Thursday, March 24, 2016

“Obama attacks the dance floor”

"Obama criticized for doing the tango 2 days after bombing in Brussels"
President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama were coaxed from their table at a state dinner in Argentina on Wednesday night to dance the tango. And critics already furious that the president had attended a baseball game in Cuba following Tuesday’s deadly attacks in Brussels were unmoved.
“That was a tremendous mistake,” Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday. “It’s fine to go to Argentina, you want to do the work, but you’ve got to be careful of these little photo ops and optics. Baseball games and tangos, that’s inconsistent with the seriousness of the day."
From Cuba: Obama praised the way David Ortiz responded to terrorism in 2013.
“One of my most powerful memories and one of my proudest moments as president was watching Boston respond after the marathon, and when Ortiz went out and said, probably the only time that America didn’t have a problem with somebody cursing on live TV, was when he talked about Boston and how strong it was and that it was not going to be intimidated,” Obama said in an ESPN interview during the game.
“And that is the kind of resilience and the kind of strength that we have to continually show in the face of these terrorists.”
That is not the whole story, however, as Taranto points out in his Best of the Web column today, quoting from CNN...
“Boston and surrounding communities are put on lockdown—with schools closed, public transit halted and people ordered off the streets—as authorities hunt for the surviving suspect.” That was four days after the attack.


ndspinelli said...

I always like to offer the perspective of the MSM. Imagine if this was W.

edutcher said...

Take a good look at that woman.

She's a better man than he is. Splendid musculature and style.

And it would appear she's leading.

Black Narcissus looks like he's wandering and she's dragging him around.

Wonder where Mooch is. Scowling again?

Dad Bones said...

Swing Blade (About 2:40)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama is happy to let others be and say defiant things in a way he can't.

Terrorism is just not his cup of tea... (no es el santo de su devoción).

Amartel said...

Wouldn't care except for this

deborah said...

I'll give him this, he practically threw her off him when she put her leg on him at the end. There are limits lol.

bagoh20 said...

It's pretty unfair to make anything of this kind of stuff. How many people die around the world every single day, and very often in greater numbers than in Brussels. Most of Africa and Central America are awash in mass murder on a daily basis. It must have something to do with the media's love of chocolate. Imagine if the President were to always arrange his day around the murder of innocents. He'd have to have a direct line to Planned Parenthood's scheduling office. Ain't nobody got time for dat.

edutcher said...

No, it's not.

The Lefties screamed their asses off because of "My Pet Goat" and Dubya was caught unawares.

Pissy was aware of what had happened and he does his Nero thing, anyway.

He's a true sociopath, no one matters but him.

bagoh20 said...

Every single attack should result in an immediate cruse missile launch into some loved area of the Jihad's. Worldwide Intelligence operations should be continuously finding and lining up their locations, camps, storage sites, etc., and as soon as we get hit, the hard rain comes fast and dependable. Maybe deport a hundred to Syria for every death. Eventually they will all be gone one way or the other.

bagoh20 said...

I'll be anxiously awaiting your attacks on Trump when he has something better to do.

edutcher said...

Whatever that means.

ricpic said...

Hussein is confident America can take the next blow his co-religionists deliver. And the next. And the next.

I sincerely wish the worst on him. Tit for tat if you will.

Trooper York said...

"Every single attack should result in an immediate cruse missile launch into some loved area of the Jihad's"

You say that like it is a ridiculous statement. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with bombing the shit out of ISIS when something like this happens? What's wrong with not worrying how many nits get squashed before they turn into lice?

Do you do the best answer to a terrorist attack is to deplore Isalmaphobia, praise the religion of peace, blame it on a video and golf?

Listen I know you can't with Trump. I get it. But you need to rethink this. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

"Maybe deport a hundred to Syria for every death."

So we shouldn't examine the migrants and so called refugee's? We shouldn't deport the ones with terrorist ties? We shouldn't profile the type of people who are running wild in Europe? We should give up like you tell us we should give up with the Mexican Reconquista? Is that what you are saying?

