They're all colluding. They're doing the investigation into fantasy Russian interference while complicit in covering up a very serious money laundering scheme involving 20% of U.S. uranium supply, corrupted presidential candidate and her bogus foundations and the presumed enemy they're charged with investigating, the proverbial foxes guarding the henhouse. And our corrupted media just flatly does not want to cover the story of their lifetimes. Everyone of them wants to be the next Woodward and Bernstein but only if that involves catching Republicans and not Democrats.
And this is something gravely important to our national discussion.
Oh, who cares?
We'll just put you all out kicking and screaming.
You are all so very irrelevant.
I just spent time with 6 year olds more relevant to the future than you. And that's why this post is really titled "Painted eyes."
Care to hear something terribly interesting to everyone?
This anim has 110 frames and that's a very large number of frames for GIF. Es muy ridículo tan tanto.
Before optimization to GIF format the file size is 1.25M
But after saving to GIF form the file size is 235K
And I'm all whaaaaaa?
So I added all that text, what the heck, be profligate why not.
And that increased the file size to 370K, still very small for its outrageous number of frames.
But I really wanted the burred paintbrush to go back and forth a long time. 18 frames for each eye. Then there's getting to the eyes, and leaving the eyes.
[The whole time I'm getting streams of email messages from the 4 Egyptian language groups and they're all asking and answering incredibly stupid questions. For Christ's sake, you'd think these linguists never encountered another language before. Their chopsticks and scalpel approach really bogs them down.]
I used to make chopsticks. Pieces of wood, roughly .25" square in cross section, 10" long, tapering down to octagonal points, with pyramidal tops. Used only the finest straight grained local hardwoods.
Guess what - most folks prefer the free ones they get with Chinese.
We can't talk about Russian collusion with the Dems because today is the day we politicize dead soldiers.
Eeny meeny miny mo
Hillary Rodham broke her toe
Came as something of a shock
Bubba's now sporting a cast iron jock.
I read a short page in one of those slideshow with advertisement things about people in the 1800's posing for pictures of their recently dead before burial. I did not know they painted open eyes onto their closed eyelids.
How'd you like to have that job?
I just now came back from Tony's with a backpack full of real food.
If asked, I would have sworn in a court of law that the backpack weighed 75LBs
So at home I weighed it on the bathroom scale. 19.4LBS.
What a bummer. That means I'm weaker than I thought.
You could probably beat me up.
The Lefties get away with this stuff because every time one becomes President, they appoint as many of their friends as possible to these menial jobs that can obstruct things. They also appoint the judges.
And they know their friends across the aisle in the Republican party would die before being so gauche as to throw them out.
Until now.
There are about 880 Federal judgeships and Trump has appointed 60 new ones and has 160 more waiting to be appointed in the next year or so*. Trump thinks he may appoint another 3 more SCUS Justices. He's trying to drain the appointive positions by attrition (although some jumped to civil service).
It may take a bit, but things are about to change.
* The one area where McConnell has actually been of some help.
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