Thursday, March 22, 2018

Our enemies are dying with laughter

Oh? About what? Did someone tell them a good joke?  I liked the one about the nun.

I must read this to see if there are any good jokes.

Ray Starman at doesn't like our armed forces being feminized.

He sounds a bit cranky right from the start. He lists a crossdresser, an AWOL soldier, and a communist cadet. Then he gets on a roll.
Our enemies know that the US military in 2018 is a feminized, PC weakling. Our enemies know that as every day passes and new politically correct orders are generated, the US military is one step closer to total annihilation in the next war, against foes that will coming to the field with navies, armies and air forces. 
As our enemies train for war, we train for social justice. 
This is not a military of Pappy Boyingtons, Chesty Pullers and Pattons. This is a military of Chelsea Mannings, Bowe Bergdahls and Spencer Rapones.
This is a military that is more concerned about micro-aggressions than maximum fire power. 
This is a military with Mommy Rangers. 
This is a military ordered to balance lactation support with readiness. 
Have no doubt, the North Koreans, the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians and every other thug in the world who wants to take a punch at the United States has observed with absolute delight, Operation Kamikaze, the deliberate weakening of our military by leftist social engineers, actions made possible by gutless generals more concerned about their pensions than about the nation they serve.
Okay, stop right there for a minute. I want to look at something.

North Korea, military women.

Ray Starmann continues.
After reading this list, wouldn’t you be laughing too, if you were a Russian Army general, a Chinese Navy admiral, a North Korean Politburo member?
No. I don't think so. I wouldn't be laughing if I were them, and neither are they laughing being themselves.

The United States militaries together are largest employers in the world. It doesn't makes sense to insist that be shut out to women. Just deal with it. I stopped listening to your complaints.


edutcher said...

Screw the Norks, the Reds, the Russkies, and the crazies.

The Kurdish girls are Hell on wheels

Babes. Feminists should look that good.

Granted, their girls are not for show, unlike most of ours.

PS That we don't have Pattons or Boyingtons anymore is not a bad thing.

PPS The military has always had guys light on their feet (encouraging it is, of course, doubleplusungood). As for the Rapones, how many American Commies fought for the US in WWII?

Lots. It was the War To Save Communism, after all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The good news about the Iranian women is they are all set to go for the funeral.

Methadras said...

The russian women had nicer legs i thought. I wonder what the Ukranian women look like?