Friday, July 26, 2024

Black my ass:



edutcher said...

Is she African Jamaican?

The Dude said...

Her father looks pretty pale, not at all like a sub-Saharan African, her mother is a dot indian, and she, like Liawatha, has appropriated a race that she was not born into.

But so far, most low info voters think she is black. They don't recognize that "Kamala" is a name from the subcontinent.

Dad Bones said...

Her time at Howard made her black enough to get all the black votes she needs. And she'll be forgiven for her slave owning grandpa whereas whites who don't have any connection with slavery will never be forgiven. She has advocated reparations but probably won't mention it unless reporters force her to.

Dad Bones said...

Wish I had read previous Dude/edutcher comments before posting the above comment. Hopefully there are enough younger blacks who aren't going to be taken in by the Kamala whirlwind that's getting started now.