Friday, March 25, 2016

Obama finds difference between Socialism/Marxism and Capitalism an "interesting intellectual argument"

When Obama says "so often in the past" that's a seatbelt signal.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The government steals your stuff - that works perfectly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Che shooting you in the head V. a privately owed business. Same thing!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A government forcing you to pay for something they now control, and if you refuse, you get fined. Obamacare. Love.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Life in a Cuban prison V. Freedom. Same thing!

Adamsunderground said...

If he engages in the argument, are other people in the room?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In Venezuela the argument is not so much an intellectual exercise than a struggle to survive.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Stalin kills you and steals your farm - it's all good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As long as our political kings and queens are living the life of luxury - that's all we need.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Never has a reliable failure been propped up, rehabbed, repackaged and passed on as the real McCoy as much as communism/socialism. The walking dead of failures.

I mean I suppose you could argue the benefit of a mule over a tractor to plow your field, but you would have a hard time convincing the mule.

I'm just sayin.

ricpic said...

The red diaper baby spews the big lie. So what else is new?

Michael Haz said...

I know, right?

But anyhow, looks like Ted Cruz has WPS (Wandering Penis Syndrome).


deborah said...

I won't believe it till I see it on Drudge.

Little known fact, Mickey Kaus could have broke the John Edwards story, but refrained.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's funny and sad how Trump blind faithers now hate Cruz. *face palm*

Michael Haz said...

National Enquirer got it right regarding Gary Hart, John Edwards, and Tiger Woods.

deborah said...

Ah, so you were serious :) I wondered. Cruz be toast, then. lol after Utah voted for him.

edutcher said...

This is the guy with so little intellectual curiosity, he the there's an English embassy and they speak Austrian in Vienna.

AprilApple said...

It's funny and sad how Trump blind faithers now hate Cruz. *face palm*

No, dear, the Cruzzers picked this fight 2 months ago with lies, name-calling, and misrepresentation. Now, it's payback.

PS Lots of updates to the Cruz story here.

3 of the women have been tentatively IDed and this isn't news to those on the inside in politics through Twitter conversations under the hashtag #TheThing. Almost certainly this was the warning shot fired across Cruz' bow by The Donald and, apparently, this is the reason Ben Shapiro left Breitbart.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ed- your dear leader is king of payback. All he knows, really.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As Trump continues his ridiculous scorched earth campaign, (Twitter!) he loses support from those not already bitten by the blind faith bug.

Cheers to ignoring that reality.

Michael Haz said...

Deborah, here is more information you might want to read.


bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Really, Haz? That's what's wrong with Cruz, somebody says he had sex? If true, how does that make him LESS qualified as a Constitutionally limited President compared to all the rest? You like digging in that dirt?

bagoh20 said...

There may be some out there, but I have not heard anyone suggest that Cruz will make a good president because he's celibate, a loyal husband, or never gets any.

deborah said...

With Trump's spokesperson Katrina Pierson too funny. Honeypot?

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

As Trump continues his ridiculous scorched earth campaign, (Twitter!) he loses support from those not already bitten by the blind faith bug.

Cheers to ignoring that reality.

I suppose the fact he keeps winning and gaining support (60% of Rs support him rather than Cruz or Kasich) is ignoring reality.

But, to the little girl who insists on ignoring reality, consider this.

One of the women IDed as one of Mr Christian's girlfriends turns out to have been Carly Fiorina's campaign manager. Which helps explain the half million dollar payment to the Fiorina campaign by the Cruzzers. Inquiring minds at even the WaPo wanted to know about that.

bagoh20 said...

There may be some out there, but I have not heard anyone suggest that Cruz will make a good president because he's celibate, a loyal husband, or never gets any.

Oh, but he's Mr Christian, the One True Ted, he loves the Constitution and he can be trusted to fight for America. That stuff about his really being the ultimate insider and hooked up with the hated Bushes and Goldman Sachs is just subterfuge.

Now who's refusing to face facts? I said your Colossus of Ted was a phony.

We could skate on the hypocrisy this morning

Michael Haz said...

Bags - When a candidate vows to uphold the constitution was it was originally intended, when a candidate vows to appoint conservative justices, I like to see how he did with earlier, and easier, vows. Wedding vows, for one. That's why the story matters.

Michael Haz said...

By the way, the Cruz campaign STARTED the war on wives with this tidbit on Fox News March 18th.


