Monday, July 1, 2024

Not the biggest

OK, I'm going to usurp TOP's place and talk about a ruling by the Supremes.

Not much, since I'm not all that qualified, but I think it's that important we give credit where it's due. The ruling about immunity is not the biggest thing to come out today.

Really. It may underscore what common sense would tell most people is the way things ought to be, but that shouldn't have to be done. 

Unless the country is dominated by Leftist lunatics.

The biggie IMHO is LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES ET AL. v. RAIMONDO because it takes substantial power away from regulatory bureaucracies and puts it in the hands of the courts, which in turn puts it in the hands of the people. Not always a win for the people, given all the Lefty hacks who wear black dresses, but at least it gives us some redress.

This is the Clarence Thomas effect. It's why he will go down as possibly the most influential Justice of all time, as well as the greatest defender of the Constitution. We've seen some of the Conservatives vote against him and I've disagreed (for all that's worth) when his opinion was based more on tradition or a moral code than anything else, but it doesn't becloud the body of his work as a whole.

Too bad Brandon isn't coherent enough to reflect on the "high tech lynching of uppity blacks". He was one of the lynchers, along with Teddy Kennedy, and now stands, his life of corruption and deviance exposed, in contrast to the sterling reputation of Justice Thomas. 

This isn't a fan letter, but an appreciation of someone whose intellectual and moral weight deserves a lot more praise than he gets.

Then again, the Lone Ranger was content to leave a silver bullet on the sheriff's desk, too.


MamaM said...

Didn't mean to come in on top of your post, edutcher. It appears we were both writing at the same time.

What stands out as huge is this: Too bad Brandon isn't coherent enough to reflect on the "high tech lynching of uppity blacks". He was one of the lynchers, along with Teddy Kennedy, and now stands, his life of corruption and deviance exposed, in contrast to the sterling reputation of Justice Thomas.

edutcher said...

It's OK. Genius has its own timetable.