Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On Key Conversations & Worse



edutcher said...

That last True Gret?

MamaM said...

That one was for you, edutcher. Yep, it's her, in line below The Kackler. I was looking for one with a pair of eyes and a mouth you'd recognize, and that cartoon tracks back to the time she was exerting control with crazy rules in MI during Covid.

In another twist, as you probably already know, her soon to come out book is entitled, "True Gretch", in which she declares her motto in politics to be "Get shit done!"

Meanwhile, she's back-pedaling as fast as she can, desperately wanting the golden ring that was denied her and went to Kamala instead, while also not wanting to appear too eager, greedy and disloyal, or worse yet get stuck in a no-win position this go-round that would make enemies or eliminate any future chance for glory down the road.

She was in Washington again on Wed, at a WH meeting with Brandon and other Dem guvs, and could in theory deliver MI, with a lot of influence and support for her coming from Detroit.

edutcher said...

Unless things are better in Meshugah than anywhere else, I don't know if she can deliver anything. A lot more people are paying attention this round.

Also, not wanting to appear too eager, greedy and disloyal is a forlorn hope. I read somewhere she's still angling for the top spot and her apparatchiks have yet to go home. I knew there was something about those eyes and that waxy look.

edutcher said...

PS Never forget she was the one who called Brandon's campaign manager and told him the lying dogfaced pony soldier could never win MI.

Hard to bounce back from that one.

MamaM said...

Also, not wanting to appear too eager, greedy and disloyal is a forlorn hope.

That made me laugh. A forlorn hope indeed.

She can't stop angling, and that along with whatever else is or isn't going on behind those eyes, and a mouth (and ego) she has difficulty wrangling, is going to create tension and division in the ranks. It's already my sense she scares Joe, angers Jill and severely threatens the even emptier-headed K with tough talk and an attitude that sounds and looks meatier than word salad.

Whitmer has a rape at age 18 in her back ground, and in my book that, along with the turmoil of her parents divorce, did a number on her that accounts for some of the weird intensity, drive and impulsiveness she exhibits. It comes from a different place than Kamalala's buy my way to the top with sexual and color favors approach.

Whitmer's a fighter, albeit a clumsy one with a forlorn hope (and hole) in her heart, who's been backed by big money in her rise to the top of the Dem ladder in MI. Those who didn't think she could win the governorship again after her Covid performance were suprised when she somehow managed to do so with 54% of the vote, even though her opponent, Tudor Dixon, put up a good fight.

Tudor's the one who predicted week: "If pathological liar Joe Biden fails tonight, this is the next pathological liar they’ll replace him with." Whether that predictionwill come true or not, it tracks back to her personal and political experiences contending with Whitmer.

edutcher said...

Pardon me for going to stereotype, but I find her re-election straining the credulity as much as Andy Beshear's or DeWidiot's here in OH, given how hated he was.

I also think there was some hanky-pank in a lot of Congressional races. I'm guessing the Demos will keep stealing races until somene slaps their hand hard enough to make them stop.

And, yes, I do believe that's going to involve some violence before we're done.

MamaM said...

Strained credulity, verging on non-existant, is the theme of the day, accompanied by the question that won't go away of "How can/could this be???"

MamaM said...
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