Saturday, March 19, 2016

Coming To A Ballot Box Near You..

...the California Multilingual Education Act (2016)
The California Multilingual Education Act (Senate Bill 1174) will be on the California ballot as a legislatively referred state statute on November 8, 2016.

A "yes" vote is a vote in favor of repealing most of the 1998 Proposition 227, the "English in Public Schools" Initiative, thus effectively allowing non-English languages to be used in public educational instruction.

A "no" vote is a vote against repealing most of the "English in Public Schools" Initiative, which was designed to prohibit non-English langauges from being used in public schools.
The proposal doesn't have a Prop number yet. I'm not in favor of diluting English as the primary or even secondary language in American schools. I'm not sure exactly how this measure would impact the teaching staff in K-12 California schools or the university system for that matter. But it would seem hilariously just if proficiency in Spanish were to become a critical hiring credential at schools and universities in all fields.

I think this initiative is likely to draw pro-Trump people to the polls in droves in the fall as much as it draws pro-immigration people. It may even affect the primary in June if word gets out.


edutcher said...

Carrying CA would be a coup, but it might take one to pull it off.

As for English, not teaching kids English condemns them to a life of second-class citizenship. This is the price of forgetting the lessons of history.

But it would appear Chuckie Schumer isn't the only one who wants to revive slavery.

So does Moonbeam.

ricpic said...

Amazing how well the Hispanic kids comprende the English language dialogue in the movies they flock to.

ampersand said...

Around 10 years ago, a friend's wife was not hired at a Chicago suburban public library specifically because she couldn't speak Spanish. It was just a part time book check in and out job.

rcocean said...

This will mean a large expansion of CA school teachers since Kids will have to be taught in Spanish, Chinese, or whatever. And anyone who can't speak the language won't get hired.

A massive waste of money and a further disintegration of California into a multi-caste, multi-language, UnAmerican hell hole.

But California is rich. So, there's that.

Jim in St Louis said...

I dunno anything about CA so the above comments may have more information than I.

But it would seem to me that language will develop and evolve on its own without government supervision. I would imagine that English will continue to borrow Spanish words that describe something better than a standard english word does. Plus all the nouns.

Kids will be fine, they don't learn language from school anyway, its all from the home and the TV and the movies and the youtubes etc. rcocean might have it best- just the rice bowlers squawking for more dribbles of cash from government.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Another one of those confusingly written propositions that will probably pass because people voting NO are really voting YES or something or another.

I call them the Yes we have No bananas propositions. Written purposely to confuse and deceive.

I wonder how this rule would work for Charter schools or private schools? Can they still teach in English? If so, expect a surge in Charters and religious schools. And home schooling where ever possible.

Seriously, if I were young again with children of school age, I would home school.

Methadras said...

DBQ, it's written that way on purpose and it will require millions of advertising dollars to tell the California electorate that won't give two shits about this what a yes vote means and what a no vote means, so in effect, it won't be supported and most likely will never get traction. The one I'm worried about is tax-by-the-driven-mile initiative that is forthcoming. That will be a clusterfuck. This is what one party rule looks like folks. This is what happens when leftists have totally taken over an entire state with concentrations of money being placed in mainly two cities; San Fransisco, LA, and one that barely wants to be a part of this mess, San Diego.

All this will do is expand the already nigh powerful California teacher association, the CTA. So that Dept. of Education dollars will flow to the state, which will flow to them and then get money laundered in donations back to the DNC. It's a fucking nightmare.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The one I'm worried about is tax-by-the-driven-mile initiative that is forthcoming. That will be a clusterfuck.

Amen to that. It is difficult to see how they plan to implement this. Are they going to demand that everyone retrofit their cars? Who pays for this? Who is going to inspect and make sure these tracking devices work, are accurate or aren't disabled? Are they going to demand that we all have GPS tracking devices on our vehicles? The privacy concerns on that are huge. Expect lawsuits.

The unfairness of taxing by the mile for rural people, who have no choice but to drive more miles and who have NO alternatives for public transportation. Then there are business that require driving as part of their operations. What about commercial companies who have fleets of trucks in the State.

Are we going to tax by the mile the fleets of government vehicles? I thought not.

How are you going to tax by the mile OUT of state vehicles, commercial vehicles passing through the area? The trucking companies will just domicile themselves in Nevada and register their equipment there. More businesses leaving the State. God. Our legislators are stupid!

How about all the illegal aliens who are driving without registration or insurance. Gonna be able to tax their beater vehicles by the mile. Nope...thought not again.

We have 9 vehicles. Some are for business. A three are rarely driven because they are collectible type cars. Ranked from oldest to newest we have 62, 68, 69, 72, 78, 79, 82, 82 & 2002 We are not unusual in the country ....well....except for the collectable and hot rod cars. People have multiple vehicles for multiple uses.

It will be a clusterfuck to try to get everyone of these vehicles to be able to pay by the mile. In fact. It isn't going to happen. We already pay taxes on the gasoline. It would seem that should suffice.

It isn't OUR problem that the State pushed fuel efficient and electric vehicles on the public and then with the unintended consequences that always happen, realized that they just screwed themselves out of being able to pick our pockets.

Methadras said...

DBQ, leave it to the Marxist leftists in the California statehouse to fuck it all up. That's all they've been doing now that they have a massive super-majority that will never see Republican opposition again. I think a lot of industry groups are going to tell Sacramento to go fuck themselves if they decide to initiate a tax-by-the-mile initiative and if it's put on the ballot it will lose massively, until a series of lawyers with already typed briefs will submit a lawsuit the next day to get the vote overturned. That's how they work in CA. Don't like the way a vote worked out, sue to overturn it. They did that with prop 187 and a few others.

Amartel said...

This initiative will draw a lot of conservatives to the polls. We fought hard to get rid of this crap, and with good reason; it places an enormous burden on immigrant kids if they don't learn English when they're still in school. Cali's school system is so screwed up in so many ways; new law passed just this year mandating high school diplomas for all high school seniors regardless of whether they passed the basic requirements or took an exit exam (and it's retroactive to 2004). So, basically, the California taxpayer is subsidizing a diploma mill churning out morons with misleading credentials.

Some muckety-fuck in Venezuela's failed government admitted that the State there was purposefully un- (or maybe non-) educating its students so they would vote for more State. We don't need no intelligent free-thinking authority questioners 'round these parts!

Amartel said...

DBQ, I saw something about how the State (Cali) is trying out the car tax/mile with volunteers this year further to developing some fake/foregone conclusion data to support passing it into law next year no doubt. Thanks, Governor Clown, for your ceaseless, neverending efforts to grift money from the people and redistribute it to the government and its corporate cronies.

Amartel said...

Yes, absolutely, the tax would disproportionately burden rural people, and people with long commutes. In other words, poor people (not that you're "poor" but the gov has been hard at work undermining the rural for a while now so "economically oppressed" may be more apt.)