Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The deeper we go, the thicker the mud

For those who can't believe the Feds would never abet a crime, try this one on for size. Apparently, the the shooter's home was scrubbed clean like a “Medical Lab” with no silverware or trash found in the home

And it gets better. The sack of slime that heads the FIB (mister, we could use a man like J Edgar again) admits they're not looking into why Trump was allowed on stage after the shooter was spotted.

And it just keeps getting better. He says the last thing the shooter looked up was the Kennedy assassination. According to the NY Post, the shooter's last online search was for porn, this on the word of a "senior LEO".


Justin_O_Guy said...

And it gets better. The sack of slime that heads the FIB (mister, we could use a man like J Edgar again) admits they're not looking into why Trump was allowed on stage after the shooter was spotted.

Duude, the names of the guity must be protected.

Justin_O_Guy said...

And it gets better. The sack of slime that heads the FIB (mister, we could use a man like J Edgar again) admits they're not looking into why Trump was allowed on stage after the shooter was spotted..
Duude, you know the names of the guilty must be protected.