Wednesday, March 30, 2016

College Chronicles

"[W]hite student was... accused of 'cultural appropriation' for having dreadlocks"
The 47-second clip shows a woman physically stopping a white boy with dreadlocked hair and confronting him for 'appropriating her culture'.
SF Weekly has identified the man with the dreadlocks as Cory Goldstein.
Both the woman and Goldstein are San Francisco State University students and the confrontation is believed to have happened on the school's campus.
In the video another male student, who is also black, defends the woman.
Elsewhere... "University Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because a White Lady Wrote It"
“I felt that limiting women to only Eve Ensler’s work was doing a disservice to both the women performing and to the audience at large,” Rachel Arco, the sophomore who organized the performance, told the Megaphone. “This performance will largely be done with works by women of color,” she continued. “In doing so, it will be more representative of the experience of women, rather than only offering the white woman’s experience.”
But wait, that's not all... "Atheist group targets Muslim prayer rooms at University of Iowa"
“The presence of such religious venues on a public campus raises a number of issues,” the group argued. “By instituting areas that are exclusively used by specific religious groups such as Christians and Muslims, the University of Iowa is violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. … The organization is also concerned that the university is facilitating the discriminatory practice of gender segregation practiced in the Muslim prayer rooms.”


AllenS said...

Well, good for the Atheist group.

deborah said...

Who knew letting your hair mat together is just for blacks. Hairists!

bagoh20 said...

Unless the hairists spoke their attack in Swahili, they should just shut up, until they can.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

These students must really dislike Rachel Dolezal.


ricpic said...

Is setting aside a space - in a state institution - for the exclusive use of Muslims a violation of the Establishment Clause? Im not sure. But it is a Constitutional question. What defines "authentic" blackness, on the other hand, is not - I think - a Constitutional question. Agree? Disagree?

ricpic said...

Wouldn't the atheists' objection to the space exclusively for Muslims be more a separation of church and state issue?

ricpic said...

Last comment: maybe violation of Establishment Clause and violation of separation of church and state are a distinction without a difference.

Methadras said...

All assholes who deserve a punch to the head.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

The skinny white boy has many lessons to learn in life. Dred-head will find it hard to get a job in the professional world, but then so will mega-afro chick. Making the argument physical is fine as long as it is a fair fight. This was not. Seems like a silly argument and I guess I would support doing whatever you want with your own head and screw em if they don’t like it. College is probably the best opportunity for piercing some random dangly body part or getting that tattoo or experimenting with extravagant hair styles. Post-college you need to get serious, get a haircut, get a job, and quit being a child.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

We saw the Vagina Monologues years ago when it was still ‘edgy’. Frankly I thought it was crap as theater, it did not give me any new insight into the mystery of women, it did not expose me to any new ways of thinking, I did not leave the show thinking or feeling differently.

The playwright saw all hetro-sex as oppressive, the jokes were not funny, and the section about Bosnia rapes was crass and without compassion.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

The Uni would be wise to ensure that all the groups follow the campus non-discrimination policy. I recall gay student groups trying to keep Christians from joining gay clubs, because the Christians would then make a motion “to give your life to Christ” and demand that the motion be debated, and bible study groups trying to keep out the gays for much the same reasons. As a matter of enhancing the education experience I would think that each group just might learn a few things about the exclusivity of groups and how to effectively have a meeting when there is an asshole trying to bust it up. Or what ‘member in good standing’ means. The Sargent at Arms has a role to play in this. But the students themselves might learn that just creating an affinity group does not mean the rest of the world goes away.

Or if they can’t deal with being a club that is open to women or blacks or whomever then they should raise a few bucks and go rent a building off campus with their own dime, and have circle jerk meetings to their hearts content.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I am too chatty-long-winded today.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There was no cultural appropriation. Has this offended student ever heard of a Jewfro?

Dreds are just a Jewfro without trimming.