Thursday, November 5, 2015

post card from Pyongyang

In video form showing Obama fundraising for DNC in New York. So, not Washington, this is New York and these are his political supporters that he is talking to and all that explains why they are laughing when nothing is funny. Everybody who watches this comedy routine by the president outside this room of supporters knows all about the whole miserable situation containing this nugget of the president's comedic contemptuous ridicule. It is impossible to watch without stirring strong emotions including deep pity of the sort felt when viewing video of North Koreans weeping hysterically publicly over the death of Kim Jong-il and punished for insufficient hysteria.

It's not funny.

Obama who refused to participate in a debate on Fox because of a joke made by one Fox executives, and his refusal brought with it the refusal of the rest of the Democrat candidates, all Democrat candidates refused to participate on Fox in 2007 because of a joke, and the candidate that caused that now president fancies himself comedian speaking to like-minded supporters who laugh at this obvious characterization reversal.

Not only did Republican candidates appear on CNBC but they handed the moderators their liberal asses. Media bias is now the issue precisely because they faced up and challenged underlying assumptions. There is no fear apparent on the Republican side. None. But fear on the left all around as they scramble for the pieces of their reputation. The president has it exactly reversed and his supporters laugh on cue, his own laughter, Obama laughs at his own jokes.

This insight is brought to us by a guy with the handle AlarmedPigFarmer in a comment to an article on American Spectator by Ross Kaminsky. The comment is at the bottom of the second page of comments. AlarmedPigFarmer remarks,
When I saw the video of Prez Barack Hussein's comedy routine last night, the disturbing part was the laughter on the track. It used to be when somebody said something false, he was met with leaden silence or even catcalls and boos. Not now. His predicate was that the candidates had trouble handling the CNBC "moderators" when the opposite happened; the moderators were slam dunked and humiliated. But there was no leaden silence and certainly no boos, there was appreciative laughter. Our nation has changed for the worse because its people have. And these are influential contributors.
Lowered standards = lowered outcomes. And standards for truthfulness are lower on TV even than in the modern classroom.
He is answered by commenter Bandido
No one in the audience dares to be first to quit applauding Stalin or laughing for Obama. They will continue on until sweat pours from their bodies and they collapse with heart attacks and epileptic seizures. Their gods demand total obeisance and prostration before the lectern/altar and the acolytes provide it.
Here is the video on YouTube. Clips of this routine have been showing all week. Oddly, nothing I've seen so far says anything more than DNC fundraiser in NY. That's it. No names given, no more specific than that. Small point, and maybe it's easy enough to find out, I just haven't seen it, and I've seen "DNC fundraiser in NY" about 300 times.

I want to talk about this bit of cynical humor that is not funny. Not funny here because everyone else sees that Russia handed Obama his ass repeatedly and all the Republican candidates DID face CNBC moderators and are capable and willing to do so but it is now part of the discussion all this occurs in a world of liberal bias. It is a pathetic mischaracterization of reality both ways, ability to handle Russia and fear of facing liberal bias, the joke not funny because the comedian delivering it failed miserably in both. The laughter is like NK laughter. Everyone sensible sees it but those laughing.

On a personal level two things come to mind in alignment.

In Maui riding along the back hills in a jeep, one of the fun things to do there, I said something terribly cynical and my brother cracked up laughing. When he stopped the jeep he told me it seemed to him the more difficulty I showed physically dealing with mobility the funnier I've become. He said, "Sometimes it takes a moment to sink in but goddamnit, you are funny!"

I deliberated saying that previous thing, whatever it was, some insignificant observation, it was cynical. I don't want to mix cynicism with holiday, but that's what he thought was funny. There were other things I could have said, more pleasant observations, but in that case I dealt off the bottom of the deck, the lowest thing that came to mind is the thing verbalized, and that's what he thought was funny. Right as I'm trying to check my own growing cynicism my brother tells me I'm becoming increasingly funny.

I told him about the cynicism thing, that yes, it is kind of funny for awhile and that's it. Stick around and two weeks straight of nothing but amusing cynicism and he'll be ready to toss me out of the car. And to look for that in humor. There is a great difference between real life observation life-perspective cynicism and good natured humor. Cynicism is easy and deals off the bottom of the deck it requires no thought, humor is different, not always cynical, good humor has understanding, love and acceptance.

