Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thomas Matthew Crooks

Calls up a talent agency, says he want's to be famous.

Talent agency says "We need a headshot".

Thomas Matthew Crooks says "Can do!"

Talent agency says "You are wearing shorts! Unacceptable!" in their most Althousian way.


This silly post now has over 1,800 views - that is peculiar. Was it reposted somewhere? What is the explanation for this post having view numbers that are an order of magnitude higher than most posts here?


Before this one scrolls off the front page here I thought I would add one more note - it has now been viewed by more that 2,600 unique IP addresses and I think that is because that brave soldier of the left's name is in the title - it must pop up in searches. 

Did you ever wonder how a meek and mild little putz whose career includes being the star in a Blackrock commercial managed to get long distance shooting skills? Sure, his "mental health professional" father just happened to have an AR laying around the house, that makes perfect sense for the "guns are icky" crowd, but learning to shoot that well requires practice and ammo. Where did he obtain both of those? 

In any case, he has never looked better. Good job, Crooks Sr., you raised a boy who did just what you wanted him to do. This is the portrait that belongs in his professional resume:

Final update:

2,865 views, and it's not clear whether the government failed in its mission to protect Trump or in their mission to kill him. One thing is certain, we will never know the truth.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Gruesome, but quite possibly not off point.