Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What makes absolutely 0% sense to you?

Reddit "best" answers....
How we are able to talk to ourselves silently.
The outrageous money we spend on weddings and funerals. Look, if you're rich, go for it, but people routinely spend money they really shouldn't be spending on what essentially is either a party or putting someone in the ground.
What blind people 'see'. You'd think it's black... it's not black. I've heard it would be the same as describing what you see out of your elbow. It makes my head want to explode.
Weird little genetic shits. Just floating around, infecting people with their weird shit. Giving people weird shits. It's all shit.
I mean, what the fuck virus? Where did you come from? How did you get here? When did you evolve? And why do you hate us?
Flat Earthers
Astrology. What part of space was your part of the earth facing when you left your mothers vagina... Because this is clearly going to have an effect on your life. PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THIS! GENUINELY!


MamaM said...

Tiny house swooning.

Methadras said...

That some people believe in zombies and they are atheists. Go figure.

ricpic said...

The voluntary enslavement of most people makes 0% sense to me. Born with the divine spark they let it go out and live like worms.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The "dam daniel" social media thing.

bagoh20 said...

The female mind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I was going to say "dark matter" but since "black lives matter" i could get in trouble.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Common Core Math, when you first try to tackle it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Common Core was so annoying I told my 1st grader nephew to wait for his mom, the family math genius.

Chip Ahoy said...

I don't get trust. The dichotomy of how much trust we have and keep in other people, how necessary for everything, while simultaneously not ever really fully trusting anyone for anything.

For example, flying from A to B involves a tremendous amount of front loaded blind trust in about a 1,000 different way when we start looking and adding them up. We have to trust everyone involved in a complex process. It must all work brilliantly or it doesn't work at all. So many things are like this. Everything is like this.

All of us experienced the evolution of internet access. The trust involved, the complexity of various systems working together for it to happen is astounding.

And trust is so easily violated. It's amazing there is any at all. The most basic level of trust are family and tribe and even those are disintegrating and reforming.

I shall now write a song. "Gotta New Tribe" it's based on a kooky old timey song about a funk town.

Gotta new tribe
tap tap tap tippy tap tap
A new tribe for me.
tap tap tap tippy tap tap

Well, I talk about it talk about it talk about it talk about a new tribe.

Boink key boinky boink boink.

And the whole trust / distrust cycle renews.

Meade said...

Belief in angels.

Steg said...

Why people don't realize socialism and communism are the most terrible governments, and that they have unlimited* potential when set free.

I suppose that also dovetails with our voluntary slaves, too.

*only limited by your imagination.

Disbelief in guns!

They do exist.

Disbelief in violence!

It does exist.

MamaM said...

Based on some of my experiences with dogs, and other animals I've known and encountered, it makes zero sense to me not to believe in ministering spirits.

Then again, it also makes zero sense why someone with a blog to manage and a public reputation to maintain would compromise their integrity by coming to another's blog to act the troll, bait and comment in threads where he's been clearly asked not to comment.

Meade said...

"where he's been clearly asked not to comment."

By Lem, MamaM? Or by you.

And isn't sort of trollish to call other people trolls?

MamaM said...

Read it again, Meade, and answer your own questions.

I clearly referred to someone coming to another's blog to comment in threads where they've clearly been asked to stop commenting.

Lem's Levity appears to be the work of several co-contributers, one of which has, politely and impolitely, asked you to stop commenting in their threads and has gone so far as to remove your comments from their threads, yet you persist in disrespecting that request.

Also note that noting another is acting like a troll differs significantly from calling someone a troll. One is an observation, the other a judgment. The same holds true with people who behave like fools.

I truly wish you'd stop acting the fool.

Meade said...

MamaM, why are you such a prig?

MamaM said...

As for angels, an encounter with one tends to remove doubt in their existence. Either that, or it raises questions that often remain unanswered for years, lifetimes and centuries.

MamaM said...

MamaM, why are you such a prig?

Meade, why are you still beating your wife?

Can you possibly act any more silly and juvenile?

God, I hope not. Please stop with the foolishness.

Persisting makes 0% sense, as it demeans you and those you love.

Meade said...

Haha. A priggish schoolmarm.

MamaM said...

Haha. A priggish schoolmarm.

Is there something you don't like about schoolmarms, Meade? Or was that a compliment considering your penchant for them?

As for priggishness, Haha is the best response. Think men in shorts.

Once again, 0% sense.

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

To add to the thoughts on trust, much of what's built, constructed, and maintained in the US is done so by the lowest bidder, the person or company looking for short cuts and ways to do it cheaper, or involve less labor and parts than the competition. It's amazing to me that anything substantial, functional and enduring makes it to completion and safe use. It's as though the higher angels and lower ones end up working together.

Which is not good to think about while leaning on the bolted together metal railing overlooking Niagara Falls.