Friday, March 25, 2016

IRS continues to stonewall tea party case papertrail

Fox News:  In a blistering rebuke of the IRS, a Cincinnati-based federal appeals court has ordered the tax-collecting agency to quit stalling and produce the names of organizations it targeted based on their political leanings.
The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit gave the IRS two weeks to turn over the documents sought as part of a class-action lawsuit brought by the NorCal Tea Party Patriots.
“The lawyers in the Department of Justice have a long and storied tradition of defending the nation’s interests and enforcing its laws … The conduct of the IRS’s attorneys in the district court falls outside that tradition,” the opinion said.
Mark Meckler, president of Citizens for Self-Governance which is funding the class-action lawsuit, applauded the court's bold comments.
“We are very pleased that the 6th Circuit had smacked down the IRS and its thuggish DOJ lawyers,” Meckler told, adding that he felt the IRS is an “unredeemable organization.”
Meanwhile, in an not so unrelated development... Look I'm not a lawyer but it doesn't seem that complicated to me. The tea parties wanted what religious organization have - tax exemption. Here is a story claiming a tax exempt entity (Mosques) want to do voter registration? Will the Mosques receive the kind of scrutiny tea parties did? I doubt it.
Organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, known as CAIR, the Islamic Circle of North America and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations are encouraging mosques to turn themselves into voter registration centers before the November election so that Muslims can make their voices heard at the polls. Registration drives are expected to ramp up significantly in June, during Ramadan, when attendance at Islamic centers peaks.
“The fear and apprehension in the American Muslim community has never been at this level,” said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for CAIR. “The anti-Islamic tidal wave is spurring civic participation.”
Fundamentally transform...


deborah said...

The future belongs to those who show up.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nobody is standing up for the courts.

You think law professors would write a letter, or something, show some displeasure.

Nothing. I think Turtle Turley is the only one that has stuck his neck out to speak out about the Obama abuses of power.

ricpic said...

Muslim citizens have just as much a right to participate in our republican form of government as every other citizen, but doing so includes respecting the rules of the road, which include the right to criticize the rules of the prophet Mohammed. No matter what our fakakta president ordains.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't think they can use their tax exempt status to advantageously do politics whereas Christians can not.

bagoh20 said...

Get rid of the entire corrupt thing and rid us of its life and prosperity sucking effect on our nation. It's draining every single one of us every single day. It's the credit card that our politicians and their takers run up that has ruined us. The damage it does far exceeds anything the Jihadists have or will ever do to us. When was the last time you were in a terrorist attack, and when was the last time the government took money away from your family and gave it to some asshole to waste, only to then waste twice that much and bill you kids for it? Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever the bill will continue to suck us, and it will never get smaller until it's dead and gone. Only Cruz is calling for it's death. Trump wants to increase it's taxing and would love to have that hammer in his own hands.

deborah said...

"Only Cruz is calling for it's death."

And? There's not a snowball's chance of abolishing it. He also says in the same breath that we will fix our education system and college(?) graduates will have a chance at 4 or 5 jobs. This is BS for the masses.

Lighten up, bags, you're letting this BS here at Lem's harsh your mellow. You're falling for what the oligarchy wants, divide and conquer, bread and circuses.

deborah said...

I may have the second example wrong. Did he say he'll fight trade agreements and there'll be 4-5 jobs for grads?

chickelit said...

Sounds like bags is in a "burn it down" mood.

Amartel said...

BS for the masses? Don't we have a candidate (well, 1 Republican candidate and 2 Dem candidates) who specialize in that already? Big vague promises with no/realistic support?
When Trump yaks about building a wall, paid for by Mexico, everybody realizes that that's not a real deal. It's politicalese for "immigration rules will be somewhat better enforced." But when Cruz talks about eliminating the IRS - a septic tank that badly needs draining - oh NOOO, fetch the smelling salts.

Amartel said...

You asked for it; I got your fundamental transformation right here!

deborah said...

Yes, it's all BS.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I don't get why more people are not upset by the weaponisation of the IRS. It seems to me this should be more of a scandal- but no one seems to care.

Amartel said...

Too many people gulled into thinking that (1) the government is entitled to a piggybank and (2) the government piggybank is entitled to pick winners and losers.

deborah said...

But that is the outcome of democracy...influence peddling.

Amartel said...

Basically, too many people not aware of their fundamental rights as free individuals (or think it's just an abstract old-fashioned notion that gets dragged out as a talking point occasionally) and too ready to accept that the government can and will abuse them so best not to make it angry. It's all part of the plan to (in the words of Instapundit) "turn us into peasants 'cause they're easier to please."

Amartel said...

Crony captitalism and influence peddling is the status quo. If you want it.

Chip Ahoy said...

Stonewalling again. That's gay.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Bah, it is incredibly easy to get Mexico to pay for the wall. Nevermind that last I heard, CONgress had already funded all or most of the "fence". All Trump or CONgress has to do is, put a tax/fee/tariff on every cent sent out of the USA to Mexico via banks/Western Union etc.. Banks do it all the time. A transaction fee. Or a tax. Or just call it a penalty. Whatever floats Johnny Roberts' boat at the time.

"I don't get why more people are not upset by the weaponisation of the IRS. It seems to me this should be more of a scandal- but no one seems to care. "

Its been happening on a small level since the IRS' inception 100 years ago. People are used to it and live in fear of the IRS. The IRS can now seize your bank account without a court order. All they have to say is "we think you're a drug dealer/terrorist and trying to avoid the $10k or more transfer notification laws".

The story has been buried by the media for the most part and especially by the traitorous GOP who've done nothing about it.

bagoh20 said...

"Lighten up, bags, you're letting this BS here at Lem's harsh your mellow. "

Oh, don't you worry about that. I am nothing if not a happy warrior. I just finished a hard week of back breaking work, I'm covered in grease and cement, and I feel great, because


Wohoo! Hoo Woo! Woop, Woop, ahh. Jacuzzi here I come! And my favorite ice tea will be cold and strong.