Sunday, March 27, 2016

sad Affleck

This technique of delivering humor through some random and not very useful point is impressive. The source material is out there one has only to nick it, slow down the part that needs slowing and add music that's also public. The tools for this are free. Then snap back to real time and real sound for the punchline that isn't even a punch except for your snapback telescope technique. 


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In HBO's Becoming Mike Nichols, the director tells the story behind the choice of that song for the movie The Graduate. It was by chance he said. Somebody gave him the record, around the time he was shooting the movie, and he says one day it just dawn on him how perfect it was for the movie. One of those happy accidents.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Superhero movies, as the visual effects envelope is pushed as far as it will go, the acting, the plot and all those other things that make a good story good, begin to reassert themselves. Making the visual effects not only secondary, but forcing the story and the acting to be just as good if not better.

The remake of Tron suffered from a compelling story to match the visuals.

I have not seen Superman V Batman but I suspect this is a problem.

Chip Ahoy said...

A Drudge item goes to a piece about Jerusalem Syndrome where visitors become taken up with the idea they're some biblical character and have a psychotic episode.

This c/p from article:

A study from 1999 found that “Although Jerusalem is sacred to all three major monotheistic religions….no documentation regarding the syndrome among Muslims was found.”

How thorough a study. Mohamed himself had such a psychotic episode in a dream that places him at that center of Jerusalem and as central figure in his own bible!

Did the 1999 study miss the whole golden dome mosque thing for all the other religious stuff all around, you know, forest/trees and all that. It's built there because Mohamed said he went there in a dream. The point is taken. And the point is flattened and tossed like a Frisbee. Their psychotic episodes occur in Mecca when they're not acted out on the site being "studied" with gunfire, stabbings, murders of Israel prime ministers, and mayhem. Right there on the site. But do, ignore all that and call it something else and classify it under a different rubric.


Methadras said...

Yeah, I saw the sad affleck and lulz'ed. It was well done.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hate to say this, but, Affleck is not very good.

William said...

When Damascus was under French rule, Muslims used to claim that Damascus was the third holiest city in Islam. If Jerusalem ever fell under Muslim rule again, we would hear the Andalusia is the third holiest site in Islam and must be reclaimed.,.....Ben Affleck was very good in Gone Girl. That part uncannily matched the untrustworthy vibe he projects from the screen. I'll see Batman vs Superman but no one can make me like it.

deborah said...

Affleck, Keanu Reeves, Sandler, not good actors, bless 'em.

rcocean said...

Ordinarily, I hate S&G, but this was well done.

Trooper York said...

The come from the Victor Mature School of acting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hate to say this, but, Affleck is not very good.

I don't mind saying it, but I agree with you. He's not.

I'm interested in watching the video, but his relative mediocrity as an acting talent was evident back in the days when he was onscreen with his buddy Matt Damon.

It was funny to watch him in an old suit and pulled up white socks though, negotiating for Will Hunting's "retainer" in cash.

bagoh20 said...

I don't mind the dwindling of the competition. It broadens my range significantly.