A few days later, Ted goes all ballistic. His campaign started it.

edutcher said...

To be fair, it was a PAC, not the Cruz campaign, although they've built a history of dirty tricks themselves.

Trump seems to have wanted to fire a shot across Cruz' bow to get him to tell his PACs to knock it off.

PS Insta has quit stonewalling and acknowledged the story

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I doubt the story is true. Not that it matters to Trump supporters. Whatever lie or weaponized Twitter half-truth can be launched, it will be launched.

Rabel said...

Can't really fault the ladies involved. You know what they say about men with big hands.

Michael Haz said...

I know, right? Because who'd ever believe what weaponized twitter said about Trump?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

At least Trump Twitters. Like Obama watches the news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump will be the nominee. I have no doubt. It will be the saddest most pathetic election ever. Hillary and Trump. Two sides of the same coin. My bets are with Hillary at this point.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

I doubt the story is true. Not that it matters to Trump supporters. Whatever lie or weaponized Twitter half-truth can be launched, it will be launched.

No, dear, you don't want to face the fact you were a sucker for a phony Messiah.

Hate to tell you, but Drew Johnson, a Washington Times (no Trump supporters BTW) reporter, verifies 2 of the women IDed are, in fact, the correct ones.

deborah said...

With Trump's spokesperson Katrina Pierson too funny. Honeypot?

Woman scorned?

Rabel said...

Can't really fault the ladies involved. You know what they say about men with big hands.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heidi Cruz Is More Qualified to Be President Than Donald Trump

"The Frequently bankrupt vulgarian." heh.

Trump is an established misogynist. In his world, a woman’s physical attractiveness—measured by his own subjective standards—is the most important thing about her, and unless that attractiveness is off his personal charts, her value is zero.

that's sure to get the fem vote and the youth vote. go Trump!

I think that's why Megyn drives Donny nuts. she's attractive and asks tough questions that he cannot answer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

***Place quotation marks around "Trump is an establishment misogynist.... zero"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

LOL. Makes sense, really. Donny is a walking talking National Enquirer.

As for John Edwards - everyone knew that he had an affair.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Heidi Cruz Is More Qualified to Be President Than Donald Trump

Dear, Heidi Cruz is one of those people who wants to hand American sovereignty over to a North American Union championed by her pals at the Council on Foreign Relations.

She's mobbed up with Goldman Sachs.

Say what you will about The Donald. He stands up for this country.

Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

LOL. Makes sense, really. Donny is a walking talking National Enquirer.

As for John Edwards - everyone knew that he had an affair.

After the Enquirer got the story. Everybody else covered up for him.

So, you only believe anything as long as it's anti-Trump?

There's an open (and Enquiring) mind.

Hate is no way to go into an election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heidi Cruz is mobbed up with Goldman Sachs, she's still more qualified than a man who used to adore Hillary and gave her all sorts of campaign donations and moaned when Obama didn't pick her to be his VP.

It's not hate, ed, it's criticism. Something Trump and his supporters don't get.

edutcher said...

Here we go.

The One True Ted blames Trump for the story coming out

Guess the stonewalling wasn't working. Can't wait for the denials

AprilApple said...

Heidi Cruz is mobbed up with Goldman Sachs, she's still more qualified than a man who used to adore Hillary and gave her all sorts of campaign donations and moaned when Obama didn't pick her to be his VP.

It's not hate, ed, it's criticism. Something Trump and his supporters don't get.

He also donated to the Republicans. Lots of businessmen do that, it's called don't make anybody with more power than you mad. Troop and I tried to explain that to you.

And Trump has lived in the real world where Heidi is just another Big Government hanger-on, so I'd say The Donald gets the nod.

And, no, criticism is even-handed, not blind and vengeful.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trumps hatred and lies are justified.
When Ted Cruz fights back, it's vengeful. Got it.

edutcher said...

Which lies, dare I ask?

And the One True Ted picked this fight.

I guess he really didn't get that "New York values" thing the way he thought.

Troop will be along to explain it

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cruz should blame Trump. Trump will push any desperate lie he can get a hold of. That's what liars do.

Liar Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Looks like the Cruz affair story is BS

Trump and his twitter followers were pushing it - giddy as can be.
Facts and truth don't matter when you run a desperate smear machine.
Trump is a lot like Hillary in that regard. I can see why they respect each other.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Someone named TBird 74 )(not me) said this on insty. I must admit, I'm starting to feel the same way.

