"For what it’s worth, I don’t think Sanders was being sexist when he said that “all the shouting in the world” wouldn’t address gun violence, for the reasons my colleague William Saletan has pointed out. But the comments that Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, made to Bloomberg’s John Heilemann were different. “We’re willing to consider her for vice president. We’ll give her serious consideration. We’ll even interview her,” Weaver said with a grin. The condescension was palpable.
One needn’t be a gender studies major at Oberlin, however, to realize that the meanings of words can shift according to the identities of the speaker and the subject; it’s why Joe Biden’s comment about Obama being “articulate” was widely seen as subtly racist. A lot of women had a visceral reaction to Weaver’s words not because they’re trying to gin up outrage—though there was some of that—but because patronizing men have been minimizing their qualifications and offering them subsidiary positions for their entire lives.
Of course, people of good faith are going to disagree about individual examples of sexism. What’s immensely frustrating, however, is to realize how many ostensibly enlightened men think that gender can ever be totally disaggregated from Clinton’s efforts to become the first female president. They seem to believe that their class politics exempt them from taking sexism seriously. They certainly don’t care about female leadership.
I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise; as long as feminism has existed, left-wing men have dismissed it as a bourgeois triviality. Now we know how little things have changed. For that, at least, we can thank these men for educating us."
One needn’t be a gender studies major at Oberlin, however, to realize that the meanings of words can shift according to the identities of the speaker and the subject; it’s why Joe Biden’s comment about Obama being “articulate” was widely seen as subtly racist. A lot of women had a visceral reaction to Weaver’s words not because they’re trying to gin up outrage—though there was some of that—but because patronizing men have been minimizing their qualifications and offering them subsidiary positions for their entire lives.
Of course, people of good faith are going to disagree about individual examples of sexism. What’s immensely frustrating, however, is to realize how many ostensibly enlightened men think that gender can ever be totally disaggregated from Clinton’s efforts to become the first female president. They seem to believe that their class politics exempt them from taking sexism seriously. They certainly don’t care about female leadership.
I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise; as long as feminism has existed, left-wing men have dismissed it as a bourgeois triviality. Now we know how little things have changed. For that, at least, we can thank these men for educating us."
Amusingly, the word mansplain appears in the link, but not in the body of the article.
Leftist women will always try to neuter any man. In the face of these attacks, the response must be swift and disproportionate.
To the extent that there's a point in this morass and not just more ass, the point is that Progressive Man is the center of the universe (just ask King Putt) and treating individual women, or any of the other house pets, as equals, or even as individuals, is not necessary so long as you pay lip service to the vague notions of government-enforced social utopia of equality and fairness and justice etc. And say nice things about your wife/girlfriend so she'll cooperate and play along.
"Liberal women accuse liberal men of not getting it."
Whose fault is that? If liberal women didn't spend so much time fantasizing about giving it to manly conservative men, their pajama boys might get some.
Kind of a catch-22, eh bags?
Interesting, Amartel, liberal women would say exactly the same about Republican men, and more.
lol Meth, I imagine women on the right are seen as neutering by leftie men...I'm starting to get confused.
Do liberal women know any Republican men? Are they speaking from empirical knowledge or just repeating their lines.
Consider the cast of The View.
Have any of those harpies ever gotten it (connotation irrelevant)?
Too triggering. IYKWIMAITYD.
I will sock any bitch who flags me down to explain to me what I don't "get" about her and her stupid struggles. Try being judged just on account of how economically productive you are to society, rather than on account of how many people find you physically attractive. Then we'll talk.
True story. A decent-looking svelte twenty-something smiled and stared and looked away repeatedly at me as we walked down the sidewalk one night a few months ago. I said I noticed what she was doing, and then she giggled some excuse (true or not) about how I resembled someone she knew. Fascinating. Eventually I continued on and left it at that.
About 20 seconds later, she caught up to me and berated me for daring to not understand the safety issues of being a young woman walking alone at night and her need to maintain the utmost of engaged vigilance of her surroundings in such a situation. I immediately and LOUDLY bellowed an exasperated Archie Bunker type of a reaction, complained about the insufferable nagging and continued stalking off. I even managed to say, "NAG NAG NAG!".
In retrospect I'm just now realizing that she was probably pissed that I didn't initially chat her up more.
Fuck this mindset and fuck the presumption that it's capable of running a damn thing.
