Sunday, July 14, 2024

Define irony.

This piece goes back 5 years. Donald Trump asked the FIB and social media to develop tools to catch mass shooters. Luckily for him, he's still waiting.

According to Fake News, the FIB knows about these people, but does nothing. Time and again we've heard this story.

And there are people who claim it's the Feds motivating these people on social media.

So here's a question: if the FIB knows about these people, why can't something be done. Isn't there a phrase "clear and present danger" in the law? Some Lefty on a comment board said it isn't their job to prevent shootings.

Well, what the Hell else are they good for? They have a vid on how to spot one. Does that mean they expect us to take action? This is the crowd that wants firearms confiscated.

And here's another question: if Zuck and the rest are making so much money off our personal information, can't they spot these nuts? Or is creating these incidents part of the oft-discussed goal of putting the country under martial law?

There is an extant theory that says the Feds and social media are conspiring to instigate these incidents. Another conspiracy theory? Like mRNA? 

If I seem a bit disjointed, I'm just a little wound over all of this. 

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