Thursday, July 18, 2024

Smells like month old oysters in a hot oven

The further down the road we go, the worse this looks.

1. Turns out the shooter's parents called police hours before the attempt.

2.It gets better; the Secret Service knew he was on that roof 20 minutes before the shooting.

I'm sorry, but Trump would have been safer with James T West and Artemus Gordon, replete with all their 1874 technology.

Worse, it's looking as if this was a setup. Either that or Trump needs to clean house - really!!! - and clear out all the Federal security agencies (FIB, ATF, DHS) to the point of disbanding them, if necessary.

The Swamp must be scared to death of Trump. He must really have some earth-shattering plans.

After this, no wonder.


This just keeps getting better.

3. The shooter had the rifle hidden in advance. Did these guys even search the area?


4 Whistleblower says most of Trump's security detail weren't Secret Service. OK we have to see how true it is, but it explains a few things.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

I don't know what to say. The stench, smell of it, hasn't lessened in the slightest. It's stomach turning. The kind of thing that makes one want to back away, rather than walk closer for a better look and more clarity.