"One more thing, if these allegations turn out to be completely false and Trump does not go nuclear on the NE, Trump will not be getting my vote in November if he's the nominee. I was at least willing to consider gritting through my teeth and voting for him over Hillary only because he's not Hillary. But I will not vote for some reality TV Mafioso if he and his supporters are willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel to unnecessarily slime someone else's reputation just because they can.

I've said this before. When Trump loses, it will be partly because of his dingy, dirty-ass supporters."

windbag said...

Regardless of the truth of the allegations, does anyone seriously put forth Trump as Cruz's moral superior?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all lies, Rabel.

5 Things You Need To Know About #CruzSexScandal

#1-5 - Trump sponsored bull.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Looks like the Cruz affair story is BS

The requested page "/news/4406/5-things-you-need-know-about-cruzsexscandal-ben-shapiro%22" could not be found.

And let's not try to snow anybody.

Klavan is as hardcore a Cruzzer as Ben Shapiro. The whole PJ Media crowd has been in the tank from the start and Shapiro quit Breitbart over the story.

Come back when you can find an objective source.

At least one that doesn't have to retract it.

edutcher said...

No, it's not, Rabel

8 things you need to know about Ted Cruz's sex scandal

If you want more proof, Don Surber has some thoughts.

Surber makes no bones about his being a Trump supporter, but he's tried to be even-handed in his posts.

Unlike some people.

bagoh20 said...

The argument right here is exactly why we end up with idiots and assholes running the government. It's not about what their ideas are or their real record that is being discussed but some meta tortured way of discrediting anybody until you get what's left in some stupid demolition derby. If infidelity, proven or not is all it takes to throw out qualified candidates then you end up with who? And if that doesn't kill the opposition you go to binders of women, or the way someone yells at a rally, or what kind of boots or pants crease they sport. How many incredible and indispensable leaders in history had romantic indiscretions? Is it even true? It really doesn't even matter in these contests of the idiocracy.

Most criticism of Trump, including mine, has been about his policy suggestions, and his record of failure at things that supposedly qualify him for the job, such as his long history of promising management competence and delivering management disaster. If failing at marriage vows means you can't be trusted to do what you say then Trump and most others are disqualified. Hell, lets just ban men altogether from the contest. I don't think it disqualifies anyone, because from history we can see clearly that fidelity does not correlate with ability to lead or manage.

And lets face it, that ability is not the issue. What this is about is throwing dirt on someone so you can ignore the real questions and comparisons. It's simply a dishonest argument, unless you would never vote for anyone who has cheated. If so, maybe Hillary with her unblemished fidelity is the honesty and trustworthiness you seek.

bagoh20 said...

There are only three issues with fidelity: is it a possible blackmail situation, is it illegal, is it embarrassing to the people of country by happening in the White House or some other inappropriate venue while serving. Bill Clinton did all three. Obama appearantly is eminently qualified to uphold the Constitution as he vowed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is what ed reads when he skips over your well thought out posts, Bagoh.

blah blah blah Cruzzer blah blah blah cruzzer blah blah blah Cruzzer. ;-)

the National Enquirer is being held up by Trump supporters as "journalism". *what else can I palm* Well, Obama is probably having 12 affairs, and HIllary should drop dead any second now.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

The argument right here is exactly why we end up with idiots and assholes running the government. It's not about what their ideas are or their real record that is being discussed but some meta tortured way of discrediting anybody until you get what's left in some stupid demolition derby. If infidelity, proven or not is all it takes to throw out qualified candidates then you end up with who? And if that doesn't kill the opposition you go to binders of women, or the way someone yells at a rally, or what kind of boots or pants crease they sport. How many incredible and indispensable leaders in history had romantic indiscretions? Is it even true? It really doesn't even matter in these contests of the idiocracy.

Most criticism of Trump, including mine, has been about his policy suggestions, and his record of failure at things that supposedly qualify him for the job, such as his long history of promising management competence and delivering management disaster. If failing at marriage vows means you can't be trusted to do what you say then Trump and most others are disqualified. Hell, lets just ban men altogether from the contest. I don't think it disqualifies anyone, because from history we can see clearly that fidelity does not correlate with ability to lead or manage.

