Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Russia Hoax

A book by Gregg Jarrett, apparently an anchor on Fox News.

I saw this book pimped on the Victory Girls front page. It's an interesting place, you should check it out. I read the intro but did not click through to the article. I got so far as, "Does it defend President Trump? Yes ... "

Then clicked over to Amazon to read reviews.

Presently rated 5 stars with 685 reviews. They're all 5-star reviews with scant 2% 4-stars and 8% 1-star.

Want to have some fun?

Follow the link and read the 1-star reviews then read the comments to the reviews. The 1-star reviews say something like "half truths" and "fiction" or "fantasy" and "it's fake news from Fox."

Then there'll be 13 or so responses to the review hammering the reviewer for not reading the book and with boatloads of contradictory and correct information. It's gives me hope that the rest of the nation is not like 100% of my friends and acquaintances.

It's fun.


* Half truths and biased. Fails to provide all the facts and feed into the Fox News/Trump narrative. Definitely not for those who want accurate accounts of events and truthful information

** Russia, Russia, Russia - Trump travels home in the Rush-hour; he eats Russian salad, Russia, Russia, Russia.

** Could you give examples? One at least?

** LOL..... you right they cannot, but you have to admire their great consistency in denying all facts and have any desire or ability to have look at things with an objective eye. Hell a liberal pedophile is just a lover of children, they will deny and spin anything and at any cost

** You begin by stating (fragment, not a sentence) "Half truths and biased." Really? Tell me all about it! Point out one example of a "half truth," and certainly prove that the author has bias. You mean, bias like Andrew McCabe, or bias like Peter Strzok? Or perhaps bias related to Loretta Lynch. It is true that Lynch was beholden to Bill and Hillary Clinton. How about James Comey? Where is your proof? "Lackluster (not true) attempt to sway" Sway what? Opinion? You mean how the top leaders of the FBI attempted to "sway" and election by avoiding prosecution of Hillary Clinton, while at the same time, conjuring up false charges against Trump based on a disproven dossier? Admit it, you're WRONG!


"Oh, if you're watching CNN – like I am – then you'd know!"


CNN is full of scumbag PROPAGANDA trash! Go shove it up your own butt, you sack of lard.


** WOW, the FBI sure is easily exhausted then.

** She was thoroughly investigated by the FBI. They decided not to pursue criminal charges, following their exhaustive investigation.

** It's pretty obvious that you didn't read this book. Go peddle your embarrassing nonsense elsewhere.

** When was she investigated by the fbi ? Comey and cronies decided not to. She’s as corrupt as any politician who ever lived. Not very bright are you Vic?

** Half truths? He provides sources for all of his material you fool. Thanks for showing us what an idiot you are

** LOL. Three verified-purchase one-star reviews, and not one of them is more than a couple of of meaningless sentences. Not a single liberal can effectively and substantively deconstruct what Jarrett has written in his book.

** Investigations that were a whitewash. Obviously the power in charge....democrats made sure their next presidential candidate could run.

** Victor, you seem to be very naive. Over the years, a large number of witnesses aware of Clinton activities somehow stopped breathing. Do a little research about that! Adequate cases are substantially diminished when relevant witnesses are no longer "available".

Additionally, "the FBI investigated and came up with no crimes." What? What universe are you living in? They covered-up crimes for Hillary! Read the dang book and you'll understand. Maybe. Yeessh.

** Your review is useless. You allege that there are inaccurate accounts of events and untruthful information. You do not give any examples in your brief poorly written review.

** (Victor again) The republican Congress spent years investigating Hillary and came up with nothing. The FBI investigated and came up with no crimes. Seriously, when can hardliners let go of the slanders spread about her? Now we have a Republican President and a Republican Congress in place and they still have nothing on her. While Pres Trumps cronies are getting charged with crimes. Just think that through.

** Grant - you are exactly correct. The foot notes are there. Jarred said when he went to write the book he determined that EVERYTHING WOULD BE FOOTNOTED AND BACKED UP. None of the "unnamed sources say" or "anonymous accounts tell us" bullcrappy that the leftists pull.......

** Somebody's been watching FAKE NEWS and listening to idiots.
Jarrett's book provides the FACTS and nothing but the FACTS.
Firstly, understand one thing...
Secondly, the ONLY REAL evidence of collusion with Russia was done by HILLARY CLINTON who ILLEGALLY bought information through Fusion GPS and it is interesting to note that the Russian who met with Jr in Trump Tower had meetings with Fusion GPS both before and after the meeting. It doesn't take COLUMBO or SHERLOCK HOLMES to figure out this aspect of THE RUSSIA HOAX was a set-up/frame job.
FACT - The investigation of Donald Trump was illegal from the beginning.
FACT - Nothing in the dossier has been proven.
FACT - The FBI under President Obama used this 'fake dirt' about Trump which was ILLEGALLY bought and paid for by an opposition candidate to get a fraudulent FISA warrant. They lied.
FACT - James Comey is a liar and a leaker.
And on, and on, and on!
This book is spot on. These FACTS have come out little by little and continue to come just as the Mueller Witch Hunt falls more and more apart. The Manafort trial is about what that pertains to Trump colluding with Russia? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
To sum it up:

M ueller
A in't
G ot
A nything

And if this were a serious investigation Hillary Rodham Clinton would be sitting in jail right now awaiting trial

Get this book. Read it. It is the truth. 100%.

** Please expand...what is not accurate or truthful? Please educate us!


edutcher said...

Please, Chip, tell us your true feelings.

And Jarrett was an anchor/reporter on fox for a long time. Now, after Da Judge, he's their top legal analyst.

deborah said...

The truth is out there.

ricpic said...

Well, it's true that there's nothing but emotion on the Democrat or left side and a mountain of facts supporting the Republican or right side claim that the FBI and Justice Department actively did attempt and are attempting to overturn Trump's win. That said, according to a recent Harris or Rasmussen poll (not sure which) Democrat voters are more energized about the November election than Republican voters. So pure ignorant emotion may carry the day and make it extremely difficult, to put it mildly, for Trump to govern in the last two years of his first term.

edutcher said...

Reuters had a poll with only 25% R participation, so I wouldn't go reading too much into any poll until you look under the hood. Some polls don't even sample voters, just adults. The one that is worth perusing samples likely voters.

Some polls, of course, exist to boost turnout, tough for the Demos. The best news they've gotten in months was the Cohen plea and the Manafort convictions, and those were basically nothing. The blush, if it's there at all, is likely to fade.

Caveat Demos.

Or something.

deborah said...

Thanks for that insight, ricpic. I don't follow politics that way anymore, reading about polls, etc. It will be verrry interesting to see what happens in November.

deborah said...

Thanks, Ed. Boosting Dem turnout by touting Dem enthusiasm seems like a recipe for FAIL.