Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ptahhotep Maxim 17: Lust

Allen tells us in notes that this maxim warns against illicit sex with women of a household. There are a few examples of double entendre that are fairly obvious even not knowing the language.  To shoot, that uses a hide pierced with an arrow, and if that's insufficiently clear it has a double determinative of an arrow, to split open, to gain knowledge (of a woman), and knot that refers to both social and sexual relations. 

If you want to make a friendship last
in a home to which you enter,
as lord, as brother, or as friend
to any place in which you have entrée,
be mindful of getting near the women:
no face can be sharp while splitting it open,
for a thousand men are diverted from what is best for them:
a short moment, the likeness of a dream; 
one attains death by experiencing it. 
It is a wretched liaison, an inimical shooting,
one emerges from doing it with a the mind of rejecting it.
as for him who fails by lusting for it,
no plan can succeed with him. 


AllenS said...

Could we see, ah, more pictures of lust?

edutcher said...

Had Im done what Ptah said, we never would have met Rick and Evie.

PS Isn't there a big scroll, kind of like a Pharaonic Playboy?

Rabel said...

If you want to make a friendship last
in a home to which you enter,
bring celery for the Bloody Marys
and drop your panties by the blender.

Rabel said...

Well, it almost rhymes.

deborah said...

Sure, you're sorry NOW.

Chip, how would you glyph out 'hindsight is twenty/twenty?