No, bag, a lot of your criticism of Trump is based on lies and misrepresentations of the man put out by the Cruz campaign and its acolytes spiced with their trademark name-calling and an unwillingness to face the fact Cruz is the ultimate insider running a shell game on the poor slugs who can be gulled by the constant drumbeat the he's the Only True Conservative in the History of whatever.

And lets face it, that ability is not the issue. What this is about is throwing dirt on someone so you can ignore the real questions and comparisons. It's simply a dishonest argument, unless you would never vote for anyone who has cheated. If so, maybe Hillary with her unblemished fidelity is the honesty and trustworthiness you seek.

Sure. A few days ago, he was the font of all virtue as opposed to that skirt-chasing Trump.

Now screwing around is OK if he's the One True Ted.

The guy out himself up as a true Conservative, an outsider, and a born-again Christian.

He's lied on all counts. The issue is trust in the guy and he's blown it and all you Cruzzers are scrambling to justify your faith in him.

He's turned out to be everything you said Trump was, and worse.

Making excuses for him now that his wings have been clipped is not going to change that.

You wanted somebody that would be your Shining Conservative on a Hill, whether he could win or not, while the rest of us were looking for a fighter and now you've been betrayed.

For that, I'm sorry for you.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

the National Enquirer is being held up by Trump supporters as "journalism". *what else can I palm* Well, Obama is probably having 12 affairs, and HIllary should drop dead any second now.

Guess what, kid?

All those podcasts you put up are from hardcore Cruzzers, so you're in the same boat.

At least the Enquirer has a track record of being right on its exposes. Or have you been following PJMedia?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

hahahahaaaa Trump lands National Inquirer endorsement.

Trump-Sheen 2016.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Like this one.

How did the Cruzzers get their mouths to move? unbelievable.

chickelit said...

You wanted somebody that would be your Shining Conservative on a Hill, whether he could win or not, while the rest of us were looking for a fighter and now you've been betrayed.

Well put, edutcher.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is your Shining Conservative on a Hill? That hill keeps getting smaller with all the digging.

chickelit said...

No, April, he's our fighter.

chickelit said...

I do think it is interesting that Drudge seems to be shying away from this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't you want him to fight with some semblance of the truth?

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

I do think it is interesting that Drudge seems to be shying away from this.

I have a theory on that (which may have nothing to do with reality, but...)..

Drudge has been known to like to break the occasional big story, so maybe he's sitting on something.

The other possibility is he knows when the shoes are really going to drop and wants to wait for the big one.

A lot of pro-Cruz websites of varying temperaments have tried to ignore this and found they couldn't. That Gateway has gotten into it isn't very surprising - Hoft is very rah-rah for Trump, embarrassingly so; that Surber has made a couple of posts is more interesting because, although pro-Trump, he's tried to keep his cool.

The one point made this morning, along with some very convenient coincidences being raised, that got me thinking about how valid this might be - I said to Troop last night I was going to try to be agnostic about this and wait for proof - was that, a couple of days ago Hulk Hogan became the de facto owner of Gawker. With that ruling staring them in the face, would the Enquirer proceed without all their "i"s being dotted and "t"s being crossed?

Seems unlikely. The big payment to the Fiorina campaign (noted even by the WaPo), the quick ID of at least 3 of the women (partially confirmed by a Washington Times reporter), the whole #TheThing bit on Twitter, and the war started after the Melania ad with Trump warning Cruz make a compelling case.

There's smoke here, clearly, how much we have yet to see.

edutcher said...

Just saw this and you can take it for what you think it's worth.

The hacktivists Anonymous are saying they can prove Cruz' affairs and that Trump had nothing to do with its going public.

Lest anyone say this is more pro-Trump shenanigans, recall Anonymous declared 'total war' on Trump, publishing his Social Security number and his cell phone number.

Fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amazing Trump is squeaky clean, even though The Enquirer (shoddy rag for people who like to believe dumb unbelievable stuff whilst buying toaster pops & mountain dew) just endorsed Trump and reported the story. Plus, Trump's twitter followers are the giddy pimpers of the story to begin with! But that Trump - oh he's clean.

Amartel said...

"When Obama says "so often in the past" that's a seatbelt signal."

Don't believe one word, including "and" and "the."

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Amazing Trump is squeaky clean, even though The Enquirer (shoddy rag for people who like to believe dumb unbelievable stuff whilst buying toaster pops & mountain dew) just endorsed Trump and reported the story

They nailed John Edwards and Gary Hart

And Trump never claimed to be a saint.

