Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Black students connected in SU racist drawing"

USA Today College:  The image, found April 10 on a whiteboard in Blackwell Library, showed a stick figure being hung and labeled with a racial slur. Underneath was the hashtag “#whitepower.”
The university confirmed Tuesday, April 26, the students involved in the incident were black, spokesman Richard Culver wrote in an email. The university would not provide names of the students, citing the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Instapundit asks; without fake hate crimes, would we have any hate crimes at all?  


Chip Ahoy said...

This belongs down there ↓ in a previous thread but then you wouldn't see it.


Can you imagine what that will be?

Scroll down a bit for photos to see how these things get their names.

ndspinelli said...

Is this where Salisbury Steak originated? If so, close the place down. Salisbury Steak sucks!

Rabel said...

A star is born.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I saw the video and was feeling ashamed of how much I disliked this woman. The feelings sort of morphed into pity, but like a car wreck I kept looking on twitter and saw how her okcupid ad was being mocked. And her weight, and her looks, and her autism(?). Now she has been identified by name and I'm sure will have to lock down all her social media. I want to keep feeling sorry for her, but I see the justice of what is happening to her.

Is Schadenfreued : 'wouldn't wish that on anybody, but it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

The Dude said...

Just saw a comment made by a friend who saw Duke maintenance crews cleaning up after the spoiled students ended their protest, which was in support of Duke maintenance personnel.

So, if I follow this, it is either a make-work project by rich white virtue signallers or they truly are brats who were never required to clean up their own mess.

Either way - FORWARD!

Amartel said...

Regular justice: innocent until proven guilty
Social justice: guilty until proven innocent which is never.

Amartel said...

Hate crimes must be presumed to be fake until proven otherwise.

Amartel said...

Who stands to benefit from hate crimes?
Not the presumed hater, the SJW. "Hate crime" is the Full Employment and Failure Justification Act for SJWs.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Perhaps, but if you recall the campus unrest at Mizzou (Mellissa Click et al) was preceded by labor dispute where the teachers union was unhappy with an increase in their health insurance contribution.

The administration was the target and the teachers whipped up the students with bogus and silly racism stories.
Today? The old administration is gone and the new administration caved on the insurance issue to start off on the right foot, and show good faith.

Amartel said...

Thanks, Jim. That's a side to this story that I hadn't heard about. It was all drummed up by union goons to pressure the administration. The big unions kill every business they touch. Mizzou is precipitously down in enrollments.

One more reason to get unions out of government work.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, My old man was in the IAM. He saw how unions ruined manufacturing in this country. He taught me unions protect the losers and create bad chemistry in the workforce, causing hardworking people to say "fuck it." The last decade of his career my old man was middle management, a foreman @ Pratt&Whitney, having to deal w/ the union and all their petty horseshit. He retired as soon as he could.