Who kidnapped Bags and put Lindsey Grahams brain in his noggin?

deborah said...


"What's wrong with not worrying how many nits get squashed before they turn into lice?"

Occasionally the feeling comes over me that jihadists are like the invading insects in Starship Troopers.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

On second can look it up.

I had to and I misremembered. I thought it was General Sheridan who said it. He thought it I am sure but he didn't say that.

He did say something that fit this situation but then I know you all know it.

Trooper York said...

General Sherman had a quote that I would love Trump to use in his next press conference:
"If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast."

Trooper York said...

General Patton did say this about Donald Trump:
"All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated."

bagoh20 said...

Troop, I wasn't being sarcastic. I really think that's what we should do. I think it would make them reaevaluate the use of terrorist attacks in the west, and I think Trump will steal my policy idea by the end of the week, but make it sound really stupid, somehow.

edutcher said...

Troop, that Sherman line sounds more like Phil Sheridan.

Or John Chivington.

Just sayin'.

Trooper York said...

It was Chivington Ed. You really know your history.

Trooper York said...

Some guys you can't quote directly even when they are right.

Titus said...

The Boston hate has got to stop.

We are fab!

We gave the country fag marriage and universal health care-by a republican governor.

We are a fab, thriving city, with the an unemployment rate at 3%!

Chip Ahoy said...

I've avoided the dance story. A million things rush to mind at once and all of it is boring. A proper mental block has formed so it bounces off as if that doesn't even count.

And I'm thinking instead how much the spontaneous piles of votive candles and cards and flowers and stuffed toys and mementos and photographs, and decorations and more candles and heaping piles of perishable perishing flowers, and wreaths, and art, and even more candles, and letters, and contents of junk drawers and letter desks, drawings, poems and framed photos, and sofas, and lawn furniture and pink yard flamingos and Christmas tree decorations, and old computers, and blow up swimming pools and entire truckload of random worthless shit piled up in memorial.

Fuck you.

Somebody's got to clean that shit up. Fuck the sentimentality where action is demanded. It's wretch inducing. Unless they want to build their bonfire (of vanities, is it?) directly outside the Islamists flat so the entire neighborhood knows, *hand signal, horizontal V flicked from eyes* we. are. watching. you. And we don't care how you feel about it. The whole lot on probation. And read that however you will.

Run scent-trained dogs through the places sniffing out all those illegal explosives and firearms. They have a clear scent. When there's a lot then there's a lot of scent. And if not dogs then electronically. Apartment house by apartment house, then over again. Tap the mosques like mot&$^$&*ckers. And not let up under pressure. Do all this some openly some secretly.

That's what I was thinking instead of the tango dancing.

Tango is supposed to be a hot and physical argument that breaks boundaries sexually, I'm imagining it arose with all the rest from the Rio de Plata sub culture with their hipster or beatnick-y type language. peepers for eyes, walkers for feet, kisser for mouth, etc, their own music and this dance. This is the chance of her lifetime, to dance with the cool U.S. president, and she's going to make the most of it. Dancing with him is like Raul lifting his arm -- wet dishrag. Everyone wants to touch our president. The whole world wants to touch and play and dance with our president. Cannot we be happy about that?

No. We cannot. Conservatives cannot and Republicans cannot and conservative Republicans certainly cannot because they expect and demand far more, remote, scary and untouchable, way more, and that's why they cannot accept Trump either.

I was supposed to distract myself with detesting maudlin sentimentality in place of direct action but that didn't work. Another self-psych fail.

deborah said...

"Run scent-trained dogs through the places sniffing out all those illegal explosives and firearms. They have a clear scent. When there's a lot then there's a lot of scent. And if not dogs then electronically. Apartment house by apartment house, then over again. Tap the mosques like mot&$^$&*ckers. And not let up under pressure. Do all this some openly some secretly."

I concur. Time to dance. I guess it's going too far to nuke Riyad.

EXCELLENT pick-up about what kind of tango-er Obama must have been. I adore the tango, and pledge I shall learn it sooner rather than later. Gather rosebuds while ye may, and all that.