Tuesday, July 9, 2024

So now we know...

and it's not much of a surprise.

Brandon doesn't have Parkinson's; he has late stage dementia. From the Alzheimers Assn., here are the symptoms.

How many of those have you seen him exhibiting on TV or on audio?.

There are plenty who will try to give you an argument. This is what you can give them back.

Another in the series.


MamaM said...

Other than symptoms on display (worsening over the last 4 years) has there been anything more recently to firm up the assertion that it's dementia rather than Parkinson's?

I just read an article with a quote from a Parkinson's doc, who is saying he's seeing classic features of Parkinson's disease. In my mind it's still up in the air as to what might be behind the behavior and demeanor (neurodegeneration) we're seeing on display, which does in truth match the signs of dementia on the list.


MamaM said...

To accompany the list, Neo has a post up entitled, "Parkinson’s is not really the issue – cognitive ability is the issue".

But why would a Parkinson’s diagnosis matter, except in terms of truth-telling versus lies? The motor problems characteristic of Parkinson’s wouldn’t necessarily be a bar to being a competent president. But two problems that often go with Parkinson’s would be. The first is fatigue, one of the most common and debilitating symptoms of Parkinson’s. And the second is, of course, dementia.

Biden either has those symptoms – irrespective of a Parkinson’s diagnosis – or he doesn’t. He certainly seems to have both. That’s the issue, of course.


The Dude said...

His gait, posture and how he holds his hands are all symptoms of Parkinson's. I have known people who have Parkinson's and when they were honest they said that they couldn't remember shit. CRS syndrome. It's mental and physical and the good news is, no one will ever tell the truth about what is dragging down our vegetable-in-chief.

edutcher said...

MamaM said...

Other than symptoms on display (worsening over the last 4 years) has there been anything more recently to firm up the assertion that it's dementia rather than Parkinson's?

I just read an article with a quote from a Parkinson's doc, who is saying he's seeing classic features of Parkinson's disease. In my mind it's still up in the air as to what might be behind the behavior and demeanor (neurodegeneration) we're seeing on display, which does in truth match the signs of dementia on the list.

There's no tremor, which is the big symptom of Parkinson's (Hitler after 7/22/44) and is usually one of the early tells.

The Blonde's eldest brother died of Parkinson's and he had the tremor early. Alzheimer's, according to the 'Net, is related, so the two are not mutually exclusive.

MamaM said...

My Grandfather had the tremor. He died when I was a high school, but I remember his shaking hands, shuffling gait, and compromised speech. Also the stories of how he, a retired carpenter, built the crooked kitchen in the cottage (with my uncle helping him), waiting and waiting with hammer in hand, trying to focus to hit the nail, and then BAM! in it would go. Same with golf, he'd stand at the tee, summoning focus and would eventually sock the ball. The kitchen ended up so crooked it had to be redone, but stayed that way for several years as a testimony to his determination and ability to get 'er done.

My mom started showing early signs of dementia as she entered her 90's. Prior to her death at 96, there were times when she'd sound like she was clear thinking, and other times when it was obvious she wasn't connecting all the dots. She started a fire in her room after putting a cinnimon sugar bagel in her toaster to toast and leaving the room to go have breakfast in the dining hall. Swore she didn't do it and the fire just happened, and she was able to tell that same story of innocence over and over to different people, very determined in her defence and sure she was right. She also couldn't manage her check book, but seemed capable of paying the hair dresser, so it was hard to know what she could and couldn't do. She spent her last year in a care center filled with women (mostly) showing more advanced signs. Dressed, mobile, and seemingly put together, they'd hang around the sitting area and tell stories that sounded true but weren't. I wouldn't know what I was hearing until something incredible would give me a clue. I see some of Joe's recent stories falling into that category, while the movement issues tell a different tale.

I was surprised to learn tremor is absent in approx 30% of those with Parkinsons.

I found the full video, shown at Daily Mail, of the Dr Pitts interview at NBC, informative and interesting to watch. He came through as very sure of what he was seeing, "classic features of neurodegeneration, listing rigidity and bradeykinesia as two hallmarks.


MamaM said...

After seeing the symptoms and effects of both Dementia and Parkinsons in the lives of people close to me, I'm wondering if both might be involved in what's going on with the Big Guy. Which could also account in part for why I find the ongoing deception, hiding, and stonewalling so abhorant.

Dr Pitts, a Democrat, nailed it at the end, when he said, "I'm an American before everything...They (the party) had four years, this was a wreck in slow motion, they had four years to find, out of 350 million Americans, one person that could take the place, and here we are the day before school, trying to do the homework and replace a guy who has a neurodegenerative disease."

He also talked about the military's process of Med Boarding out those who have a medical condition that renders them unfit to serve. It's looking to me like the Commander in Chief of the US Miliary is attmpting to function with a condition that would require those who serve under him to be Med Boarded out if they were exhibiting similar symptoms.

edutcher said...

Sorry about your mom, but, if she didn't exhibit symptoms until her 90s, she sounds like vigorous woman.

The news about the tremor is interesting, and only goes to show the 'Net is no substitute for a real doctor.

MamaM said...

After seeing the symptoms and effects of both Dementia and Parkinsons in the lives of people close to me, I'm wondering if both might be involved in what's going on with the Big Guy.

The two would not appear to be mutually exclusive and the Pitts quote is what I've been contending all along.

MamaM said...

I appreciated Pitts' use of the word neurodegenerative. Neurodegeneration, present in both diseases, is what's causing the Big Guy attempting a Big Boy Talk and a Big Boy Job to be so unfit and unsafe.

Misspelled Bradykinesia (above). Even more than what is or isn't coming out of his mouth for our ears to hear, I believe it's what our eyes have been seeing with regard to his motor movement, slack face and freezing that has people so shocked and stirred. It can't be unseen, or explained away with anything other than neurodegeneration.

Dr Pitts also dismissed the "he has a stutter" meme, describing word search/retrieval and low tone as part of the disease. It was fun to watch the good Dr's face as he talked.