Friday, July 19, 2024

On Legends & Dropped Balls



edutcher said...

Dropped more than 1.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Truly. Hence the plural in the title, which I hesitated over, as the cartoon only showed one, when there were a number of them dropped. Some deliberately, some carelessly perhaps, but all of them still bouncing and rolling around like the loose marbles of those who opened the door and left it open for the assassin to enter.

The timing. Hoo Boy. That's what continue to rattle me, even more than the disgust I feel over the obvious bungling and unanswered questions as to how it happened and who may been aiding and abetting.

What CHAOS had the planned hit reached the mark! The SHOCK and TRAUMA of the resulting visual, viewed live by millions. The ANGER that would have roared to the surface. The UTTER DISRUPTION realized in national and world order. The TURMOIL and LOSS of DIRECTION within the party, with the convention but two days away, UNDOING all the plans/material/speakers that had been arranged. COMPLETE DISARRY.

An UNIMAGINABLE mess. Yet the possibility of such an outcome being a consideration, is not so hard for me to picture in part, knowing how depravity operates.

edutcher said...

There are a few more speculations I have held pending something more concrete. This involves the FIB (surprise!) and its possible involvement, along with some provocative forensic analysis.

There is also a theory that hit me concerning Brandon's unwillingness to drop out. Depending on how the next couple of weeks turn out, I may share it.

MamaM said...

Listened to gun shot analysis last night, with strangeness showing up there to. There are real questions that need to be answered before a clearer picture can be formed. Still a lot of pieces in motion with a whole lot of stonewalling and covering going on.

At this point, I'm holding the dissonance while focusing on the relief and gratitude I feel over the fact that the planned for explosion and obliteration didn't happen.