But all the Cruzzers are fine upstanding people who never lie, misrepresent, call names, or pull dirty tricks, right?

chickelit said...

AprilApple wrote: Plus, Trump's twitter followers are the giddy pimpers of the story to begin with! But that Trump - oh he's clean

Hey, a couple of my Twitter followers are sanctimonious Cruz twits.

Are we riven yet?

Amartel said...

Wow. Downlow Donnie and his sleazy campaign planted stories about Ben Carson botching surgeries.
That's really low. I don't like that!

You want misrepresentation and dirty trix? You've been asking for it for months now, so, okay. I've heard so many stories from many,.many reliable sources for years now that Downlow Donnie is really Downlow Donna. He's a she. Trumpgenderqueer. And s/he's got a hot thing going with Hillary. They're going to be on the same "ticket" if you get my meaning. Only details to be worked out is who's on top.

edutcher said...

I love the smell of flop sweat in the afternoon.

Stories about possible malpractice claims go back to May of last year, mostly in Lefty-friendly papers like The Guardian and NY Daily Dirt. Try again.

The Cruzzers can't stand the idea they've been played.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Cruz supporter going after Melania Trump as "first first lady who has ever posed nude" on March 8th:

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Also, you might want to look into who is funding Ben Shapiro's DailyWire website these days. Breitbart is said to have had this story back on Feb 2nd but held onto it for whatever reasons.

Amartel said...

Downlow Donnie's numbers are down. Time to burn a witch!
Either that or a public hanging. Come on down, peasants, enjoy the Realest Reality Show. TM

Amartel said...

Bread and circuses.
Well, just circuses as we're out of bread. Bread is expensive. Can't everyone have bread.

Amartel said...

The National Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!” and has endorsed Trump so there won't be any stories about Miss Trump parading around in her high heels in the pages of the National Enquirer!

chickelit said... there won't be any stories about Miss Trump parading around in her high heels in the pages of the National Enquirer!

Your tone! Your tone! You sound genuinely offended.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...
Amartel said...
Amartel said...
Amartel said...

Is this a tag team or does Ted Central pay you guys by the hour?

Michael Haz said...

Oh hey look! Salon dot com is reporting that the Cruz affairs story didn't come from Trump. It was leaked to National Enquirer by an 'ally' of Marco Rubio.


Looks like Trump is owed some apologies. Doggone Cubans are fighting with each other.

bagoh20 said...

You know you really got something when you say: "He's turned out to be everything you said Trump was, and worse".

Except that is not even close to true. I've made my case against Trump and it's long, backed by facts available to everyone, and has nothing to do with sex, or lying about sex. It about making promises of performance and then failing and walking away leaving those who trusted him holding the bag financially. It about well-documented incompetence at exactly what you think qualifies him. He's your fighter, just like he was for all those people left bankrupt, defrauded and disappointed with the Trump brand con job. I'm not voting for a husband, so Cruz's or Trump's indiscretions with romance are of no interest to me. If they were, Trump would be most unqualified from day one, but that has nothing to do with what's wrong with Trump.

You guys are all excited like school girls with some fresh gossip about the frumpy girl. It pretty much what this culture is about 24/7, and it's pathetic.

Michael Haz said...

You guys are all excited like school girls with some fresh gossip about the frumpy girl.

Not actually, Bags. I am happy, however, that Cruz's issues aren't going to be something Hillary can spring on the voters during the last 10 days of the general election. If they are not true, he'll recover. If they are true, then he should address them now, and not later.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Bagoh

"You guys are all excited like school girls with some fresh gossip about the frumpy girl. It pretty much what this culture is about 24/7, and it's pathetic."

When the story back-fires, and turns out to be false, they blame someone else. Even though they were the ones giddy about it and spreading the trash all over the place. Pathetic indeed.

bagoh20 said...

edutcher: "You wanted somebody that would be your Shining Conservative on a Hill, whether he could win or not, while the rest of us were looking for a fighter and now you've been betrayed.'

That's whats known as a first order flaming straw man. "Shining Conservative on a Hill" That's not too unhinged is it? Yea, that's exactly what I been saying... except almost the opposite. Liking a candidate because they promise to do less and don't have a history of huge failures and liberal philosophy is hardly looking for a "Shining Conservative on a Hill", and I certainly haven't been betrayed about anything I care about.