Both liberal and conservative women are insufferable in different ways. The only woman worth a damn is an apolitical woman. (Or one who understands politics but is basically above it). Since all politics is essentially a form of nagging.... well, you see what I mean.
That makes zero sense. Now don't forget to take out the trash.
Yeah, Amartel, I shoulda changed the title.
Take out the papers and the trash!
Or you don't get no spending cash!
Yakety yak! Don't talk back!
Being asked to take out the trash is probably the least nagging thing a woman can do nowadays.
My trick is just to be a much better cook than her. Then there are few chores she won't prefer to make up for by offering to do herself.
Yeah, like I still didn't notice that your cooking sucks! But I can change that! Now pay attention as I filet this!
"Uh, ok I'll just take out the trash instead!"
Thanks, Dear!
LOL. Some more great advice from The Coasters I just discovered. Hilarious. True.
How ironic that today that would probably be considered "sexist".
Plain common sense, just hard to do. You cook for her...lucky girl!
It's a matter of survival.
Or taste.
Same thing.
I'm not progressive.
I like regressing too much.
There is nothing hotter or sexier than a conservative man.
Pajama boys give me the willies.
Is that why they call it "Pajama Media"?
I'm not sure I'd want to see what April looks like with a willie.
"There is nothing hotter or sexier than..."
Than having someone who's actually there?
Amartel, O Amartel.
What's it like living life as a dildo?
I already made it clear that I'm not a "progressive".
As for the rest, learn to take a joke and not take things literally.
It's ok if you want to be Rain Man. Just get a talent, first.
Pajama Media originates from the time some hack media elite mocked someone who dared question the elite authority of said elite media hack. "someone in pajamas in the basement."
Pajama boy - is this guy. An insufferable man-child. How democrats see their supporters. Cozy. The model ObamaCare patient.
I'm not sure I'd want to see what April looks like with a willie.
It's big and frightening. Too much for a pajama boy to handle.
...Than having someone who's actually there?
I know, right? Depends on Having and There.
Pajama Boy is being very bitchy today. Needs more medication in his cocoa.
Gee A. Martel. You must be wrong quite often to confuse being corrected with being "bitchy".
Imagine, April, how much you could get done if you put all the effort you put into correcting me on the finer points of identifying which of the many men who won't have you as men whom you also wouldn't have, into something worthwhile.
Typical Progressive Man Boy.
You sound confused, A. "Jokes" are things that are made by people who are funny and who have a sense of humor.
Calling names is just whiny. And bitter.
Keep that in mind when you ponder (and whine about) why it is that there really aren't any conservative comedians.
Oh wait. There was once a conservative comedian, as I recall.
One who told black youtes how incorrigible they were and how they needed to pull up their pants.
I think his name was "Bill Cosby".
Very family-friendly guy.
At least, his tv show and stage persona portrayed him that way.
A great, conservative role model for all those black folks who have been coddled by government and by the left
You tell 'em, Amartel!
Senile progressive Man Boy flailing and confused regarding the facts.
(Cosby's no conservative.)
It's sad, really.
Definitely not funny.
(You were the one kvetching about black men not pulling up their pants, etc. not too long ago.)
Don't deny it.
It's true.
So did you have a point, A., (I know, rhetorical question. Conservatives don't have "points", they just have rhetorical tactics) - or are you just here to reiterate the fact that conservatives don't get humor? Or science? Or effective social criticism or satire?
It's almost like you don't have any point to your comments. Other than to prove that you can type.
Are your comments an attempt to get yourself a typing job somewhere?
Well, I'm not the one you need to impress with that stuff. My monitor is not the place you need to send your resume.
Here at Cheers - cafe Lem - there are a lot of smart people, male and female. That's sexy. Sorry - it just is.
I will give pajama boy Balls credit for showing up alone to face our unbearable awesomeness.
Cosby's show was a very 1980s family-friendly family values sort of show.
No blue humor for Mr. Cosby! No "coarsening of the culture" with the cheap vulgarity par for the course among mainstream, successful comics - that sort that conservatives love to decry.
Nope. He was a-ok with the "family values" crowd. A regular example for Ralph Reed, Heritage and other self-appointed, conservative, Guardians of America's Social Virtue and Decency.
Kids say the darnedest things. And then there's Amartel.
He says even darneder things.
Bill Cosby is my fault. I ruined him. He called me for advice and I told him to throw away that family-values crap and slip her a micky.
