Sunday, March 27, 2016

Norm Macdonald on Minorities, Gays, and God


ricpic said...

Disagree with him on two counts: no one FORCED a black to be proud of being black. Ditto homosexuals. It is different - contrary to MacDonald's assertion - to say that you're proud to be an American. I'm proud to be an American. Which means I am proud of our founding principles and the extent that they are adhered to. It doesn't mean that I give myself a gold star for being born here.

Meade said...

Expressing pride in who you are can just be a way of pushing back those who want to shame and oppress and keep you down.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

An excellent point about Stephen Hawking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The bigger point is that we all close ourselves off with the petty smallness of shirt color, skin color, where we were born. Get over it, already. Time to move on....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"My mind can play tricks on me." Intuition is where's it's at baby.

I like how he sounds like he smokes way too much pot.

ndspinelli said...

I like Norm. He is an unabashed degenerate gambler.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe the 'mind playing tricks on us' has something to do with keeping us alive and not been able to intuit how that is done (how the mind plays tricks) is the ultimate trick. Which is not a trick, or it stops being a trick, once it is found out.

If we found out it may be too disappointing, or too gloriously fulfilling enough to kill us or something. Like too much sugar, or mind altering substances.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Terrific find Deb. Norm is great.

The Dude said...

Groundskeeper Larry
Found his "wife's" face increasingly scary
Everyday she looked more and more dowdy
As her jowls grew to resemble a Doody named Howdy.

Because one cannot have a large enough number of clerihews to shame that punk.

deborah said...

Lem @11:09 great observation. We'd maybe become entranced like some religious meditators. Zen would call it the Void or universal suchness. "Your eyes radiate a light that penetrates the mountains and rivers."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I didn't say that!

I merely bounced off what Norm said -which is that we get bogged down with it. It's not that important.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I am proud to me an American. And actually, you cannot say that anymore without
some dork PC leftist accusation that you are a racist xenophobe. amirite?

For example - when the blog-o-sphere first hatched, I chatted on a music board. Everyone was obsessed with nationality. I said - I'm an American. they said - no you are not - what is your European heritage? I said- what diff? My parents are American, their parents are American and I am an American. They wouldn't accept it. I must admit my European heritage. ( Why? )

My family is from all over Europe but I have no connection to any of it. My connections are all American.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

me = be

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wat Norm was saying, I gander, is that we bog ourselves down with labels - black white gay black white gay. Break free - we are more than these labels. It's time to evolve.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meade- you're such a tortured gay liberal cliche.

Meade said...

I'm proud to be a tortured gay liberal groundskeeper cliche.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Meade said...

aw shucks, I'm not that proud.

The Dude said...

Hoe boy Lawerence
Sat and cried torrents
He couldn't pick where to tattoo the Schutzstaffel symbol in Armanen runes
As it clashed with the Hakenkreuz from his time in the Tombs.

Once an anti-semite Bernie lover, always a Nazi.

Meade said...

Hoe boy — I like that, Sexty. Keep em comin,

The Dude said...

So you admit that you are a Nazi. Nice. Be sure to inform on your family members, okay?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's not that important.

It's important in the context other nations may make theirs important.

I'm for matching others nationalism with some nationalism of our own.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If they don't make it important, then we can de-escalate.

Meade said...

Will do, Sexty.

chickelit said...

"Hoe" is an actual word in Dutch. For example Hoe laat is het nu? means what time is it now? [lit: how late is it now?]

The Dude said...

Hoe is a word in English, too. Ken Jennings knew that word. Alex Trebek, however, didn't. Sometimes word play fails when the listener is too freakin' stupid to get the joke.

Chip Ahoy said...

People are proud of what their countries have done and do.

The country western song "I'm proud to be an American" must grate on Norm.

It must piss people off when Americans say it because there really is a lot to be proud of. Our predecessors are awesome. The cream of the crop that packed up and actually left their shit hole countries and came here to make something of themselves.

To make something of themselves out of nothing.

To take opportunity perceived as present here, and to make opportunity where there are resources to do it.

People went to Australia for the same reason, to Canada for the same reason, Greenland, Iceland, all for the same reason. But who went to the moon? The goddamn moon! I don't care WHO ya are, that's awesome right there. Case closed. Shut the fuck up.

Nit pic and nibble at the edges all you like. Carefully explain to us Swan invented the lightbulb in Britain and not Thomas Edison in the U.S. Go on and break it all down for us how Ford didn't invent assembly line manufacturing, and that advances in flying were made in Europe before the U.S. Provide the details for us how entry into both world wars was annoying late and our participation not all that considering the numbers of soldiers that died on all sides. Tell us how we are rather late in ending slavery. tsk tsk . Go full Howard Zinn on our asses.

I've read a dozen times of British visitor's surprise at the number of American flags. They go back to flag-happy flag flapping, flag-layered, layers and layers of British flag upon British flag upon British flag, on clothing on billboards, on busses, in shop windows, as decoration, on shoes, in hair, actual flags flapping all over the whole island, and say, "Boy, those Americans sure like to fly their flag."

Our flag grates them. It does.

A man photoshopped a sand castle, actually a tiny sand house from an upturned child's sand bucket. In Photoshopped adorned it with cottage window and door, a tiny chimney and and a flag. A British commenter said, "Aw, fluffy. Except for the flag, that ruins it."

Chip Ahoy said...

Fuck you this Easter, you 4,096 characters limit. What an odd limit to be.

"Fluffy" their word for anything comforting warm and nice. I'm all, "Bitch. Your flag is actually spikey. It represents colonialism, white superiority, and oppression. It's warlike and aggressive in its graphic nature. Like a sharp propeller chopping across the sky AT YOU or twirling blades. You used your most powerful navy in the world against us twice. Burned down our capitol in fact!" Our flag is one of peace and friendship toward humanity, a beacon to the world while yours is barely tolerable, similar to our confederate flag. It represents oppression and bullshit aggressive overlording governance."

By way of making friends.

We have recording of the actual Colonel Sanders. But Norm gave us his comedic impression of his conceptualization of an American southerner. No Kentuckian speaks the way Norm imagines American southerners speak. I found the bit exceedingly offensive. It's not the slightest bit funny. I have a Canadian accent that slays. Wanna hear it? That's what he gave to us. We paid him to offend us. Every time I see that come across my cable I think how many ways I'm paying for my own abuse, by my cable bill, by being subjected to ads instead of programming, by the ad agency hiring a Canadian to imitate an American southerner rather poorly and quite divergent from the actual Sanders, any Kentuckian.

And I've got an Australian that I can crank up to high and mangle my vowels so badly you want to punch me within five seconds. Wouldn't that be funny in an ad for Outback? I run my vowels through a tongue mangler off an old time washing machine while advertising Outback and somebody punches me.

I'm proud to be American means I"m proud of all the awesome things that collectively Americans did and do. Norm overanalyzes because he's Canadian. And that means being almost American. Until you hit it big and find, hey, may as well be one. Then aver that's really nothing to be proud of.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Pride when based on gratitude is essential yet if based on ego is a deadly sin.

The recognition one is in a position to stand on giant's shoulders and see great things (opposite of a snake) can be a source of pride if cultivated with a staunch moral gravitas, understanding only a very few can be historically great yet each individual can/should attempt the lifelong duty of being prepared for greatness' potential thrust.

God bless each of you all and I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful Easter holiday filled with the absence of strife and hate.

Methadras said...

Norms problem is that after he told us of his diatribe, which I found amusing only because I like Norm, is that he didn't say he was sorry. That's what canadianers do.

ndspinelli said...

I have followed Kotex on other blogs and on all, it's the same pathology. Unable to ever get any positive attention from an alcoholic, abusive daddy, he seeks the only attention he has ever known. That is negative attention. Friendless, and a disintegrating marriage. Estranged from his child and despised by his current wives children. An angry, loathsome, pitiful excuse for a man.

ndspinelli said...

Meth, Canadians do apologize a lot, eh.

Meade said...

Thanks, Nick!

Titus said...

I dont' have gay pride-just gay.

Proud would not be something I call myself-is that bad?


Meade said...

I wish I could give Titus a hug and boost his self esteem

William said...

I'm not particularly proud to be a white American, a heterosexual, and tall, but I'm grateful for these attributes. You don't have to spend a lot of time obsessing about your height, or race, or sexuality. Life is a wearisome enough journey without sweating the small stuff........Today Is the centenary of the Easter Rebellion in Ireland. I'm Irish Catholic on my father's side, but I was born in America so being Irish is not a religious duty. Thank God. There are very few things to n life I care less about than the six counties of Ulster.

MamaM said...

And besides, we were indoctrinated to be proud of America.

I wish you'd speak for yourself, deborah, and own your own indoctrination if that's what's happened for you. I don't believe I've been indoctrinated to be proud to be an American, but I have travelled extensively, which is an eye opening experience that invites greater awareness as to what being an American includes and involves.

As for Titus, unabashed bragging about untrue things falls under a different category than Pride.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

I wish I could give Titus a hug and boost his self esteem

That would require you to be on your back with your legs up in the air waiting for his boosted self-esteem to penetrate you. I think you're ready.

