Friday, July 5, 2024

Maybe she can get a gig in show biz

Looks like everybody's favorite female Democrat governor may have found her place under the bus.

In one of many pieces flying around the Net, there's a list of possible VPs for Chlamydia. Conspicuous for its absence is the name of the Obersturmbannfuhrerin from the Wolverine State. She dared try pull a Hillary and maneuver herself into position as first choice to replace Brandon. I think that's a violation of the Omerta, since no one makes a move unless the party bigs (or whomever is paying them off) approve.

And her autobiography hasn't even hit the bookstores yet.

Are the Demos afraid of an all-woman ticket? I realize the Chinese character for trouble is 2 women under the same roof, but doesn't that reek of sexism?

The names on the list are also interesting. All governors, all white males. Do the Demos think Chlamydia can't hack it as an administrator? She's had 4 years as border czar. Also no blacks. What about Spartacus? Is the DNC afraid of an all "black" ticket? What would George Floyd and Trayvon Martin say?

The Joe Must Go movement seems to have opened up several cans of worms and the wokified Democrat party is going to have fun screaming about any new ticket. Especially if Barry gets his (presumed) way and there's an open convention.

As yet another example of the silliness surrounding this mess (what a way to celebrate Independece Day), we have Hollyweird wailing how they've been lied to the last 4 years. Fake News has been trying manfully (or as close to cis-male as they dare get) to appear shocked, shocked, I say, that the lying dogfaced pony soldier doesn't have it all together, even though he claimed to be proud to be the first black woman to serve under a black female President.

As commentators are starting to notice, we haven't heard a peep out of the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne since the debate. If he could hand them a shovel, I presume he would. He's a generous guy.

* As a black woman, he commanded the 1st American Regiment at the Battle of the Crater, where he rescued the Vulcan Division from almost certain annihilation at the hands of Orson Welles' men from Mars.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

Well that brought some fun into the house.

Pissed & Betrayed! I'm thinking that would make a great title for a post if I could find a cartoon/cartoonist capable of capturing and conveying the Immensity and Absurdity this mess. But the problem is, it's close to being beyond imagination!

From the Hollywood link in the post:

"...The whole Biden inner circle lied… It’s such an act of hypocrisy.”

“Everyone is furious,” said a leading Hollywood Democratic insider. “People are pissed – they feel betrayed.”

Ayup, and whether they should have or could have seen this coming if they didn't have their heads in a dark place or weren't blinded by denial, self interests and TDR; the thoughts and emotions that accompany a sense of betrayal are not easy to set aside.

With the whole world on notice, it's no longer just the fellow party members, wealthy donors and Hollywood/Media Elite that need to will be soothed and convinced to keep the game going.