Thursday, March 24, 2016

"Someone wrote ‘Trump 2016’ on Emory’s campus in chalk"

"Some students said they no longer feel safe."
Students woke up Monday morning to find messages written in chalk all over campus, in support of Donald Trump. That afternoon, a group of 40 to 50 students protested. According to the student newspaper, the Emory Wheel, they shouted in the quad, “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” and then students moved into the administration building calling out, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
Jim Wagner, the president of the university in Atlanta, met with the protesters and later sent an email to the campus community, explaining, in part, “During our conversation, they voiced their genuine concern and pain in the face of this perceived intimidation.
“After meeting with our students, I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity. Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own.”
The story spread quickly, as media such as Reason mocked, “At Emory University, Writing ‘Trump 2016′ on Sidewalk Is a Racist Microaggression…,” with references to students needing “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” to protect them from presidential candidates’ names and slogans. For many, it was another sign of college students being so overly sensitive that even political campaigning could be seen as hate speech.
Link to picture source

ignoring your college professor's lecture
to play a game where you serve fast-food to people for fun


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Air drop these delicate flowers into the middle of Syria. Or Cuba.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One year in a North Korean labor camp should give these delicate youths a nice dose of comparative reality.

AllenS said...

Those from the religion of Islam that wants to bring war to our shores must look at us and think that this is going to be easy, very easy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

...and they'd be right, Allen S.

We are raising a generation so pussified and Clintonian, they will make the Millenials look like hard workers.

Methadras said...

Can we start naming these precious protected snowflakes so as to avoid having them enter the workforce and and society at large to keep them from infecting it with their idiocy.

AllenS said...

The thought that people like this vote...

Trooper York said...

I hope Bags feels save here.

deborah said...

Their tediousness will be their undoing.

Mumpsimus said...

These kids today! When Dylan went electric, we didn't whine to the authorities to make him stop. We dealt with the trauma and moved on.

The Dude said...

I am surprised that Larry didn't eat the chalk.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe there is something in the chalk that cause fear and panic in the children.

Hey, you never know.

Amartel said...

These morons are actually helping Trump. It's this sort of shit that makes me feel like a Trump presidency might not be all that bad. A loudmouth right wing authoritarian might help keep the insane loudmouth left wing authoritarians in line. At the very least it would be fun to watch them fight. Also assisting in the Trump 2016 effort: Anyone who posts garbage about how Trump=Hitler and the idiotswarms who block highways and stadiums and take over downtown areas proximal to Trump rallies to prevent Trump from speaking.
Let the man talk! It's really quite simple
1. Free speech is for everyone, and
2. The more Trump speaks (as opposed to being "interpreted by experts,") the better for Cruz.

Amartel said...

The campus is truly out of control. Read a piece on Powerline about a "professor" in North Dakota (!) who called 911 because she saw people with guns marching in formation outside her campus office window. Turned out to be ROTC (duh) but just the mere sight of guns, so very many guns, and men, so many men, gave her the agita and she said she was going to call 911 every single time they practiced, just in case.

Amartel said...

"ignoring your college professor's lecture
to play a game where you serve fast-food to people for fun"

It's called job training and it's much more useful and truthful than whatever that professor is talking about. Glad to see that at least one kid has a realistic career track in mind.

bagoh20 said...

"I hope Bags feels save here"

I do, but you're welcome to build your bomb shelter. Just keep it on your own dime. There may be some available still around from the 50's. I'll take my chances in the sunlight.

ndspinelli said...

When our daughter went to school in MN. we bought an old house w/ 5 bedrooms for her to live and rent out. We are big believers in real world experience and she learned more managing that house for 4 years than she did in any class. Anyway, the house was an old Lutheran parsonage. It had a bomb shelter w/ beds, well, and pit toilet. I guess those Lutherans planned on surviving nuclear war and spreading the gospel.

Trooper York said...

I am glad you feel "save."

If only I could spell worth a shit I would have made something of myself.

Trump fan said...

I can't spell worth a shxt. But I made a fortune all it takes is balls and a little luck.
Go trump. He has both !!

ndspinelli said...

Hey, This is the 2nd post Lem has from Turley's blog. SUCK IT MR. AND MRS. ALTHOUSE!