Meade said...

Only in your mind, Methateras.

Meade said...

To MamaM's point -- people who are unable to take pride in who they are or what they do should try to get up a little gumption and migrate.

MamaM said...

...people who are unable to take pride in who they are or what they do should try to get up a little gumption and migrate.

Is that why you keep showing up here?

Meade said...

Haha — good one, MamaM. But no, I show up here for the same reason you do. I'm proud of my work wherever I go. Like Lem.

ndspinelli said...

Mama w/ the KO!!

Meade said...

By the way, indoctrination generally gets a bad connotation but it can also simply mean socialization. Like catechism.

Trooper York said...

Lawnboy shows up here to destroy the little group we set up. He is a migrant from a hell hole of a blog and wants to impose Althousian values here. He is just like the migrants who are the nesting Europe.

We need to set up a Wall. A Wall of deletions.

Don't let Lem's turn into Brussels.

Trooper York said...

That is " infesting" Europe. My iPad screen is broken and it is very hard to post quickly.

Meade said...

"it is very hard to post quickly"

Aw. But why do you need to "post quickly?" Can't you just take your time like a man?

Meade said...

Here's a quiz: Who said, "I am really honored and I am really proud, that I was able to do something that nobody else could do."

Anyone know?

ndspinelli said...

Lem lately has done some links to a real legal blog. Today, Turley has a good post about the ISIS savages crucifying a priest. Maybe another link to a SUCCESSFUL attorney's blog is in order. I gave kudos to Lem for his links last week. However, when you have a borderline personality you're dealing w/, it takes more direct action to get their minds right, like the aforementioned uniform deletions by all bloggers. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."

When someone has no friends, and whose children won't talk w/ him, combined w/ being abused as a child, this is what you get. Someone whose only play is seeking negative attention. It is the semi-male version of Inga.

Meade said...

Will Nick ever get over his butt hurt?

Anyone know?

Trooper York said...

Why don't you go away your worthless cunt?

Don't you have to edit that failing blog. I see that Mary is over there doing the same thing you are doing over here. Or did the Evil Blogger Lady take away your privileges again?

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Only in your mind, Methateras.

Oh you are so unclever you little dickhead you [/pinches your little beak].

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Larry's married to a clinical narcissist. Do you guys have any idea how overwhelming his need for attention is?

Do you know how worthless someone has to feel about himself, in order to make and maintain an intimate life-partner out of someone who can only ignore him and glorify herself?

That's where Larry's coming from. Being a bitchy nag over here is just about the only outlet that it's at all possible for him to have.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Methadras said...
Meade said...

I wish I could give Titus a hug and boost his self esteem

That would require you to be on your back with your legs up in the air waiting for his boosted self-esteem to penetrate you. I think you're ready.

March 28, 2016 at 4:13 AM

Blogger Meade said...
Only in your mind, Methateras.

March 28, 2016 at 7:25 AM

You give him too much credit. This is exactly what's happening in your mind, as well.

You're just waiting for blondie's command for it to happen, first.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. That 4:13 comment was great, BTW.

Meade said...

"a clinical narcissist"

What about your own narcissism, Rhythmo. Ever had it looked at by a pro?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They said that even if I was, it's not something that could be diagnosed on the basis of a lawn jockey's desire to marry me.

Cleverness really isn't your strong suit, is it Larry.

Meade said...

You seem very hateful toward blue-collar people. Why would a "lawn jockey" even consider marrying you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not sure why you read (projected?) hatred into that. Anyway, it seems like you're the one who's declaring yourself to be better than (i.e. above marrying) me.

You really aren't all that bright, Larry. But you don't have to be a jackass-y db on top of it, you know?

As for class hatred, I recall all the compassion you had (well, lacked, really) for a newly homeless man of whom you demanded delivery of a product or service that he was no longer in a position to supply.

You're not a proud blue collar guy. Whatever class you are, you'll still kiss up to the blondie in the class above and kick down to the unfortunate soul below. Let's not pretend that you have a sense of humane decency that extends beyond the boring political butt-kissing of whomever your hero du jour happens to be.

ndspinelli said...

Another KO on the same thread by Ritmo! What sort of masochist keeps coming back to get his ass kicked. Wait..someone who got his ass kicked as a child and finds a perverse comfort in it. Never mind.

Meade said...


hahahaha. What a dope, right?

MamaM said...

What sort of masochist keeps coming back to get his ass kicked...

Not someone functioning in health. It's reminiscent of the Oops syndrome. Or that Mary person that keeps Althouse busy monitoring her comments like a schoolmarm. Hahahaah.