Tuesday, July 23, 2024

And the hits just keep on comin'

OK, ladies and germs, we've been treated to a non-stop parade of goofs and anomalies over what happened when the gunfire went down, but here are some nuggets that make the single bullet theory look like child's play.

1 Remember those encrypted accounts? That was just the beginning. Turns out the shooter had someone visit him who also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place.This is in the same vicinity of an FBI  office on June 26, 2023. 

2 Photos of the scene show minimal blood. According to an MD with 20 years of ER experience, there should be massive amounts of blood. As The Blonde has told me innumerable times, any head would will bleed profusely.

3 This is from a whistleblower, so take with some caution. There was somebody assigned to that roof that was too sloped, but abandoned his post due to the heat.

Shades of Ford's Theater.

And let us all give thanks to Dr Tim Berners-Lee. Withou the Internet, we would be at the mercy of the 3 networks.


The Dude said...

A head wound will stop bleeding when the heart stops. His heart stopped getting signals from his pierced brain right after the headshot. Leakage due to gravity is all that you get once your blood pressure goes to 0/0.

MamaM said...

Non-stop parade of goofs and anomalies, indeed. Incredulous in the overall.

Thankfully, I've seen/heard enough to form my own opinion, at least for now. While I may change or adjust it down the road, at this point, I'm not buying the single shooter story. The audio analysis of the shots fired, indicating different sounds and possibly different distances involved is hard to dismiss.

My intuition and research on the Corona Virus, placed me close to truths later revealed. For now, I'm going trust what I'm seeing/hearing with this, and consider my conclusions to be more on the mark than the current story being pushed and pedaled by the media.

MamaM said...

Addional phrases from my reading/listening that resonated:

None of this adds up
News Vacuum
Radio Silence
Striking lack of evidence
Where's the briefings?

edutcher said...

MamaM said...

While I may change or adjust it down the road, at this point, I'm not buying the single shooter story. The audio analysis of the shots fired, indicating different sounds and possibly different distances involved is hard to dismiss.

Looks like we're just getting started and people are now adjusting their fire to include Mayorkas. And, of course, the FIB is coming under scrutiny.

My intuition and research on the Corona Virus, placed me close to truths later revealed. For now, I'm going trust what I'm seeing/hearing with this, and consider my conclusions to be more on the mark than the current story being pushed and pedaled by the media.

God gave you a beautiful brain and He meant for you to use it.