Friday, October 19, 2018


It was a beautiful fall-like day here today. Clear blue sky, low humidity, and since I mowed the lawn last evening, the fragrance of newly mown grass still lingers in the air. I took my younger dog for a walk, goofed off, sat around and watched the birds.

The mockingbirds were especially entertaining - there were dozens of them, flyin' around, havin' a good ol' time. Here is one that alighted on a branch of my flowering cherry tree. 

This one landed on the grass and promptly set about looking for grub, or grubs.

My old dog was sunning himself - at the age of 16 he likes to relax and let the heat sink into his bones. Who doesn't, eh?

Yesterday my new bread knife arrived - sorry for the lousy picture, but I have to say, this knife is awesome:

Prior to ordering it I read the reviews - without exception they all said that this knife is scary sharp. So based on that I hesitated before making the purchase. Then, one day as I was out in the yard running my chainsaw, cutting the Bradford pear limb into manageable sized pieces, and it dawned on me that since I have successfully run a chainsaw for 5 decades, there is an outside chance that I might be able to operate a bread knife without serious injury. That remains to be seen, but I have to say, that is one sweet cutting bread knife. Now I am buying bread and slicing it up just because I like how nicely that knife works. Plus, it is stylish enough to reside in my dwelling.

That was last night's sunset, I missed today's.


windbag said...

I thought you might have meant this Bird. Some of his stuff is interesting and enjoyable. Other stuff...not so much, but he's talented.

Careful with that knife. Despite decades of practice, it only takes one slip. A good friend of mine cut his index finger off with a skill saw when he was in his 70s, after 50+ years of construction work.

I enjoy watching mockingbirds, especially when they're attacking bigger birds in defense of their nests. Fearless and fierce.

Chip Ahoy said...

Cool knife. What kind is it?

Chip Ahoy said...

Shun. I bet.

The Dude said...

Yep, it is a Shun 9" bread knife that I bought on Amazon. It is very, very good. It is not real Damascus steel, that is just a decorative finish.

Dad Bones said...

This song about a dog could be about your lucky dogs.

ricpic said...

Call That A Poem?!

Sitting in the sun is my favorite thing to do;
Us old dogs know a thing or two.

Twelve beats first followed by eight;
Lousy rhythm but the thought is great. :^/

MamaM said...

I smiled all the way through that song, windbag, as I hadn't heard it before or previously entertained that thought. Being my cat wouldn't be all that bad either, but I'd chafe at not being able to go outdoors at will, which for a dog doesn't matter as they get to go out whenever they scratch at the door with a look of urgency.

I'm come to believe in 2nd lives for animals, as one of our cats was extremely adept outdoors, savvy and able to take care of himself as though he had years of experience, while the one we have now, wants to go out but appears clueless as to how to conduct himself, skittering at every sound, without appearing to know how to cope. I don't trust him not to get lost or nabbed by something larger. Both good cats, with vastly different coping skillz.

Another good story in pictures, SixtyG, though I'm slightly horrified by windbag's account of someone cutting off an index finger after 50 years of experience with a skill saw. I'd have thought by then a rote pattern of safe use would have been ingrained, but who knows what caught his attention or caused him to do something careless or untoward.

Sitting in the sun is becoming one of my favorite things to do too, but I am needing to substitute sitting by the fire for that these days, as the sky has lowered and winds of November have come early in our neck of the woods. We are settling in to our new home, and that is good too!

The Dude said...

Glad you are getting settled in, MamaM, I am happy to hear that. I don't have a fireplace, and figuring out how to get one built in this house has so far exceeded my creative capabilities.

As for injuries with power tools, sadly they can happen at any time. I try to be as mindful and present as I can possibly be when I fire up anything that can bite me. But having been in the business of building things all of my life I have heard the stories. Sometimes bad shit just happens.

Lord knows my ASL is bad enough even with all my fingers attached, just sayin'!