My bad. Sorry. I take full responsibility.
I will give pajama boy Balls credit for showing up alone to face our unbearable awesomeness.
As long as you keep your "big and frightening" willie away. Or at least out of it.
Or just pointed in a different direction.
Maybe in Amartel's direction.
(That's called a "joke", Amartel. That's the part where you're supposed to laugh.) ;-)
I'm telling you these things now so that you will know how natural, human reactions work in the future and don't come off phony when trying to deploy them like Hillary Clinton does.
See? Here's another smiley face so that you will know it was a joke. ;-)
Feel the love, AMart.
Not KMart. AMart.
You're the one who wants to see it. Pervert. Geeez. You can't even keep your facts straight a few posts down.
Be like April, A-Mart. At least she has a sense of humor.
She's a good gal.
As creepy and pajama-like as she finds my existence.
back on track..
"We’re willing to consider her for vice president. We’ll give her serious consideration. We’ll even interview her,” Weaver said with a grin. The condescension was palpable."
Maybe the condescension had NOTHING to do with "female" and everything to do with Hillary's annoying and patronizing idea that she is owed, it is hers, there should be no contest, and that everyone should get our of her way.
After 8 years of "you're a racist if you don't agree with Obama", (or "you're a racist if you refuse to admit up and down Obama is a Christian", (even though leftists hate Christians)) the sexist argument replacement is tired before it begins. Hillary and her daft supporters think that "you're sexist if you don't love Hillary" is going to fly?
It won't.
Everyone is fine with "first female". Everyone is not fine with "It must be Hillary, or else."
our = out
deborah said...
Interesting, Amartel, liberal women would say exactly the same about Republican men, and more.
lol Meth, I imagine women on the right are seen as neutering by leftie men...I'm starting to get confused.
Your confusion is expected since you aren't nor have ever been a conservative, so you wouldn't understand the dynamics of conservative couples overall. Conservative women, and this is a generality, do not genuinely seek to neuter men, instead they seek an equal partner or even in some cases for a man to be in charge. Leftist men, in general are usually lacking in their masculinity and therefore are easier to manipulate, hence Rightist women really look down upon leftist men.
Yea, that Pajama Boy character was quite the pride-inducing symbol. I can't imagine why anyone in advertising or politics would approve such a thing for an ad campaign. And of course his sister Julia is another embarrassing symbol. Are Lefties really that different on what is an admirable person that we might want to relate to? Those two symbolize helplessness, dependence, weakness, lack of vigor or backbone, and certainly don't look able or even willing to help others and being contributors to their community. Why would lefties think that's good optics? I guess it is their demographic, but admitting it is really a Pajama Boy move. I understand appealing to your target, but you don't see Budweiser showing their customers passed out in the gutter to make their customers feel welcome.
Rhythm and Balls said...
I will sock any bitch who flags me down to explain to me what I don't "get" about her and her stupid struggles. Try being judged just on account of how economically productive you are to society, rather than on account of how many people find you physically attractive. Then we'll talk.
True story. A decent-looking svelte twenty-something smiled and stared and looked away repeatedly at me as we walked down the sidewalk one night a few months ago. I said I noticed what she was doing, and then she giggled some excuse (true or not) about how I resembled someone she knew. Fascinating. Eventually I continued on and left it at that.
About 20 seconds later, she caught up to me and berated me for daring to not understand the safety issues of being a young woman walking alone at night and her need to maintain the utmost of engaged vigilance of her surroundings in such a situation. I immediately and LOUDLY bellowed an exasperated Archie Bunker type of a reaction, complained about the insufferable nagging and continued stalking off. I even managed to say, "NAG NAG NAG!".
In retrospect I'm just now realizing that she was probably pissed that I didn't initially chat her up more.
Fuck this mindset and fuck the presumption that it's capable of running a damn thing.
November 9, 2015 at 5:28 PM
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
Both liberal and conservative women are insufferable in different ways. The only woman worth a damn is an apolitical woman. (Or one who understands politics but is basically above it). Since all politics is essentially a form of nagging.... well, you see what I mean.
That story reminds me of a similar encounter, but I was a sucker for it only because I was young and wanted to get laid. That lasted about 3 months. Yeah, I'm sure the 20 something easily got pissed because she laid down the trap (and she probably didn't realize she was doing it) and you side stepped said trap and she got bent. I've seen that happen more times than not. Man doesn't fall for the womans trickery and she gets all naggy and huffy. To which I say, Fuck That.
