Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It just keeps getting better - or worserer

I've been sitting on a few items for the last few days waiting to see where they led

As Alice would say, "Straight down the bunny hole".

First, let's think about this, one of the people wounded (not injured, that's if you fall off a roof) sent Gateway this vid. It shows the shooter moving on the roof. How, O how, did they miss that, you ask? Possibly because they're not interested. An email from one of the counter snipers at Butler was deleted by the Secret Service because it warned another attempt on Trump's life was likely due to poor leadership. They've also rejected FOIA requests on the assassination from Judicial Watch.

Now we get to the fun part. I'm assuming Trump knows something more than the usual here. He publicly has asked the head of the FIB,  "What did he know and when did he know it?" For those my age, although even a stripling like Troop might remember, that was the question continually asked by the Watergate Commission. And this is where I think Trump knows something. The FIB has been dirty for a long time, but they seem to be reaching, as our brothers would say, a new high in low.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

If you want to go even deeper, there's some curiosities showing up here: