Thursday, March 31, 2016

Donald Trump: 'Some Form of Punishment' for Women Having Abortion


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Some have a theory that he is doing this on purpose.
Ben Carson says "really didn't think about it."

Presidential. We certainly don't want him to think. That would be so PC.

edutcher said...

If he were an anti-establishment guy, wouldn't he say something like this?

AprilApple said...

Some have a theory that he is doing this on purpose.

Some are paranoid lemmings.

As things stand, Hillary appears ready to concede WI and NY looks shaky.

If Bernie comes on strong, what will the Cruzzers do?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Considering Bernie is even stronger in the polls against Trump - what will Trump supporters do? Deny all poll accuracy?

ndspinelli said...

Only a buffoon like this guy could alienate both pro and anti life people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is a Trump defector who says Trump never thought he would get this far.


ndspinelli said...

Great link, Lem. This is what intelligent, critical thinking, people have known all along.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am at the point of ABC and ABB IOW ABD.

The campaigns on both parties prove the fed govt has its mitts into way to many parts of our lives.

It is time to downsize Uncle Sam and do the basics: Seal borders, control illegal immigration, build up military, kill ISIS, reduce the number and types of federal laws and federal cabinets and follow the Constitution or try until you can amend it to your liking.

Meade said...

Trump is not ready to be president. If he were, he would have said to Matthews — I'm pro-life but your hypothetical is never going to happen. Abortion is legal and regulated because that's the way the majority of Americans want it. I happen to disagree with the majority but in our lifetime abortion will never again be criminalized. Next question.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why do these guys (running for President) even attempt to answer such a stupid question.

The President of the US doesn't make laws regarding abortion. It isn't within his/her job description. Same thing with teh Gay issues. Just refuse to answer these questions. These are "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" type of questions. There is no answer and the President doesn't have any power over these issues.

They phrase the questions to that there is no possible way to actually answer or address the issue. I wish they would refuse to answer and/or demand that the question be rephrased so that a person could answer. Just because you are asked a question doesn't mean you HAVE to respond to it.

Meade has the correct response to Matthews. he would have said to Matthews — I'm pro-life but your hypothetical is never going to happen. Abortion is legal and regulated because that's the way the majority of Americans want it. I happen to disagree with the majority but in our lifetime abortion will never again be criminalized. Next question.

Meade said...

Trooper York said...

Trump made a mistake. Not that it will hurt him with women who think abortion is a sacrament.
He will never get their votes. He is clumsily trying to reach out to the pro-live vote which is a stranger to him. I don't think he is legitimately pro-life so I am not surprised. He should have been true to what he really believes and should say he doesn't really care all that much. Just like most of America without a fetus in the fight.

Trooper York said...

The correct answer is that a woman who has an abortion will be punished for the rest of her life and for all eternity. Just not by the legal process.

ricpic said...

It is time to downsize Uncle Sam and do the basics: Seal the borders, control illegal immigration, build up military, kill ISIS, reduce the numbers and types of federal laws and federal cabinets and follow the Constitution or at least try until you can amend it to your liking.

With Trump we will get seal the borders through kill ISIS. We most likely won't get a reduction in the size and reach of government or strict constitutionalism. Half a loaf is better than none.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump could have said this, too:

"You know Chris, we all know you are a Hillary supporter. Big time. Why don't you ask Hillary why she supports ALL forms of abortion, at all stages of pregnancy, including late term abortion (which is gruesome and cruel, and most Americans are opposed to the procedure) and she also expects tax payers to pay for it all."

hmmmm Chris?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The nightly news jumped all over it as they fainted on their couches. Trump gave them a terrific gift.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rush on the Trump abortion answer: He made the mistake of answering a hypothetical, something a trained politician avoids.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Considering Bernie is even stronger in the polls against Trump - what will Trump supporters do? Deny all poll accuracy?

They're all over the map, but, OK, why support the One True Ted when the polls, oh, so accurate, tell us only Kasich could win?

The nightly news jumped all over it as they fainted on their couches. Trump gave them a terrific gift.

Until somebody follows the Ashley Madison account at the One True Ted's Senate office and finds out who he was screwing while Heidi was back in TX.

edutcher said...

PS Hey, April, PPP has The Donald and the Cruzist thug in a dead heat

Or are polls suddenly worthless?

And the Cruzist thug named Ted joked about running over Trump with his car.

But that's OK, right?

William said...

