Wednesday, July 31, 2024

You're gonna hate me

Well, there's another element in the Brandon mess that surpasses Doubleaughtwhatshisface. Looks like Solo and Kuryakin are going to need some special guest agents.

The Body Double Affair seems to be getting some substantiation. More people, it appears, are notcing the many heights of the lying dogfaced pony soldier. More to the point, you almost never see him close up. Fake News is kept way back.

So we have an issue here. Is there a President (other than Trump, of course)? If Brandon is non compos mentis or even non compos living, who's running the show? Chlamydia talks that way on occasion, but that could be resolved by the 25th Amendment.  And, no, it ain't Zippy. He couldn't put together a simple declarative English sentence without an idiot card.

We really are going to need some special guest agents on this one.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

While it seems incredible that wool is being pulled in regard to the actual physical condition of the one still listed (to the nation's awareness) as Prez, it also seems incredible there'd be so much weird fishiness going on since the fast plane ride home. To what end and purpose are they not being up front and honest?

Given the wool pulled over eyes in regard to his mental focus and declile, it seems possible there's more still being covered over.

On a lesser scale, I'm still troubled by all those dog bites. Numerous bites that kept happening to Cheatle's people under her watch.