Sunday, July 14, 2024

Midgets belong in a sideshow, not on security details

This picture makes a point that Trooper has hammered for years - that tiny chick SS agent is a foot shorter than Trump and provides zero coverage above the line of his navel. Security should be large Irish dudes with an attitude, not midgets. 

But the important part is that Mayokas is complicit in this, and all future attempts on Trump's life. Never forget who the enemy is, what they are, where they are from, and who they work for.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Diversity hires.

DIE. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity.

The babe built like a fireplug might be one Hell of a defensice lineman in women's football, but she's not the one for this job.

I remember as a kid watching some news footage of Ike on a visit somewhere with the Secret Service all around his car. Big, husky guys. No diversity hires.

Your point is extremely well taken.