't superior. My piddly self is worth much much less than zero of course.

So my answer, talking about and linking Robert Novak's and by God Robert Novaks' later-staged mannerisms, is QUAUNDRY.


Indeed I place my faith in Catholic understanding of reality; knowing any challenge to as such would not take place.



Well because Catholicism allowed for the English to start a messy process of democracy, made, of course, much easier when considering much more "derp-face:in-your" understanding of Satan than Catholics have ever allowed for save shitcunts like the Pelosi.

Pelosi. Everything Micheal Corleone ever dreamed, but with the ugly dumb whore daughter fucking with everying-possibly-approaching-decent in your face telling you NO.




Guildofcannonballs said...



Trooper York said...

Is it a full moon tonight?

chickelit said...

Is it a full moon tonight?

I used to voice NotQuiteUnBuckley in a drunken Foster Brooks voice but I guess it was too amateurish.

rcommal said...

Whatever happens, whoever wins, no matter who gets inaugurated in early 2017, life will continue to go on with all of its day-to-day obligations, and not just because it has to, but because most emphatically it just, well, *will*.

Life works that way. Doesn't it?

chickelit said...

@r,l: It does indeed work that way. I occasionally back out of day-to-day discussions, only to rediscover that truth.

The Dude said...

I thought I saw baggy at the Trump rally.

He was using a Bic to set an American flag on fire.

Illegal values, baby!

What, too soon?

AllenS said...

Picked up my tree order at 8 in the morning yesterday at Balsam Lake, WI. Drove home, then split wood until about 2 pm. Thirsty, I went to the local convenience store and bought a 6 pack of beer, when a woman approached me, and said: "AllenS?" It was Mary who comments at Althouse, and whose comments are deleted. Mary was calm and reasonable. A Trump voter herself who told me that her Democrat voting father also likes Trump.

So, there you are.

windbag said...

This comment by Trooper from a few days ago is the best case for voting for Trump I've read anywhere. (Note: I did NOT say it's the best case for Trump, but the best case for voting for Trump; there's a difference.)

What I have consistently said is that he can be an agent of change. Unpredictable change. I love a lot of the politically incorrect stances he took. I don't know if he will follow through on all of them. Or some of them. Or even any of them. But I would rather take that chance than sign on for another round of failure theater from either the GOPe or the conservative establishment who want the game to stay the way it is.

Talk of a brokered convention and fears of a third party candidate will go on and on. The reality is that Trump is already a third party candidate, despite possibly landing the Republican nomination. He's an unknown, which is the attraction of a third party candidate. People look to a third party when they're weary of both sides ( about obvious). When did we have serious contenders as third party candidates in our lifetime? John Anderson, Ross Perot...I think that's about it. Even Lyndon LaRouche and Ron Paul were never serious contenders, although they're probably the only other ones that might come to mind.

Anderson was the attractive outsider post-Watergate and the disaster of Carter. Many people were fed up with the corruption and incompetence of the previous decade, and he made a noticeable run in 1980. Perot gained popularity in 1992, partly because there was little difference between Bush I and Clinton. People were disappointed that Bush didn't turn out to be Reagan III, and Clinton was just another Democrat who spewed the same rhetoric the rest of the Democrats spewed; he just did it with more empathy. Not much of a choice in '92, so Perot is suddenly interesting.

Trump is the dark horse this year.

Trooper's comment deserves much attention, because it's a pragmatic, honest shot of reality.

XRay said...

Good observation, windbag. I voted for Anderson and for pretty much the reasons you outline. Agree also that Trump is essentially a third party candidate, though he will have the RNC behind him, whether they like it or not.

ricpic said...

If Trump has Mary's vote that means he's locked up the crazies as well as the sane. How can you beat that?

Of course it wasn't hard to get crazy mad at Althouse. That's known as backtracking...on my part.

edutcher said...

Mary was always fun.

I'm Full of Soup said...

That's it Allen? You gotta give us a little more info about this Mary.

AllenS said...

Well, AJ, I know who she was engaged to, and I'm a good friend of his brother. She lives in Rice Lake, WI, works in the cities (St Paul/Mpls). She's originally from Chicago. Stays in the cities when she is working, and stayed last night at her ex-fiances' place in Star Prairie. She's slightly red-headed, Irish, physically fit. Now, this is between you and me, so don't everyone talk about it at TOPs.

I'm Full of Soup said...

No worries my friend. What was the background on her vs. TOP? Why such enmity between the two?

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow, that's assume! I meant to say awesome just now. My mental picture was of a bag lady. And to be picked out like that is a bit, I don't know, weird.

I don't even care that much for meeting people at large that I know in real life.

"What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?
"Biz wax, what are you doing here?
"Monkey biz wax, what are YOU doing here?
"None of your biz wax, what are YOU doing here?

"Buying a sixpack."
"Buying a hotdog and Slurpee."

AllenS said...

Not sure, AJ. Chip, we were bound to meet. Star Prairie is a small town. This is a picture of me. I was at the convenience store to buy a six pack, and Mary had filled her car up with gas.

rcocean said...

John Anderson? He was never a serious 3rd party candidate. He was just a #NeverReagan type who would have accomplished nothing more than give us 4 more years of Jimmy C.

IRC, he got 5% of the national vote, mostly in New England and the West coast. Then spent the rest of his life sneering at how "stupid" Reagan was.

rcocean said...

I remember bumping into an old HS classmate about 8 years after Graduation. He was a clerk at drug store in downtown BigCity USA.

He'd been BMOC, star Football player, etc. His life after HS had been one failure after another.

It was kind of embarrassing, so I always avoided that store after that.

AllenS said...

You should have kept in touch, rc, he might own the store now.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah I am with you Chip. Years ago I was a people person but not so much anymore.

windbag said...

Anderson took 6.1% of the popular vote in 1980. 6.1% is enough to have reversed the Presidential elections in: 1948, 1960, 1968, 1976, 1992, 2000, 2004, and 2012.

AllenS said...

You know, every four years I've had to make a decision on who to vote for. More often than not it wasn't anyone who I wanted to vote for (except Reagan), but, as a conservative, I thought I didn't have a choice and voted for the Republican nominee. Then McCain happened, and I didn't vote that year for President because I detest McCain. To me, Trump is a breath of fresh air. Do I know what he'll do? Do I know if he'll be a good President? No, I don't know any of that, and let's face it, I've been disappointed for a long time voting for the Republican nominee. I'm all done with that. I am dismayed that this election has caused so much pain, and separation to people who used to be friends. I hope that after it's over, and I hope that things turn better with POTUS Trump that those friendships can again happen.

My 2 cents.