Thursday, September 6, 2018

I told a guy...

...that Burt Reynolds had died. He said "Well, now there will never be a Quigley Down Under sequel". Mustaches, don't you know.

Thanks for all you did, Mr. Reynolds - you were something.

What else could I post?

H/T to ricpic - here is another piece of Burt's work:


ricpic said...

That scene is almost too painful to watch. Don't ask me why it just is.

And now I've gotta say something that won't be 'preciated but it's the troot: Burt was the poor man's Brando.

edutcher said...

Twilight Zone, I believe.

edutcher said...

PS ric, IIRC it was something of a parody.

Dad Bones said...

The Bandit lives!

deborah said...

Hey, he was pretty good in that Demi Moore The only movie I like with her in it. There was something genuine about her there.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Dad Bones, those lyrics, with slight modifications, are certainly relevant to my current situation:

North bound and down, loaded up and truckin',
I'm gonna do what they say can't be done.
I've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
I'm north bound, just watch ol' "Sixty" run.

William said...

It's very rare that you get three major celebrities with absolutely nothing in common to die in such close proximity. Aretha Franklin, John McCain, and Burt Reynolds. The rule of three is terrifying in its capriciousness.........I liked some of his movies, but I never really connected with him the way you do with some movie stars. I will feel very vulnerable and mortal when Clint Eastwood passes on, if he is, indeed mortal.

edutcher said...

Rowdy Yates and Quint Asper shared the CBS range for several years.

Mr Yates seems to have avoided the long-dreaded malpractice of Galen Adams, rather relying on the holistic touch of GW Wishbone.

Dad Bones said...

Breaker one-nine this is Sheriff Buford T. Justice! If you got your ears on, Sixty Grit, I've been trying to catch you ever since you left my daughter at the altar but you always slip away. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes Sheriff Buford T. Justice look like a possum's pecker. WHERE ARE YOU, YOU SUMBITCH?

Stay between the ditches and don't be too hard on old Smokey.

ricpic said...

Hey William, long time no comment. Glad you're back (I hope).

windbag said...

Deliverance was disturbing. I heard that Reynolds turned down the role that Ned Beatty ended up taking. I wonder if that would have come to define him the same way that it did Beatty or if his talent could have weathered the flak? Ironic that Reynolds owned a home in the same setting that Deliverance took place (Highlands, NC).

The Dude said...

What can I say - I had a big adventure today, Sixty's big day out, but not in the way I planned. The folks who were driving up to house sit for me experienced automotive trouble and I ended up helping them get that sorted out. By the time I got them to the repair place and the mechanic explained the problem and the cost we all kind of changed course. I brought them back to my house, we got a bunch of wood work done and products produced, the car was eventually repaired, and now they are on their way back home.

Best laid plans of mice and men, etc. But at least I have proof of concept - I can clean the house, organize a road trip, lay out pet meals etc., and perhaps some day this will serve me in good stead. If not, I am also good staying home.

So there you have it - no road warrior, no Rank Stranger sightings, no nuttin', just a pleasant afternoon spent with good friends. I'll take that any day.

ndspinelli said...

Love the positive outlook, Sixty.

deborah said...

Yes, I like the way Sixty rolled with the day. Hey, here is the type of cherry tree I have in my back yard. It's about 50-60 ft. tall:

black cherry

The Dude said...

I'll bring my saw - those beautiful trees don't grow this far south.

ndspinelli said...

I walk different trails that have many oak trees. This is the time of year I get occasionally pelted w/ acorns.

The Dude said...

Only if they see you coming, Nick, only if they see you coming.