I used an example of two guys I palled around with briefly from New Jersey. That is what got James to understand.

Another overlapping instance roles are reversed and I'm victim of another's bottom of the deck dealing. A girlfriend of mine was intelligent and could understand this but pretended otherwise. Her familiarity and ease with me allowed sisterly-like low-level dealing that replaced her considered interaction. She continuously verbalized every crap cynical thought that flashed through her brilliant mind, careless to its affect on me. When I told her I'm having a problem with her bottom of the deck dealing cynical humor that targets me each time, really does take out chips and although each chip insignificant and not worth discussing the accumulative affect is worth discussing so knock it the fuck off.

This came to a head following an art showing. Some kind of fundraiser that was selling framed art. Three of us went together. We bought a few pieces. It was a terrible evening. Frankly. We stopped at a nearby place to eat, waited at the table forever before given menus, then upon ordering we were told it is too late for anything off the grill. The cook already cleaned it. A lot of things went through my mind, the impulse being fuck him, fire it up and cook my hamburger, and another of a cook spitting on my hamburger. The waitress said, "I feel really bad about this."

Uncharacteristically, I snapped, "You should."

Mortified, the three stared me down, waitress and my two companions all agree I'm out of line. We're late, get over it.

Home now, I'm trying to assess the new purchases. Without actually hanging them. Will they fill the space? I drag an upholstered chair up to wall so its back can hold a framed picture and lean it against the wall, step back and see what it looks like.

"Too low!'

Toni's, first remark before I can even step back and see. Of course it's too low, it's on the back of a chair and not hanging by wire at the correct height. She knows this. All this was verbalized as I was doing it. Why would she negate the effort by verbalizing the obvious, and only the lowest most obvious? She is doing to me what she complains her mother does to her. She is dealing off the bottom of the deck has become inflective and it is not funny. Forcing her to realize this while her brilliance is applied to rejecting it will ruin our relationship.

The discussion became one of me coming out of character that night because my observable behavior tracks with a full moon. They called me luny.


Methadras said...

When Saddam finally took power, he sat in a chair on a stage and he had gathered the Iraqi Congressmen all to sit in the audience with his goons on the stairwells. He was sitting in that chair just very casually talking about himself and Iraq while he is completing his coup takeover of the Ba'ath party and the entire country. Men were openly weeping sitting their listening to him talk. Then he started blurting out names and his goons went to round up those that were called. Those men were never seen ever again.

Other men started to weep more openly and some would stand and swear loyalty and fealty to Saddam in the most obsequious way possible. They all knew what would happen if they didn't otherwise. This is the evil the men do. Mohammad, Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hussein, Saud, Assad, The Kim's, Pot, Peron, Kirchner, Obama. A small list of despots large and small, who would use you as the grease for their wheels of evil to roll over anyone who gets in their way. Their way of total and utter control of you as property for their gains, not yours. Slavery without recompense and their sycophants all loved them for it as they were ground into dust.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I was going to say nothing, but nothing would presume i know everything, so I'll just say something illustrative of the point by Chip in this post is how the IRS has gotten a pass on their less than equal treatment of the tea parties.

This kind of "nothing to see here" attitude towards an agency abuse of power would have been unthinkable just a short time ago.

Amartel said...

True Believers in search of a God to applaud.
Obama, Hero of the Stupid and Easily Led.

There was a prof like this at my law school. Horrible teacher, rancid, accusatory, wretched and resentful personality (and a total progressive, of course) but some people just looooved him and fervently sought out his approval. They so wanted to be liked by the man.

ricpic said...

I couldn't get beyond, "People who love their country...can change it."

I think it is important to never forget that we, people who do in fact love this country, are in a war to the death with Obama and his minions. And it is beyond tragic that the people whose job it is to save the Republic, the opposition party, the Republicans, still don't get it that they are in a deadly war with malevolence personified.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama must laugh. Just like corrupt Hillary laughs. They lie to us, get the media to lie for them, then they all laugh.

To this day, the hack press have not apologized for or corrected the 'IT WAS A VIDEO" lie.

Methadras said...

ricpic said...

I couldn't get beyond, "People who love their country...can change it."

People who love their country kill those that try to 'fundamentally transform' it.