Thursday, July 11, 2024

Just for the halibut

I'm putting up a lengthy post from Gateway about the perils of the Demos dumping Brandon for educational purposes. Feel free to read as much or as little as you wish. The wrangling over this in the next month or two may be easier to understand. 


MamaM said...

"The process for substitution and withdrawal presents many election integrity issues."

What an embroilment! Election integrity issues indeed! Many of them. Who could have guessed? It couldn't happen to nicer people.

On the topic of integrity in other arenas, video on "X" of the Big Guy passing over a woman of color, while spending time hob nobbing and hugging those directly to the left and right of her, is something to see. I hope it goes viral.

She's holding a Biden/Harris sign and gives him a warm direct smile as he approaches, with the look on her face changing to crestfallen as he walks on by as if she weren't there, to carry on at length with the ladies next to her, laughing, hugging and taking pics.


edutcher said...

And notice, if you will, not one Democrat yelled about it.