Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This may become a regular feature

In the interest of enlightenment, I create this post so that all those ignorant Lefties may see the light of reason (fat chance) and tolerance.

Here's an article on the immunity thing. Please note the date.

In its 1867 decision Mississippi v. Johnson, the Supreme Court established that the President is largely beyond the reach of the judiciary by holding that it could not direct President Andrew Johnson in how he exercised his purely executive and political powers.1 The Court stated, it had no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the President in the performance of his official duties.2

See? 1867? Like a hundred years ago. Right after Brandon freed all the slaves with his Magan Carta, written by the two Tommies, Roe and James.

For those who need to shut somebody up, please feel free to use.

Lest you resort to violence.

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