Betrayal and Trump have a long history that thanks to me you know about and unfortunately don't care about, which is guaranteed to make you another in the long line of Trump door mats.

edutcher said...

And you're a Cruz doormat.

How's it feel?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Killerbee at Insty nails it:

"Tempo and Dark Chicago have been whining about the Rubio team pushing the story weeks ago and using that to claim it couldn't have been Trump. Let's just forget that that angle makes zero sense since there's no reason for the Inquirer to suddenly -- finally! -- pick up this story when Rubio's nothing more than a failed candidate and Rove's a failed consultant.

And let's also forget that Romney recently endorsed Cruz. Duh.

No, the Inquirer put the story out now because they're Trump connected and he wanted it out now to impact Wisconsin. Plain and simple. Trump is scum and if anyone didn't know this based on his disgusting targeting of Heidi Cruz, this just further proves it.

If you don't like Trump being credited with this particular scum move, then maybe you Trumpeteers should stop crowing about it so much. Just a suggestion. "

Rubio had nothing to do with this.

bagoh20 said...

". If they are not true, he'll recover. If they are true, then he should address them now, and not later."

You know how this stuff works. It's designed to get you off message, and not talk about what will really matter to us after the election. It's tactical, and it works. The reason and proof that it works is on display here right on this thread as well as everywhere in the media today going forward. It's why we choose poorly over and over. The winning candidate doesn't offer a better vision or better leadership, they usually just figure out a new way to navigate the crap, to fight back with better bullshit, or to get enough people to ask their victim to explain himself about shit that never happened or doesn't matter. Our bad leadership is our fault, but we feel satisfied just watching the show and cheering for our side. We seem to like being played for fools.

edutcher said...

Well, Trump didn't do it. Katrina Pierson did.

"Spilled the beans" on Heidi Cruz. Too bad it was nothing but the truth about her relationship with the Bush family and Goldman Sachs

“She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who — in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure”

Facts, nothing but facts. That's what the One True Ted is afraid of. Facts about him and his wife that will destroy that carefully crafted image.

A particularly nice touch, using the Colossus of Ted's own words.

Ms Pierson must have quite a bone to pick with Cruz. Women sure do get mean when they're dumped.

PS I know the Cruz crowd loves bellyaching about it, but not only has Trump denied any connection to the Enquirer story, but so has Anonymous and they're no friends of Trump's. Get used to it, kids, the One True Ted is caught between a Scylla and Charybdis of his own making.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump has nothing to offer but slime.

bagoh20 said...

"And you're a Cruz doormat."

This is what your arguments sound like lately.

Third Coast said...

Ms Pierson must have quite a bone to pick with Cruz.
You and Troop doing a mind meld? LOL

Third Coast said...

Why one thing's not like the other.
Trump wrote a book talking about his exploits.
Ted is a televangelist. Televangelists never lie.

edutcher said...

Third Coast said...

Ms Pierson must have quite a bone to pick with Cruz.
You and Troop doing a mind meld? LOL


bag, you and all the other Cruzzers have been pulling this from the start - the name calling, the lies, the whole always attack, don't even address anything bad about Ted routine, all spoon-fed to you.

Now you're getting it back in your faces and you don't like it.

Too bad your boy decided to build a campaign of lies. Too bad it's all blowing up in his and your faces.

I guess that's "New York values" for you.

Third Coast said...

Apparently everyone in the MSM has heard about Cruz' alleged affairs. If he were the nominee, they'd dump this stuff about a week before the election. Remember Bush's drunk driving escapade and when the MSM decided to let us know about it? Whether it's true or not, Cruz is better off dealing with it now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How others see the GOP race.

bagoh20 said...

"And Trump never claimed to be a saint"

Because nobody really wants one. He claimed to be a great businessman and have a really good brain. Both assertions have been pretty thoroughly debunked, even right here at Lem's, and everywhere else not in the Trump bandwagon. All those other places and people are really bad, and thinking bad thoughts about him.

You'll see.

Rabel said...

The Daily Beast says Rubio people have been pushing this story for months.

The truth is out there.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bago - it matters re Cruz because he bangs the God thing over and over. He acts so righteous. Also, that is why I think he is less electable than Trump. Cruz's overt religiosity turns a lot of people off.

edutcher said...

So does TheLastRefuge and Gateway. If Beast is saying it, it's not just a Trump thing.

Third Coast said...

