Saturday, March 26, 2016

Does anyone know what kind of hummingbird this is?

Via Reddit


AllenS said...

Looks like an ass.

bagoh20 said...

I think that's the new hummingbird tax being collected.

rhhardin said...

It' a horsefly.

deborah said...

rh beat me to it.

MamaM said...

Sweet Lips

Chip Ahoy said...

I gave away two hummingbird feeders this weekend. I pushed them upon a salesman type person who likes being agent for such things and is very good at it. He placed them immediately. The trick was have them pre-boxed. But easily enough opened they can be shown or traded out for another, as happened. And you know what this means? More little birdies get sugar water, more womenses get little surprise prezzies, the agent gets to be hero prezzy provider, and I have two less silly things to dust around here. Everyone wins, birds, women, agent, me.

#5 (old style shoe polish bottle with sponge dobber lid for perch)

#6 (antique baby milk bottle)

Conclusion: the effort was probably good.

MamaM said...

Conclusion: Outreach!
Outreach; to surpass, extend beyond, be more or greater than, to exceed, to go to far--beyond conventional limits

Enough for the outreach of one to extend into prezzies and providence for at least three more; and in the case of the pheeder in the photo, the offer of provender for beaks extending to muzzles.