Wednesday, July 24, 2024

You make the call

I wanted to see how Brandon looked and sounded in his swan song. Well, I got my money's worth.

Take a look at this. Go in a few minutes until he starts to move and speak. Look carefully. The mouth, the eyes, the head, the hands. Is something out of sync? I won't be offended if anybody says I'm loopy.

Does it look like CGI? Maybe from one of those old sword and sandal imports from the 60s?

It just seems there's something off. Maybe the effects of a stroke. Maybe something else.

Maybe it's the blood thinners. I can't be sure.


MamaM said...

From the link, another line I like:
"This whole party is fishy"

I no longer know what I'm looking at. Something is off.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

I take heart in knowing the cartoonists whose work I've been posting here for awhile saw what I was seeing with regard to the decline long before the big "reveal" at the Debate. It's like the rest of the cup had to fill, drip by drip until what was taking place finally spilled over into conscious public awareness that couldn't be dimissed.

Maybe it's the same with the deceptions and the "fishiness", the difficult-to-reconcile incongruities being presented as if they reflect reality.

DEI took a very public hit with the Secret Service debacle, and now with the Big K walking on stage, we're about to be treated to another public spectacle of what DEI is capable of delivering.

The strangely signed and delivered resignation, the peppy planing and deplaning on the big stairs, the out of sync and empty Swan Song- devoid of content and delivered in orange by a lecturing liar; maybe they're all more drops in the bucket, drips in the cup, with the full foulness of the contents yet to be spilled.