The correct answer is that there is no correct answer. It's a slippery slope on either side of the mountain. I'm in favor of abortion and capital punishment. I'm also in favor of those who oppose abortion and capital punishment.........There have been tens of millions of females aborted in China and India. I would like to hear someone like Chris Matthews press hard against Hillary to square that fact with her feminist beliefs. Do women everywhere have the absolute right to abort their child for any reason they choose? If the pains are ten minutes apart and the mother has a change of heart, does she have a right to demand that the obstetrician snip the baby's spinal column? You never hear the pro- choice people being asked tough questions......Ditto with capital punishment. Isn't there any crime that deserves the death penalty? El Chappo has killed more than ten thousand people. His punishment is to sentenced to prison until such time as he can arrange the next escape.

rcommal said...

I thought that joke of Cruz's was execrable.

I hate this political season.

rcommal said...

I honestly think it's bringing out the absolute worst in pretty much everyone, and believe you me, I firmly include myself in that statement.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - we don't want any jokes on late night TV comedy-shows... with jokes. We should honor our politically correct tradition of political correctness.
Free speech is a one way street for king Donny. Everyone else better get back on the PC boat. He is after all, delicate. We must, after all, worship his highness. NO JOKES directed at king Obama... er I mean Donny.

edutcher said...

You must be joking.

You and the rest of the Cruzzers screech at anyone who dares have a differing viewpoint and then start whining about free speech is a one way street for Trump.

You are truly round the bend, kid.

Seek professional help as fast as you can.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He's not presidential, Troop. Based on this:

"With nuclear, the power, the devastation is very important to me."

-Donald Trump

And based on politics 101. He had an opportunity with Matthews, and he kinda blew it. I agree with your comment above, Troop - "He is clumsily trying to reach out to the pro-live vote which is a stranger to him." Trump isn't a natural at this abortion stuff. Someone should have coached him that all R's are asked by democrat media members about abortion. hello! (and Dems are never asked about abortion)
It was a perfect opportunity for Trump to throw it back in the Matthews-Clinton face, and he screwed it up, and gave ABC, CBS, and NBC their own gleeful hemorrhoid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Troop Nobody is mocked or attacked more then Trump. You think it's bad now?

edutcher said...

No, it gets worse if the One True Ted actually is taken seriously by the media.

What happens when the Lefties "discover" the One true Ted appeared on a stage with a preacher who advocates, "Kill the gays"?

BTW All the drivel you and bag were spreading about Rubio requesting to hold onto his delegates so Cruz van have them? Guess again.

Trooper York said...

Nobody is mocked or attacked more then Trump. But if he gives it back in regular guy speak youse numbnuts shit a hemorrhage and say he is not Presidential

That's why people love the guy. All the phonies are very Presidential.

I'm sure the One True Ted is Presidential. Right up to the point Rinse and the McConnell crowd hand the nomination to Ryan or Kasich (he's the only one who can beat Hillary; all those polls say so).

Trooper York said...

No. But I don't think it can get any worse. This is inoculation from Hillary and Elizabeth Warren and whoever else they throw up there. Ted Cruz and the Republican Establishment are throwing everything they have at him and Trump is still winning. The contest will go on. We will see how it goes.

You are very one sided April. Which I expect from an advocate. I know, I know. You are going to say that I always support Trump and never say that he is wrong. Which is not correct. I often say he is wrong. I often say he has views I don't agree with. I often say he is weak in certain areas. But on balance he is the weak vessel that holds the most water for me.

A perfect example is the so called pledge to support the final Republican nominee. Trump agreed to it with the caveat that he be treated "fairly." Now fairly is subject to everyone's own interpretation. But if a candidate comes right out and says that they would not support Trump against Hillary.....well why would Trump say he would support that candidate.

On this point Cruz has been honorable. So far. He has said he would support the final candidate and that he would stick to that promise. I hope he does. But if Trump comes in with 1200 delegates and then his delegates are compromised on the second ballot and flock to someone like Paul Ryan or Mitt could you reasonably think that either Cruz or Trump could support that?

ndspinelli said...

Never give an inch. Never admit you're wrong. That's the NY way. Spout Opus Dei drivel about women. One wonder why we have so few women here and why great women like Darcy left long ago? Just read the hate filled shit from a guy who hates kids as well. Anything to get a Reality TV asshole in office. Maybe Trump will throw him a crumb.

ndspinelli said...

To let a fucking stupid shanty Irishman like Matthews[watch him on Jeopardy for laughs]put you in a trick bag so easily. Guys like Putin will rip Trump a new asshole.

edutcher said...

nd, giving an inch has gotten us PC, the Ozark Mafia, the Choom Gang, and people like McConnell.

If you've got a third way, I'm sure we're all willing to listen.

ndspinelli said...

NO ONE here is more anti PC than I. I just don't veil hatred as anti PC as some here do. I reckon it is difficult to give an inch and admit a slobbering fool like Chris Matthews outsmarted you. Admitting you fucked up is what I was taught was being a stand up guy. Apparently, some were taught otherwise. This ain't about PC, it's about Trumps insatiable ego. Read the very telling article Lem linked to written by a former Trump aide. Of course, she's just a cunt in some guys minds here. She probably had an abortion and will burn in hell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

At this point Trump is hiding behind anti-PC and jumping anti-PC's shark.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times.

Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents, 80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.

Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating — making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates."

Trooper York said...

Opus Dei drivel? Man you are unhinged. Your hatred of New York, Reality TV and "Shanty Irishmen" is really out of control. I get it. You hate Trump. You have made it very, very clear. Fair enough. You have a chance to vote against him in Wisconsin. Have at it.

But you need to calm down.

Maybe you should go and kiss Turley's ass a little. That always seems to put you in a better mood there buddy.

Trooper York said...

The woman he linked to is a former staffer who has different views that Trump but signed on for a fat paycheck and now is getting praise and money by turning on him. Just like Nicole Wallace did to Sarah Palin. It is a cottage industry for women in media.

Of course you hate women if you point that out. You hate women if you point out that when they demand different treatment than guys do like Megyn Kelly or Michelle Fields. There must have been a hundred guys pulled off of the candidates when they encroached on their personal space and kept grabbing them (as per the Secret Service). Of course none of them filed charges. Or when Trump calls them biased and refuses to give their shows ratings by appearing on it to make them money.

Makes a lot of sense.

Trooper York said...

No wait. He was a penguin. Not that Penguin. That is Oswald Copplepot. He is the one who was in Arkham Asylum with Barbara Kean, the Joker and Heidi Cruz.

But he was a penguin not a possum. Sorry.

Michael Haz said...

In the end, the abortion comments Trump made will not have much effect on his candidacy. His supporters and likely voters are conservative, and that includes being pro-life. His comments won't change their vote to Cruz or Kasich.

And any rational being who watched the Matthews interview realizes that Matthews was angry, probably half-drunk, and doing anything and everything he could do to derail Trump. That's what hack, third-rate MSNBC show hosts do. The same goes for Matthew's nephew, Rachael Maddow.

Trooper York said...

Nobody is going to change their minds. If you hate Trump because he is a Reality TV star and a New Yorker then you are going to hate him. If you love Bernie because he is a communist then you are going to love him.

Meade said...

Minimize it all you like. Blame it on slimeball Matthews for doing his slimy job and for good measure take a gratuitous bigoted shot at Rachael Maddow. Tweet it from the mountain tops of Waukesha to the tea parties of Green Bay. Please yourself. But this issue is not going to go away for Trump. Sure, some of Trump's supporters are social conservatives but most are not. Some are pro-life, but most are not. Trump's problem is and has always been breaking through his ceiling of 35-40% of Republican primary voters. That wall just got 10 feet higher, Mexico won't be paying for this one either, and his general election appeal will now be permanently underwater.

bagoh20 said...

Epic Fail. Hillary could win from jail or the grave against this bone head.

Meade said...

Since this thread seems to have just about played out, I'll take this opportunity to say goodbye to all you Levitious Lemmers.

Lem has emailed me to say that several of you who do not like me asked that he banish me and he has decided to accommodate their request.

A few of you don't seem to hate my guts too bad so... to the 2 of you: best wishes, good luck, and God bless.

Trooper York said...

I thought April Fools was tomorrow.

ndspinelli said...

Of course, a woman who is contrite over having an abortion cannot have forgiveness. Right, ass eyes? Eternal damnation for them. Now go kiss Stacy London's ass. Maybe she'll throw another bone your way in your search for Honey Boo Boo fame.

ndspinelli said...

Don't let the door hit ya' where the Good Lord split ya', lawnboy. It was more than "several" that wanted you gone, shithead. It was damn near unanimous.

ndspinelli said...

Of course Matthews was at least "half drunk." He's a shanty Irishman.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, I know this was a tough thing for you to do. For people w/ a good heart, like yourself, it's hard to understand someone like him. You have no frame of reference because you don't have the issues lawnboy has. Indeed, you are the antithesis of his ilk. Thanks.

ndspinelli said...

Meth needs to come out of his shell and say what he really thinks.

The Dude said...

I'll believe it when I don't see it.

This has happened before, but how can we miss him if he won't go away?

bagoh20 said...

Maybe, I just have a bad memory, but I don't get what it is you guys have against Meade that's so hate inspiring. There is nobody I read online anywhere that I want banned.

ndspinelli said...

bag, It is a series of horseshit. He is inextricably linked to his despised spouse. The biggest blowup was a few years ago @ Althouse involving gay marriage. I had moved on and was no longer commenting or reading Althouse when that occurred. But, that sanctimony and deleting of comments by the dysfunctional duo regarding that issue is what caused the schism. It became clear a looong time ago that lawnboy's only goal was to sabotage this forum. The only 2 people I have ever sought banishment for were this shithead and his female counterpart, Inga.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ND - a few years ago? Time to get over it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't think that rage is healthy, ND.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eh - don't let people get to you.

ndspinelli said...

