Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A little something different

OK, batfans, riddle me this.

Over on YouTube, there's a striking number of young(er) black guys making content about how Chlamydia isn't black, all the abuses she committed in CA, how they don't want a black woman in the top spot, she dindu nuffin the last 4 years, getting mad over the race card, etc.

The Demos are rerunning the if you vote Trump, you ain't black thing again and it appears to be hitting a brick wall.

I've said here before that young blacks seemed to sour on Zippy around '14 in the aftermath of the Ferguson thing, calling him halfa cracka, etc. The way the Demos tried to railroad Trump really resonated with them, much as the lynch mob at Brother Bret's confirmation did. The way he comported himself at the shooting, likewise.

Van Jones once observed if the Democrat party lost 10% of the black vote, they were finished. If you buy the polls (wait till Labor Day when everybody's back from vaca), the Demos may lost 20%.

It's easy to be cynical and just as easy to be optimistic, but we're hearing the same from the Hisdpanics over the illegals. Given so many groups were already moving Right, and now we have a Hamas girl running for the top spot, actively snubbing Benjamin Netanyahu as he addressed Congress, it appears even the Jewish vote is leaving.

Is this one of those moments like the election of Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt? Granted it was 70 years between those guys and 90 from '32, but something seismic seems to be happening (not unlike all the gyrations the Demos have gone through the last 5 years or so). In this context, it's almost like the war of the angels in Paradise Lost.

First, of course, we have to win and any help we can get is welcome.

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