Sunday, July 28, 2024

Been wondering when this would pop up

OK, kids, something we've all discussed before and wondered in the last couple of weeks.

The CIA has officially denied the Trump shooter was an MK Ultra plant. OK, all well and good. MK Ultra's been dead (officially, at least) for 50 years.

But, now that the genie (and we're not talking Barbara Eden) is out of the bottle, consider this. How many of us have been toying with the speculation that, as with so many of these mass shooters, particularly Vegas, similar techniques have been used by the FIB? Especially on the Dark Web.

Remember how wrong their vaunted profilers were about the Beltway Sniper? How their go-to is always the lone Right-wing (never Lefty, never Moslem crazy, never gender hysteric) Fundamentalist gun nut?

Surprising how little material there is, given how many comments I've seen over the years.

Almost like they've been scrubbed clean.


Justin_O_Guy said...

If they wanted to figure it out they would use the video to find exactly where Trump's nose was pointed when he was shot. Then take him there, position him exactly as he was and line a laser pointer up on the marks on his ear.
That is where the bullet came from.

MamaM said...

Comments again showing up with a reply feature

edutcher said...

Somebody's having fun.