Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Here we go

OK might or might not agree wit this piece, but I raise it just as context. We all know the FIB's record.

But now here comes something to really chew on, first a former paratrooper and JSOC security guy and second, a a record- setting sniper from Canada.

If these guys smell a rat, bet there's good reason.

PS Without the Internet, we'd never know any of this stuff. If you're old enough to remember Dallas, you know it was all behind a screen.


MamaM said...

I smell a rat, and I'm no where close to where those guys have their sniffers set and trained to pick up scents others might miss.

MamaM said...

The sloped roof defense is beyond credibility.

MamaM said...

And what got in the way of a "Shooter on the roof" call on an emergency comm channel that Mills mentions?

"Massive security breach. Huge failure, with negligence at best."

That's the truth.

Whether it was intentional or not remains to be seen. Based on what I've learned in the years since JFK, RFK and MLK were taken down, I'm not high on trust when it comes to government investigations and the findings they reveal. Top that with what happened with Covid, J6, the Coordinated Laptop Lie and more recently the Big Guy's covered over dealings and decline.

I liked hearing Trump's wrestling bud, Dana White (President of the UFC) use of the word "Undebateable". While some aspects of what happened might be debatable, there are a lot that aren't. Much of what we were eyewitness to actually happened in a way that can't be spun, dismissed, or hidden.

On the heels of the debate about the Debate, and the debate about all the rhetoric and lawfare involving Trump, what's undebatable is this: the shooting that took place, the near hit, Trumps instinctive response and a picture that will, as Dana says, " go down in history, a hundred years after we're dead."


MamaM said...

Thank goodness for humor, or the inanity would drive me nuts. An old friend of Levity posted this comment elsewhere, by David Burge:

David Burge via X : "Whoa there Boss, I only said I would be willing to take a bullet, nobody in Secret Service HR said anything about going up on a slopey roof"

edutcher said...

MamaM said..

Based on what I've learned in the years since JFK, RFK and MLK were taken down, I'm not high on trust when it comes to government investigations and the findings they reveal.

Don't forget Vegas. We're still waiting for the FIB's report.