Friday, July 19, 2024

On Balloons & Obliteration


In looking up images of obliteration, I came on the above photo of the Obliteration Room  part of  the Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever exhibit held in Brisbane, from Nov 2011 to Mar 2012.   

It was a visual that immediately connected me to the balloon drop I saw happening last night at the close of the  RNC convention, viewed on my part with a grateful heart and held thoughts regarding of the extent of the obliteration almost realized.   

With obliteration (and now the power of a dot) in mind I wanted to post these two together here as follow up to the comment below, written in response to edutcher's notice in the Dropped Ball post, of more than one: 

"Truly. Hence the plural in the title, which I hesitated over, as the cartoon only showed one, when there were a number of them dropped. Some deliberately, some carelessly perhaps, but all of them still bouncing and rolling around like the loose marbles of those who opened the door and left it open for the assassin to enter.

The timing. Hoo Boy. That's what continues to rattle me, even more than the disgust I feel over the obvious bungling and unanswered questions as to how it happened and who may been aiding and abetting.

What CHAOS had the planned hit reached the mark! The SHOCK and TRAUMA of the resulting visual, viewed live by millions. The ANGER that would have roared to the surface. The UTTER DISRUPTION realized in national and world order. The TURMOIL and LOSS of DIRECTION within the party, with the convention but two days away, UNDOING all the plans/material/speakers that had been arranged. COMPLETE DISARRAY.

An UNIMAGINABLE mess. Yet the possibility of such an outcome being a consideration, is not so hard for me to picture in part, knowing how depravity operates."

In place of the chaos and devastation planned, order and celebration came to pass instead.

I would have loved to have seen the balloon drop live and been able to give one of those huge balls a bump to send it up again along with my immense gratitude for what was missed and what came to be. 

1 comment:

MamaM said...

Just finished watching the live video of Trump speaking in Grand Rapids, at his first rally since the shooting a week ago. Grand Rapids was his last stop on Nov 6, right before the 2020 election, where there was a genuinely YUGE crowd waiting as the hour got late. He didn't hold back then, talking late into the night, and he didn't hold back this time either, with the rally lasting just over two hours. Trump appeared focused, relaxed and present to the moment. With some big men surrounding him. What a difference a week makes!