Saturday, July 6, 2024

On Caught in Time & Woke Between the Sheets

Hard to pick a favorite in Powerline's Pic of the week: Orange Revolution Selection.  While the similarities and differences between Florida Orange, Mandarin Orange, and Obstinate Orange had me laughing, it was this pair of eyes and the truth underneath (now being exposed for all to see) that went beyond the laughter.   


MamaM said...

Red State on the Interview, with some comparisons between the edited clips and the full transcript.

With this take on it from Andrea Widburg in her post,"The big interview was generic Biden but humiliated journalists are going for the kill":

"What Biden did on the debate stage was worse than exposing himself. He exposed the media. He embarrassed them by revealing that they are either credulous fools or dishonest hacks. If there was a shred of decency in any of them, they’d be looking within with remorse, repenting of their sins, and trying to reform. But that’s not how our media roll. Instead, they now want to erase from the world stage the thing that caused them shame: Joe Biden."

Bringing up another set of post titles in need of a cartoon to match, while the Great Cartoon Unfolds:

Credulous Fools & Dishonest Hacks
Shame & Humiliation; Removal & Erasure

edutcher said...

Wait till they get past Brandon and have to dump Chlamydia. All the woke, DIE, affirmative action, and set-asides are going to go out the window.

As for credulous fools or dishonest hacks, the two are not mutually exclusive.

MamaM said...

Yes, I've three main points in mind for a cartoon I might try to draw, if only to see what comes out.

1 On the left side, Brandon standing at the podium pointing and shouting "LIAR", with Jill alongside in her VOTE dress leading the crowd in a chant of "Liar, Liar, Liar". On the right, a globe of the world surrounded by what look like a million fingers pointing back and voices shouting "LIAR!".

2 On the left, Kamalahaha throwing out a Diversity Boomarang, with it turning to fly back and cut her off at the legs.

3.Brandon and K standing on a large tree branch on the left side of a tree, sawing while entoning "The End of Democracy" as they cut off the limb they're on. Well, that's one scenario. Still considering what to do with their "End of Democracy" accusation, the one they've been leveling that fits what they're going about doing to a Tee.