Friday, March 25, 2016

"Indiana just banned abortion if the fetus has Down syndrome"

Washington Post:  The law, which was passed by the legislature earlier this month, would make Indiana the second state in the nation, after North Dakota, to ban abortion in cases where a fetal anomaly is detected. It also would bar the procedure in instances where the decision is based on the sex or race of the fetus. And it could make Indiana the first state in the country to require that fetal remains be buried or cremated, rather than treated like medical waste.
Among the critics of the measure were several Republican women in the state House, who said they considered themselves “pro-life” but thought this bill went too far. Still, the signing of the law by Pence — a staunch opponent of abortion who is in a tight race for reelection — was fully expected. (Link to story)


Olson Johnson is right! said...

I have no information on this bill other than the WaPo article. I question the ‘solely‘ wording. Does that mean that giving multiple reasons or a reason not connected to the disability would be OK? I question the enforcement- who is going to rat out the woman- Planned Parenthood? I question the process. Do the clinics even ask women WHY they want to abort? I thought it was cash and carry, and the fewer questions the better.

Progressives are not the only ones who virtue-signal on pointless symbolic acts that have no impact on the real world.

Trooper York said...

I have always thought that when "a gay gene" is identified and women start aborting gay babies the shit will hit the fan.

Eddie please pass the popcorn.

Leland said...

I'm happy with the Texas Law, and don't agree with the Indiana law.

Leland said...

Agree with Trooper about the potential behavior if a "gay gene" is found.

Meade said...

Even if there were such a thing, why would a woman want to abort her fetus just because it has a gay gene?

Meade said...

"Progressives are not the only ones who virtue-signal on pointless symbolic acts that have no impact on the real world."

Being legally required to bury or cremate one's aborted fetus, instead of disposing it as medical waste, might have an impact in the real world.

bagoh20 said...

The beauty of virtue signaling is that everyone can do it without, you know, actually doing anything.

Trooper York said...

If there is such a thing as a gay gene it will be one of the most common reasons for abortions. Right up there with the baby being a female in China.

Science marches on. Viability is possible earlier and earlier. But baby killing remains the vocation and ideal of the liberal sensibility.

The clash of protected classes will be a very interesting and entertaining spectacle.