Monday, July 1, 2024

On Storms, Microbursts & Circling Vultures


Last week Tuesday, a thunderstorm delivering a microburst of 70mph straight line winds moved through our area in West MI on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.  Five huge oaks in the woods in front of our house went down, blocking our drive and street.  While the next door neighbor, with trees similar to ours, barely lost a branch, the house five lots down had 10 more huge trees toppled over or snapped off at the trunk.  As the storm fanned out, more than half of the roads in our county were rendered impassable due to downed trees and powerlines.   The randomness of the devastation and amount of damage done was amazing and awful to see.  Four days of round the clock work were needed to clear the roads and repair the power lines, with sawing and chipping continuing to happen to deal with the mounds of debris and fallen wood left behind.  

Within the span of 10 minutes, a landscape that had been part of the picture for years was permanently and irreversibly changed.  Hundreds of healthy trees capable of enduring and withstanding decades of brutal winds and icy Michigan winter weather had been pushed over as if they were feathers, left on their sides with roots exposed, unable to be righted or restored back to life again.   All it took was one seemingly isolated storm.   A microburst.

So too with the debate.  Regardless of what comes next, the landscape has been irreversibly changed, with millions viewing the wreckage,  damage control in full swing, and the vultures circling.


edutcher said...

And the casualties are indeed mounting. The Obersturmbannfuhrerin, trying to pull a Hildabeast by some sub rosa lobbying as Brandon's perfect replacement, seems to be in the midst of a Full Court Alinsky. Having been caught telling his campaign chair he would lose MI, she is now backtracking mightily, insisting anyone who intimates she said such is full of it (does she kiss her mother with that mouth?).

At the same time, it appears Jill Kermit Wilson has replaced the Hildabeast as America's Lady Macbeth for her insistence, joined by the smartest man Brandon knows, that he forge ahead.

Meanwhile, rumors fly His Holiness Zippy Ozero is being called upon to calm the waters as only a Lightworker can.

It may be Springtime for Hitler, but it's Chaos for Democrats.

MamaM said...

Yes to the Chaos. All of it earned

Via Insty, below is a link to the clearest overall summation of debate fall out and resulting "first class mess" that the I've read to date:

Three words stand out: conspicuous, unavoidable and indelible.

MamaM said...

Also this in keeping with the "Chaos" tag:

The result is a first-class mess, with no easy solutions. The best summary is a line that closed each episode of a 1950s situation comedy, The Life of Riley. The beleaguered father of the family, Chester A. Riley, would sit on the front steps, a hangdog look on his face, and mutter, “What a revoltin’ development dis is.” That phrase should emblazon the welcome mat at the Biden White House.