Sunday, October 7, 2018

butter burger

Lo, the key to top burgers is found.

Decades have passed and my burgers were still dry. I became expert at bread but none of my breads worked with hamburgers. And now I've discovered two key burger secrets and it's a whole 'nuther ballgame.

All these lean ground beef packages you see are for the birds. Adding water to ground beef to fry for hamburgers doesn't cut it. The trick is to add butter.

Compound butter if you want to be fancy.

Put in the herbs/spice that you like then you can use it for anything. But all this is not necessary. Regular butter works as well.

I didn't know what I was doing. this much potato is not needed. Potato flakes works as well. 


Moist burger, soft bun. Win. Everything else how you like, grilled meat, toasted bun, pickles, whatever.  My new thing for hamburgers is jalapeƱo peppers, and I like them fresh and grilled with the burger to blistered. Just like Mexican cooks do. Va a volar tu mente.

1 comment:

deborah said...

Having that butter pre-seasoned is a cool idea.