Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sinead O'Connor converts to Islam

All scripture study leads to Islam,” she said. “Which makes all other scriptures redundant. I will be given (another) new name. It will be Shuhada’.
No it doesn't. Scripture study leads to redemption. And I suggest she look up the word redundant.

But then, she always did have her own way with words.
I figured I'd just sort of pare it down a bit and just make it a ton emptier you know the way that I figured the words suggested I think that its eh eh that its a song that as a singer is eh very enjoyable eh to sing yeah so I suppose it's a song that eh is written for singers yeah. 

Tell Cat Stevens Chip says, "Hey." 


edutcher said...

As they said on The Sinatra Group, SineAid O'Connor.

The Dude said...

Now tear up a picture of Mohamed, Skinhead, I double dog dare you!

AllenS said...

Good luck, bald one.

AllenS said...

Also, bomb boy gets around.


chickelit said...

Trooper York hardest hit.

ken in tx said...

She is probably using 'redundant' in the British labor Party meaning, that is meaning, "You are no longer needed in this job and therefore fired."

Chip Ahoy said...

Ken, you're probably right.