Apparently everyone in the MSM has heard about Cruz' alleged affairs. If he were the nominee, they'd dump this stuff about a week before the election. Remember Bush's drunk driving escapade and when the MSM decided to let us know about it? Whether it's true or not, Cruz is better off dealing with it now.

If he was a Democrat, that might be true, but we all know he's going to be crucified for it. And now there's talk of a video (no, not a sex tape).

if you're old enough, I believe it's how Jimmy Swaggart was nailed.

AprilApple said...

How others see the GOP race.

Except nobody's attacked her for her depression. You're too easily gulled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Coincidence that Trump supporters pimped the story. Coincidence that the story finally appeared on The National Enquirer.. (which, we are assured by Trumpsters, is a REALLY AWESOME news source.) Coincidence that The National Enquirer just endorsed Trump.

bagoh20 said...

Do you really think the media would rather have Cruz to kick around instead of Trump? This may be all they would ever have on Cruz, and it may not even be true. He's not gonna be anywhere near as much fun to tear apart and laugh at as Trump will be, and they get to slime all Republicans along with him as a freebie. They don't want Cruz to be the nominee. That would be hard work. Trump makes ridicule easy, and keeps it coming.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Truth is stranger than fiction and if you want to win, pray the GOPe does not come out and support you. I.E. Jeb then Rubio and now Cruz.

It is almost like Trump is pre-destined.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AJ - I do not disagree with your assessment. Cruz turns some people off. I too get sick of the R-party over-playing the god card. We are not electing the second hand of God the Father Almighty. We are electing a C&C.

My favorite candidates (based on their smarts and electability) are out of the race. That's why I laugh at people who refer to me as a Cruzzer. I prefer Cruz to Trump, sure, but I prefer a burning bag of poo to Trump at this point. He and his supporters leave me cold.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

" They don't want Cruz to be the nominee. That would be hard work. Trump makes ridicule easy, and keeps it coming."

Can I get an A-men @ Bagoh

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump will likely win the nomination, and lose the general.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Coincidence that Trump supporters pimped the story.

You're telling me Cruzzers would have come clean (it would have been smarter BTW)? They've nailed straying politicians before and, when challenged, had the goods.

That makes the more credible than the Gray Lady.

bagoh20 said...

Do you really think the media would rather have Cruz to kick around instead of Trump? This may be all they would ever have on Cruz

You must be joking.

His Pastor-In-Chief act, his creepy dad, the voting record that isn't as conservative as it ought to be, all those connections with shadowy international cabals. And you know the Lefties would zero in on his wife's issues. Remember Thomas Eagleton? It really is too bad they decided to keep all this quiet (even assuming the adultery charges are bogus).

He's a target-rich environment.

As you keep telling us, all the bad stuff about Trump is on display

Third Coast said...

Do you really think the media would rather have Cruz to kick around instead of Trump?
Actually, they'd love kicking the shit out of either one of them, it's what they do. Believe it or not, the MSM would prefer to see the Hildebeeste elected. However, the GOPe has been doing the MSM's work for them when it comes to Trump, which is one of the reasons I've become a Trump supporter. I hate the GOPe with a passion.

Methadras said...

This is better than dropping a straight flush on an all-in with 5 guys still in the pot. Didn't see that from Ted, so now it makes sense why his wife was suicidal.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump will likely win the nomination, and lose the general.

So far he's defied the experts. I have a feeling that's going to continue.

Never forget the First Law of Hillary - the more people see her, the less they like her.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I wish you were right but Trump just won't take advice. His Twitter acct is a disgrace- he has embarrassed himself many many times. He should get off twitter and learn to take the high road but he won't - he is incapable of changing.

edutcher said...

Not sure what you're referring to in terms of advice.

Twitter does seem to be his main mode of commo (I don't disagree about some of his tweets), but is that part of the act, meaning the bluff and bluster? It does give him instantaneous access to his supporters and a way to cut through the media and address an issue immediately and has been effective.

There was a post on Hotair about Ben Carson talking to him about being more Presidential (Carson said it accounted for his more subdued tone at the last debate).


Supposedly, he was in the act of toning things down, but the Melania thing knocked that into a cocked hat. It's going to be ironic in the extreme if, because of all the attention focused on Cruz, Cruz is the one hurt the most by it.

We shall see.

chickelit said...