Rage? I am w/ my 6 month old granddaughter. I'm in heaven. I made fart noises on her bare belly just now and she is laughing. I merely don't suffer fools or foolishness. You ain't seen my rage. Not today, anyway.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe, I just have a bad memory, but I don't get what it is you guys have against Meade that's so hate inspiring.

Well, he did harangue, shame and insult his supposed friend Palladin the moment he became homeless, about a painting that hadn't been delivered. But it's not certain that you'd consider that to be a sign of bad character

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've got my own reasons for thinking nothing good about Chris Matthews.

bagoh20 said...

That is the one thing I remember, R&B, but the rage here seems to have more than that behind it.

ndspinelli said...

Ritmo, The Palladian incident was maybe the worst of many nasty episodes.

Methadras said...

I ask any of you when you have ever seen me advocate for someones banning? Never. Except in the case of the worthless professors toady. Some of you can tolerate his passive aggressive snark reading his ineffectual pablum stained bullshit that does nothing but instigate and stir shit for the sheer sake of seeing if he can actually get away with it. I don't have that kind of tolerance.

Even Ritmo gets it and I'm not his #1 either. I won't dwell on the lackey's past indiscretion with other members when I/we were back at TOP, but you've seen it. How he worms his way into people's trust only to then throw them under his short yellow bus if they should displease him and his Domina. And I agree with Spinelli on the Palladian incident, that was just sheer rancid bullshit. The guy runs afoul of some bad luck at one of the worst times in his life and the dog-fucker shits on him in a very public way. I wanted to strangle the life out of that asshat even back then for doing it.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Meth needs to come out of his shell and say what he really thinks.

Yeah, I really do. My shell is thick and meaty.

rcommal said...

Grave dancing. Who's next.

The Dude said...

r,l, you, if you promise never to come back.

Lawrence Meade, address redacted, is famous for doxing anyone from whom he could obtain personal information. His morals are even worse than his step son who is rumored to turn tricks on Hollywood Blvd.

He also chatted up and financially supported a black racist, who openly called for a race war in this nation. Somehow Larry thought that was virtue signalling.

But what can you say about a "man" who mows lawns, fails at it, then marries a drunk who has a fat pension, assuming you believe they actually got married. It is hard to discern which party to that abomination in the sight of the Lord was the bigger fool. But they deserve each other, and, apparently, that's all either of them has in the way of social intercourse.

rcommal said...

Sixty Grit wrote: r,l, you, if you promise never to come back. I'm thinking that there's a "don't" missing there, between "you" and "promise." So be it. Who cares. I know that you'd prefer that me and mine be crushed unto dust, Sixty Grit. I get it. That said: I take comfort in knowing that 1) you can't do that and 2) we're still the ones underwriting your health care benefits and your social security payments. In other words, all you can do is insult, vilify, demean, and try to crush people, and specifically, when you can, specific people, such as me, for example. On the other hand, to state it again, what we are doing is underwriting you, in terms of both social security and medicare. What you're getting in abundance, while spitting at the likes of me and mind, we're paying for.

The hilarious thing is ...

... that I did, indeed, call so much of what has ensued, so many years ago ...

... oh, yes, yes I did.

I did.

rcommal said...

We've paid property taxes for ever (including those that pay for schools). We've also paid to educate our own kid independently. THAT MEANS ****ALSO****, not instead . We've done both. Consistently. Without exception. Folks out there? You haven't subsidized us. We have, however, subsidized you.


We have paid both sides of social security for years and years and years (and years and years).


We have to pay into unemployment-insurance funds and workmen's compensation funds and disability-insurance funds, none of which either of us is eligible for, on account of our being self-employed owner sorts.


Sixty Grit: Fuck you, and the old-fashioned horse your rode in on.

You are lucky that such as I and my husband still exist.

We are cursed that you and the likes of you get to spout bullshit while sucking up so much of our resources.

rcommal said...

I was raised to work really hard. I was raised to do both that and not be nasty, because, at the time, everyone worked really hard, and so there was no reason to be nasty.


In my later years--on account of the sorts of Sixty Grit, Methadras and Trooper York--I have come to know that how I was raised is complete shit, worthless, useless, without value. In other words: Crap, full stop.


Well, hey, whatever.

rcommal said...

You sorts have made a grave mistake.

Not only do I not have to give a shit, anymore, about what you have to say about me&mine or how you say it, I also don't have to care about any of you&yours, anymore. Turn-about is fair play, innit?

You deserve everything you [don't] get.