Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Begun, the meme wars have

We are not a serious nation. If a faux-blaq air-headed fellatrix can even be considered for the role of chief executive then we are a fallen nation. As horrible as Mark Fydrych's fate was, we are on course to becoming entangled in God's own PTO. 


edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Just remember the Demos built this trap 4 years ago. The freaks took over and the usual percentage of people who need to be told what to think, what to do, what to say, and what to feel went along for 4 years. Much like the Civil War.

This is what happens when you steal elections.

MamaM said...

Mark the Bird's fate was unknown to me, prior to this post. I'd looked him up to find out when he played for the Tigers, but didn't read past those dates. I recalled him as an eccentric, and going back again to read about his death, found this description of his behavior:

In addition to his pitching, Fidrych attracted attention in his debut for talking to the ball while on the pitcher's mound, strutting in a circle around the mound after every out, patting down the mound, and refusing to allow groundskeepers to fix the mound in the sixth inning. After the game, sports writer Jim Hawkins wrote in the Detroit Free Press: "He really is something to behold." Rico Carty of the Indians said he thought Fidrych "was trying to hypnotize them.

Fidrych captured the imagination of fans with his antics on the field. He would crouch down on the pitcher's mound and fix cleat marks, in what became known as "manicuring the mound," talk to himself, talk to the ball, aim the ball like a dart, strut around the mound after every out, and throw back balls that "had hits in them," insisting they be removed from the game.

The article attributed The Bird moniker to his resemblence to Big Bird. What I recall was the song played for him at the games.

Weird for sure. Weirdly enough, he'd apparenly made a good life for himself after baseball, until a weird entanglement took his life.

I'm currently looking for ways to make a life for myself beyond and apart from the political games being played out, in order to hopefully get through the drama and disorder. Maybe that will be my next post, if I don't get caught up in further weirdness.

It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there

Willia Carlos Williams

The Dude said...

I run power tools almost every day. Since I was in college I have been aware of the dangers associated with lathes and other rotating machinery. It was heartbreaking to learn of Mr. Fydrych's fate, especially after how entertaining he had been in his baseball career.

You just never know when fate or whatever it is, is going to decide that your time is up. You left us too soon, Mark, and thanks for the memories - you were one of a kind.

Dad Bones said...

When gasoline engines and machinery started replacing horses farmers were getting their pant legs or other loose clothing caught in otherwise harmless looking PTO shafts. They would lose a limb or worse before they even realized what was happening to them. Once that shaft starts winding its human victim around it there's absolutely nothing that can be done other than hoping someone is nearby to stop it. The only thing that can be done is to be aware of it and not let it happen.

God's PTO looks harmless enough. Although she laughs like a donkey stud she's kinda cute but we'd be smart to not let her happen. Unfortunately I know several people who can't wait for her to happen, even Jeff Bridges....!