Bags whined: Liking a candidate because they promise to do less and don't have a history of huge failures and liberal philosophy is hardly looking for a "Shining Conservative on a Hill", and I certainly haven't been betrayed about anything I care about.

Your constant ragging about Trump's past support Democrats is getting very tiresome. You are insulting me and probably insulting your past self. How about growing up and realizing that people change?

chickelit said...

We have to accept that whoever is elected in the fall is not going to heal any divisions. Hillary's slogan of "Make America Whole Again" is stillborn. So who will be the largest disaffected group as a consequence of each candidate? That is not an easy question to answer.

chickelit said...

Cruz is an off-putting zealot. Trump drives 80 percent of American women bonkers. Hillary inspires disrespect, not to mention her own gender problem which practically mirrors Trump's

Michael Haz said...

A bit of advice: If you are emotionally all-in for a political candidate, any candidate from any party, it's healthy to step back and disassociate emotion from candidate.

Because no matter which candidate, you're going to be burned. They all lie; they all have baggage; that baggage will be exploited.

It's a scummy business filled with scummy people. Your guy is one of them no matter how hard you believe he isn't.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Looking on the bright side, hopefully, the next president can't possibly be as bad as Obama has been.

Trooper York said...

Sorry for your loss bags.

Rabel said...

An interesting aspect of this whole thing is the reaction I've seen from some of the Cruz supporters (not here, other sites). They're not just angry, they're eye-bulging, vein-popping, spittin' mad.

This of course is because they're scared shitless that it's true and need to lash out in their misery and helplessness. Trump and his supporters are the obvious targets. I sympathize somewhat. Cruz is my second option and I hope it's either not true at all or maybe there's one little fling in there from a few years ago. I hear there's video.

edutcher said...

Supposedly, some of Rubio's people had vid of him entering and leaving a DC hotel on a regular basis with another woman.

I agree with Rabel on the tone of the Cruzzers. I don't know how many really knew about Heidi Cruz background before now, but many didn't want to know. Now they can't avoid it and, yeah, they want to blame Trump for it all, but it seems he's not at fault here. The idiots that went after his wife and, ironically, the idiots behind the dirty tricks on Carson and Rubio caused this (I did think Rubio went a little too gently into that good night).

Until I started looking at him more closely, Cruz was also on my list (surprised?), but, were things different, Walker and Jindal, with Rand as a backup, were my top choices, but you go with the army you've got.

Somebody said that once.

Methadras said...

If you guys think this is bad, then you must believe that this is but a small taste, a tip of the iceberg, come the general. It will be a fucking nuclear holocaust from hell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that eye popping rage against Trump - that's the sound of Americans rejecting him and Trump losing the general.

Michael Haz said...

Point out a Trump flaw to a blind faith Trump supporter, and they go insane with rage

Pretty much like you do when someone points out a Cruz flaw, right? Like I said, it's healthy to lose emotional attachment to any politician.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ AJ
His [Trump's] Twitter acct is a disgrace- he has embarrassed himself many many times. He should get off twitter and learn to take the high road but he won't - he is incapable of changing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not emotionally attached to Cruz, Haz.

If Trump and his supporters were doing this to any other candidate, my response would be the same.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You might want to take your own advise, Haz. You're the one who pushed the story pretty hard above. Linking to conservative tree house is embarrassing.

Michael Haz said...

I took my own advice a long time ago, thanks. Sorry if you consider posting a few comments "pushing" a story.

chickelit said...

Hillary loves Obama's opinions. I can hear the cackling from here.

Steg said...

For my entire voting life, I have lived in the bluest county in a very blue NJ. Registered Independent, voting basically straight R (or else what?? Wrote in my uncle a few times).

Presidential primaries and elections are kind of 'meh' for me here, and people like me, due to the overwhelming nature of the people here to vote D.

This election cycle, with so many people upset across the board, at this point Trump makes the most sense to vote for to stop Hillary.

Cruz was never going to win NJ. He even turned my own R mother off, and many people I talk with, and they can't tell me why. Just something about him, they say. These people do not have the luxury to scour the internet and research, as they do full time jobs and the family deal. I think most people do that, so most people are lo-fo-vo-tos, because politics is shit, and families are the best.

Trump has definite crossover appeal, and in a state like NJ, and all these blue east coast states, he makes the most sense to vote for if you're into stopping Hillary.

That is how it appears to me...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Colorado doesn't like Hillary OR Trump.