Sunday, October 21, 2018

Japanese Kit-Kats

They come in 200 flavors that you wouldn't even think of with new ones as specials all the time. And there's a type that you bake. Briefly. In a toaster oven. And you must stand there and watch them or they will will burn in five seconds.

These get poor reviews on Amazon because people were expecting full size, not mini Halloween size, and they're expense so not a good candy value.

There are other options. Full-size packages with less variety.

Green Tea
Strawberry Cheesecake
Cookie and Cream
Azuki Bean
Purple Sweet Potato

YouTube [japanese kit kat taste test] Dozens of videos of mostly youngsters trying these.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

Not entirely surprising, since Kit-Kat was originally English, and imported here about 50 years ago.

But, yeah, Japanese taste in candy is a little weird.