AprilApple said...
There is nothing hotter or sexier than a conservative man.
Pajama boys give me the willies.
Careful April, pajama boys will get you a whole box of willies.
I know most of us are a little older in this forum, and when I see shit like THIS, I'm thankful that I'm not gonna be around when our country is handed over to these people. Hundreds of years of progress toward freedom will be reversed faster than Bill Cosby's reputation.
Take a hike Meth, you don't know me. I voted for McCain and Bush, Sr., never for W or Clinton.
That story reminds me of a similar encounter, but I was a sucker for it only because I was young and wanted to get laid. That lasted about 3 months.
I'm not even sure I've ever left that stage.
Yeah, I'm sure the 20 something easily got pissed because she laid down the trap (and she probably didn't realize she was doing it) and you side stepped said trap and she got bent.
The funny thing is, I didn't even realize that I was sidestepping a trap, as you say. I just hate people not being direct. Stare, look away, stare look away, stare look away. Giggle. Look serious. Just say something! I can stare too.
I do what I can to avoid people who want to begin something with me (in whatever form) through hand signals, smoke signals or anything that bypasses the larynx. It's not a good sign.
Here's another true story. (I assume it's true). My dad told me that in the 1960s he told a woman in a social setting (who called herself a feminist) that women would never be equal to men, and that he could prove it. The woman asked him to prove it, and he said that as a man he could tell a woman, point blank, that he wanted to have sex with her. A woman, he explained, would never have the courage to do the same thing.
So she asked him to have sex with her.
This was in the 1960s, when you could get away with calling a woman on her claim to equality. Not so much any more. Now it's more pretension than a claim.
Thanks bago, good find, except it raises my blood pressure.
Finally, after shitting the bed and sitting in it for a couple of hours, Pajama Boy hits on a winning strategy. Emoticons! So we'll know what's supposed to be a hilarious comedy "joke" and what's the usual demented nonsensical double-talking blowhard ramblings.
A-Mart, once you find what it is that's in your ass and causing you so much discomfort, I think you'll be very glad to know that it isn't me. As much as you wish it was me.
In the meantime, here's a way to sooth yourself.
@Amartel: I used to let R&B bother me until one day Fen linked one of his comments where he admitted that he just likes irking people. I bookmarked it. In other words, he's just making shit up. So don't take him so seriously. He's got a surprisingly good command of the language -- far better than mine so you can always learn something from his ramblings. Plus there are times where he actually expresses contrition.
Deborah and Meth -- what are you two fighting about? I like both of you and don't wish to see this escalate.
deborah said...
Take a hike Meth, you don't know me. I voted for McCain and Bush, Sr., never for W or Clinton
Lessee, in chronological order, I voted for Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, (skipped 1992 b/c I was overseas), then Clinton, then Gore, then W, then McCain, and then Romney, I haven't decided on 2016, but it will not be Hillary!
Wow Chickie! Do you vote blindfolded?
I voted for five "losers" and three "winners."
I guess my crystal ball is not so crystal.
I did marry an apolitical woman though.
There's nothing wrong w/ fighting. Have it out, then let it go.
chickelit said...
Deborah and Meth -- what are you two fighting about? I like both of you and don't wish to see this escalate.
I'm not fighting, so I don't understand why she had to tell me who she voted for? Wev.
We're not fighting, Meth felt comfortable with defining me, I did not.
Deb, just for the record, who you voted for wasn't the point I was making. I claimed you aren't a conservative or ever have been one, therefore you couldn't understand the dynamic of conservative couples as it relates to what a conservative wants or looks for in a man. If you are or were a conservative, then I stand corrected.
Thanks, Meth. I more than understand the male-conservative/female-conservative dynamic and am attracted to conservative men.
These days labels are becoming meaningless. I'm not a social conservative, but more of an fiscal conservative, not that it makes any difference anymore. We're an oligarchy now, and no getting out of it as far as I can see. Did I mention I'm a pessimist also?
I'm pragmatic in all things really, but fair enough your clarification. I stand corrected.
I used to let R&B bother me until one day Fen linked one of his comments where he admitted that he just likes irking people.
Only when they don't think about what they say.
Thanks for the compliment on commanding the language, I guess. You have interesting thoughts on chemistry and the more poetic uses of the language. Especially spoonerisms.
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